
America Is Still Conservative and Republican in 2015, Despite U.S Government’s Desires Otherwise

It maybe hard to believe that after 60 plus years of the silent push of Progressive Liberals to incrementally slide America socially to the political left, particularly after the past 7 years of Barack Obama’s desire to “fundamentally transform” this nation from our traditional conservative foundation, it appears that they may still have some work ahead of them.

I know with all of the recent court victories that have been chalked up be the left such as, the Supreme Court striking down the Defense of Marriage Act in 2013, the Obama Administration ending band on Gays serving openly in the Military, the most infamous one, the Supreme Court’s redefining marriage in 2013, and cases such as the Colorado Baker who was ordered to bake a gay couple a wedding cake by a State court, one would think that the Progressive Left ideology is supreme across the land. But, the exaggerated perception of the demise of the traditional conservative heart of America maybe far from reality.

Lets keep in mind that in 2012, Obama, Mr. Extreme Liberal himself, was on his way to his second reign, when ever the gay agenda was openingly presented to the American people, no matter the form, the American people voted it down in dramatic fashion. CBS reported in May of 2012 that in 32 States, comprising nearly 60% of the nation’s population, where the gay agenda was on a ballot the people voted it down. A Gallup Poll in January of the same year showed that 40% of respondents self-identified as conservative, 35% moderates [fence sitters], and only 21% liberals. It is no wonder that the Progressive Left has to use the Courts and coercion to redefine societal laws to get their agenda imposed on the American majority.

Time and time again, when the citizens of the United States and the people of America have been asked to chose between the values of the left or the right, they have chosen the right. Much to the alienation of the Progressives and the Political Elite, particularly the Federal Republican Party heads. The Party most identified as the champion of traditional American values, the Republican Party, have dominated every Congressional and State General Election since Mr. O’s reelection. In the 2014 Congressional Elections the Republicans smacked down the Democrats and gained more seats in the House than since the 1920’s and retook the Senate. And it didn’t get any prettier for the leftist agenda in the heartlands that day neither as reported, “Republicans now control state government outright in at least 24 states, one more than they did before the election. They control at least 66 of 99 state legislative chambers nationwide. And they cut the number of states with total Democratic control from 14 to seven — the lowest number since the Civil War.” Even voters in long-standing blue States of Illinois-Obama’s adopted State-, Maryland, and Massachusetts voted for a change course. Was this a grand show of support for the values and social ideology of Mr. O and his Party? Not in the slightest. answered that question with a heads-up to not only Democrats, but Republicans when reported, “Anti-abortion, pro-family values Republicans who didn’t mince words when it came to stating their views won — and those who ducked taking a bold position on socially conservative issues lost.”

The voters of both the U.S Citizenry and the American populace spoke loudly again in this year’s off-season Elections by saying NO! to the leftist/socialist agenda and gave the Republicans even more or a mandate to change course for the sake on that the nation’s posterity. Kentucky elected its first Republican Governor in 2 decades, in Matt Benin along with its first Black-American State-wide official as his running mate, Jenean Hampton. His election solidly place the whole south in the hands of the Republican Party. The people of Virginia tightened the leash on its new Democrat Governor by increasing Republican seats in its legislature. And on the same evening the people of Houston stumped a ballot proposal by the LGBT to carve out a special protections, outside of those already recognize in the Constitution, and would have given anyone claiming to be transgender the ability to go into the bathroom of the opposite sex. But the Republican Party Elites at the federal level inexplicably propagates the leftist agenda.

A June 2014 survey by Pew Research Center again edified that in reality America is conservative – 56%, fence sitters – 33%, and everyone else liberal. After the Great Society, the New Deal, and Obamanation, America’s is still conservative at heart. The people of the several states have spoken unequivocally and with no silent reservation. Over 60% of Americans believe America is going down the wrong track, according to a recent Rasmussen Poll, and we are hungering for a politician and Party to boldly echo our voices and bring us back on to the right track. Not for the sake of the generations of the yesterday or today, but for those of tomorrow.

The only question is with all of the Establishment Media, the government educational system, the Entertainment Industry, and the Progressive Libs, on both sides of the isle in the federal government, will they succeed in convincing or conforming us, the ideological majority, to accept that there is no absolute right and wrong, that there is no moral and immoral, that lie is now truth, that there is no real Truth? Can they have us accept that the ideology of a group that comprises less than 20% can set an agenda and path for the nation that is repugnant to the traditional values and beliefs to the majority?

The first rule in Saul Alinsky’s book Rule for Radicals states, “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” The reason that Progressive Left has to use lies, coercion, and deception, and move its agenda in the shadows is because it can not win in the light. This is why it targets the young. It was Lenin, the Father of Communism/Socialism, who stated, Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”

America is the one nation where the Founders codified that power comes from the people, from the governed. We have the power to choose to be silent or speak boldly, to choose anarchy over order, servitude over freedom, and chose desecration over righteousness. Will the silent majority, the conservatives and just half of the fence sitters, of the several states voices be risen in time to defeat America’s radical transformation of our social foundation before it is too late? Our nation’s great Founders promised that we would always have a Republican form of government, but it is up to each of us to guarantee it for ourselves and our posterity.

The Duck Dynasty Brouhaha Brought The Silent War On Christendom In America To The Front Pages

Ok I’m going to get into the Duck Dynasty fiasco as it’s viewed in the rear view mirror. It left me asking some questions mostly. First, Mr. Phil Robertson made it quite clear that he was speaking for himself and his personal point of view. And he quoted directly from the Bible regarding homosexuality. While a MSNBC host publicly, on the air, stating wanting to defecate in the mouth of former governor and presidential candidate Sandra Palin … but that’s a non-issue? If it was truly a matter of discrimination and intolerance, than expressing pride in one’s heterosexualness would be just as viciously defended by the same people. After all it’s about being treated “equally”. Right?

If one were to truly analyze the whole dust-up over what Mr. Robertson said and the context in which he said it you may conclude that his comment wasn’t the main issue. What he said, if said a mere twenty, or even ten years ago would have only gotten scant attention. And it would have been viewed positively more than negative I dare say simply because he would have been stating something based on what the majority of Americans already hold as cautionary fact, Biblical principles.  And it would not have been viewed via such irrational politically correct prisms. He quoted the Bible in public as a prominent celebrity, of one of the most popular cable shows in history. Probably if he had said that women should have as many children as they wanted-without a man-and that they should strive to take more traditionally male roles he probably would have been praised. But he quoted the Bible in a Liberal venue against the exaggerated popularity of homosexuality’s cultural equalization to that of heterosexuality.

But I don’t even see the views on homosexuality as the totality of the gross negative reaction to Mr. Robertson’s statement of his personal views. But that he publicly endorsed and represented old fashion masculinity, both in what he said and his stance that he would not be moved from that position, come what may. In today’s cultural assault on the very idea of what a man is and or should be, in order to turn the very word masculine into hate speech, he made it clear, that based on his interpretation of Biblical scripture, a man should only be with a woman, and a woman only be with a man. The push to equate, or even supplant, heterosexuality with that of homosexuality and to engineer a socially secular society, where there are no societal absolutes, can not succeed with a dominate masculine or a traditionally American family culture or society.

So, what was really the target of the venomous hate?  It was not Mr. Robertson. It certainly had nothing to do with tolerance, intolerance, equality, nor inequality. The real target was Christendom. And why did the advocates and proponents of groups such as GLAAD [Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation] lose? Because despite the long fight to abolish Christianity and the tenets of Christendom from the consciousness of the American people, still the majority of which, though too often silent, recognizes the truth behind the very principles upon which this great nation was founded still holds true.

Christianity and Christians are not just catching hell here in America for their principles and beliefs, but too in the Middle East and throughout Europe. Traditional Western Culture is under assault in ways that would have seem unfathomable just a couple of generations ago.  Whether we are being assaulted and persecuted by radical Islamist or radical Secularist, there has been, and is, a silent war being waged against Christendom all over the world. What the firestorm over Mr. Robertson’s comments did, and his subsequent victory, was to put the battle on front street for all to see that there is an eternal effort to suppress and eliminate Christianity in every form from our society.

The tenets and principles of Christianity is woven throughout our nation’s founding principles and documents.  It is our identity.  It too is woven throughout the nations of Europe. That’s why the sudden marriage of the political elites of the Western Powers and the Gay Rights Movement is so confusing and unsettling for many, on both sides of the ocean. To the political elites it is just a matter of politics and their expansion of power. But to many of the silent majority it is a matter of fundamental principles and it is a fight for our view of our civilization and way of life. A fight that we are not yet ready to surrender.

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