The voters who blindly married Obama in 2009 should be beginning to believe the rumors.
In my many discussions with people who supports Mr. Obama fervently it is much like trying to convince a guy that his wife is cheating on him. No matter if his best friends were to show him pictures of her naked with her head planted between a guy’s legs, with her one of a kind tattoo visible clear as day, he sternly denies that it is her. But there are just somethings that cannot be argued away with one’s more than bizarre behavior and actions no matter how much he would like to believe in his heart the contrary. With so many people telling you similar stories of her deceit, infidelity and treachery they can’t all be lies. Such is the case with Mr. Obama.
Many U.S voters casted ballots for Obama on an extraordinary binge of emotional ecstasy of the promise that he would be “the one” who would be the most honest, the one who would take care of home, have all those mean neighbors love us, bring prosperity to the home, and most of all be faithful. Life with him would be THE BEST EVER! He was the DA ONE! Right?.
But the actions that he has demonstrated since taken his vows, even with the retake, leaves his words and promises hollow and in serious doubt. He would want us to believe him when he presents himself to be of America and loves it beyond all overs, but his mother raised him mostly in foreign Muslim lands, in private schools, and emersed him in socialist/communist values and cultures. He didn’t actually step foot on the continental United States until he entered college. And according to his own book, “The Dreams from My Father”, Obama’s childhood mentor, referred to as “Frank”, was Frank Marshall Davis, a big time communist. Hum!
Ever since gaining the seat as president of the U.S he has adamantly professed to want a strong economy for the U.S, yet he first saddles the American people with more debt than that of the total all of the former Presidents with the “Stimulus” Bill and the greatest transfer of the private economy to the government with Obamacare since the Social Security System was enacted. He has virtually shut of domestic oil drilling on government lands and waters. With his onerous regulations that has drained the nation’s economy, according to 10/2011 article, an estimated $100 million to $4.1 billion. And he has exacerbated the issue of illegal immigration of Mexicans, and other low-skilled foreigners, by 20 times to more expeditiously worsen the employment and economic plight of the under-educated and low and middle class youths and adults who are legal citizens. And oh, he has before publicly stated that his favors tried n true wealth creating plan of wealth redistribution, more than once. Remember the “Joe the plumber” incident when he was candidate Obama? Humm!
And now after taking the lead in sacking two prominent neutral and extremely American-friendly Arab countries, Libya and Egypt, and looking to sacking another big sovereign state, Syria, to make way for the extremely Islamic radical and anti-American Muslim Brother, while giving the bionic stiff arm to the one true democratic nation in the region, Israel, he wants us to believe that the current eruption in the Middle-East is again both spontaneous, emotionally initiated by some benign event, and that the U.S was taken completely by surprise and the events were unanticipated? Really?! Are we as a nation still to believe that Mr. Obama really took his oath, seriously? Are we as a nation to believe through Mr. Obama’s actions and with all of the rumors swirling about him of his utter contempt and disdain for America, it’s history, it’s values and traditions, and it’s dominant place in the world, so much that an actual top-rated box office movie documentary has been made of him, 2016 The Movie, are all lies? Really? Is there an foreign adversary leader that he has yet to bow to, figuratively or actually?
At some point the husband looking at the picture of his wife/spouse with her face planted in the crouch of another guy can no longer be simply excused with her denial that it wasn’t her or that she accidentally tripped and fell into that position. All of the rumors revealed by friends and strangers of her deceitfulness and infidelity are all not liars and haters. The question that you should be asking is what else has she been lying to you or deceiving you about. And can you soon divorce yourself from her to start anew applying higher standards? Or become resign to the fact the you may one day see that one of a kind tattoo on a amateur porno website and your priceless family jewels on the shelves in the home of a hated neighbor. This is what we as a nation faces should we chose to continue with someone like Mr. Obama as president.