
The Political Rise Of Trump & Hillary; Evidence Of Severe National Political Degradation

Do you really want this man as President?

Do you really want this man as President?


Is this the face of a woman you want as President?

For those who are still holding out one last beep hail marry pass into the end zone in the third quarter of game in which the home team [our team] has been getting beat at the line of scrimmage, the receivers and running backs seemingly unable to keep their hands on the ball, and the refs apparently favoring the other team, things may be looking like someone has put in the fix against the home team, with the possible insertion of  Mr. Donald Trump as team captain.  Just as it looked as though the tide may have been getting ready to turn with the other team’s quarterback having to go the bench due to extreme fatigue, for throwing so many touchdowns and running through and around sloppy tackling and porous blocking.  The other team look to have two ringers set to come in who may be more dangerous.

I’ve got your attention?  These days sports and entertainment appears to be the only think that gets most of the populous attention.  But unlike in sports or entertainment when the outcomes do not matter for the majority of us, other the temporary emotional high or low, the outcome of the United States’ Presidential race this year will affect everyone in the nation, and world, for many years to come.  The possible choice between the lessor of two evils, or choices between two sides of the same coin, have never been so vulgarly apparent.  But, that may be what is most troubling.  The fact that it is not so apparent to seemingly so many of the Citizens of the United States and America.

Founder Father Thomas Jefferson once ominously stated,” Yes, we did produce a near-perfect republic. But will they keep it? Or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the path of destruction.”   In less than 300 years America has made more individuals wealthy than at any time known to man.  In less than 300 years America has been the shinny light on the hill illuminating darkness for all of us who are lost in the seas of tyranny, religious persecution, and of individual liberty persecution.  Leading us to safe harbor.  True, America’s history is not without one substantial flaw.  The flaw of giving individuals the freedom to chose whether to be free and self-governing or to be servants and slaves.  There are many Americans unsure on what team to champion.  Both teams have inflected great pain on us all.  It has taken less than 60 years for the very idea of rugged individualism, limit government, and self-governance, to be virtually erased from contemporary consciousness.  It has taken less than 60 years for the open expression of Christendom to be remove the class rooms and the public square.  And it has taken less than 60 years to have memory of what it took for all of the accomplishments that we as a nation have achieve, and the sacrifices.  We just want the apparent unsustainable pain to end. No matter the prescribed remedy.

So today, for the home team, there is the astounding rise of billionaire Donald Trump, with his hands inches from the mantle of the leadership of the Republican Party, once the pole-bearer of “limited-government”.  And riding the 100 foot wave of discontent of the people shouting the emotionally charged mantra of, “I’ll Make America Great Again!” His bombastic theatrics, gross self-aggrandizement, and exaggeration and blatant obfuscation of truth and facts should be more than a little concerning for considering someone for the Presidency of the United States. We just had nearly eight years of this. But it seems to matter little to the myrmidons that Mr. Trump’s character is such that I dare say that few men would want their daughters to go out with anyone of mirrored qualities. First, he publically states that he has never sought repentance, or ask his Creator for forgiveness.  So has he never ever treated anyone wrong on his rise to becoming one of the wealthiest men in America; growing up in New York City? Really? who or what governs his life’s principles and morals?  Who or what keeps his right or compass? Hmm… Listen to what extreme liberal, former Labor Secretary under the Bill Clinton Administration, Robert Reich had this to say regarding Mr. Trump on a Facebook rant against Republican Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz, Trump has no clear principled stance on anything…Trump has no firm principle, other than making money, getting attention, and getting power…Trump has spent his whole life using the federal government…” One is known by his reputation.

On the other side there’s the “wife” of the aforementioned former president Clinton, who had as part of his chosen Cabinet member extreme liberal Mr. Reich, Hillary Clinton, and unapologetic Socialist Berny Sanders.  I give much credit to Mr. Sanders.  He tells everyone who he is and what he stands for-Socialism.  As for Mrs. Clinton, not so much would be a gross understatement.  There is greater distance between the earth and Pluto then Mrs. Clinton and speaking the truth to that American people.  With no act more disgraceful than her out right lying about the cause and aftermath of the attack on the U.S Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, where 4 servicemen and an U.S Ambassador were murdered.  Not to mention that she is currently under serious F.B.I investigation for inappropriate and unlawful use of a private email server while she was U.S Secretary of State and lying about it.

Some would argue that just some 40 or even 20 years ago no person with the severe character, moral, and ethical deficiencies of the current political Party Presidential front-runners would not have gotten a sniff at being the back up to the back to the Valet of the assistant to the assistant to the Leader of the United States and would have been pelted with rotten tomatoes by the American people and Citizens of the United States just for general principle.  But not in today’s America.  Seemingly too many of us have gorged ourselves to gross gluttony on the prosperity and riches that our forefathers sacrificed their lives and cherished honor, that we no longer question character of men or women who are feeding us.  Is it due to the fact over the past 60 years of Progressive indoctrination has told us we no longer have to take care of ourselves, that our actions only have bad consequences due to someone else’s actions, and that government is the answer to all of our worries; it will save us?

Have we become so resigned to the padded chains of governmental paternalism, so displacing of our own God-giving abilities and capabilities, and suppressive of own innate moral compass, that despite what one may say or how many times that he or she may say they are going to act in one way in the future, doesn’t their past contradictory actions and motivations don’t cry out for more diligent examination?  Or is it that so long as we are told that our team is winning, we care not by what means, nor the consequences?

We have reached a point that as a nation social decorum, manners, civility, nor character matters for our neighbors nor ourselves. We celebrate such acts of degradation. So therefore, we do not seek higher standards in the people we vote into office. Neither Hillary nor Trump would be given any chance of becoming the President in normal times or times with a populous not so mentally disoriented, disenchanted, and detached from truth and reality.  We have come to a place that too many of us settle for the show, rather than substance, the beat over the words.  We have become grossly apathetic and complacent on things that matter and that are of material significance.

Sir Alex Fraser Tyler,1800’s advocate and historian prophetically stated, “The average age of the worlds greatest civilizations has been two hundred years.  These nations have progressed through this sequence:  From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; form courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependence; from dependence back again to bondage.”  How close are we now to placing placing ourselves in bondage? Can we tear ourselves from the purposeful distraction of sports and entertainment programing to began to care?  At the end of the day we chose what kind of country we have.







America’s Fundamental Transformation Covertly Continues Unabated As Most Americans Are Tuned To Channel Zero

obama smug

OK, so that I won’t be the only one not to call Mr. O a bald-face liar, regarding his promise to the people being able to keep our current policies and doctors under Obamacare and the supposed cost reduction and savings. But com’on what could we expect from someone who spent most of his adult life in a church that spewed some of the most vile anti-American sermons in the world, got married in that church, and than wanting to be President he says with a straight face to the American people and U.S citizens, “I did not know”!? The people voted for him…TWICE! That’s like you catching your man on the eve of your wedding day coming out of your bedroom sweating, dripping, and erect. And he tells you that it was a big mistake and misunderstanding and that he didn’t know that she wasn’t you. And you still marry him. It’s not going to get better.  But his actions are not the real issue. The real issue is what made us, as Americans and citizens of the United States, accept such behavior from someone holding such an important position in the first place?

It does not matter that the Obamacare site doesn’t work as promised. It matters that the man in the seat of the Presidency of the United States lied to us regarding the true intent of Obamacare. And it does not matter how many people are not able to get affordable healthcare with Obamacare, are not able to keep their current polices under Obamacare, or are not able to keep their current doctors under Obamacare. It does not matter that the true cost of Obamacare will be saddle this nation with an anchor of debt for generations. It matters more that the man who’s sitting in the seat of the President of the United States purposely lied to us in saying repeatedly that this would not be the case. The truly disturbing question of the matter is why we the people keep accepting such a blatantly unethical man to continue to sit in that seat?. Nixon lied for arguably far less an egregious offense to the people’s trust and the integrity of the nation and was drummed out of office on his second term. But, I hear not even a snare in this case. Hum.!

No one can honestly look back just over the past 40 years and say that America is at it’s best now and that things can only get better, particularly just on a societal basis. History tells us that the great nations of the past were not defeated from without by guns and soldiers, but from within from societal debasement and the lost of a stern moral compass. Early famous 1800 writer and historian, Sir Alex Fraser Tyler, prophetically stated, The average age of the worlds greatest civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; form courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependence; from dependence back again to bondage.” I dare say that I believe that we are in the severe latter stages as a nation. But this transformation has not come suddenly, in the light of day, or by a knock at the front door, but incrementally, in the shadows, and by way of an extra backdoor key that your naive child mistreated.

Though Mr. O boastfully and brazenly proclaimed that he was going to “fundamentally transform” this nation, and many of us mistook that for empty political rhetoric, this transformation has been going on hidden in plain sight for generations. Mr. O just turned things up a few hundred notches and been more brazen with his destructive actions than any previous president. But this drastic societal transformation could not be accomplished in a vacuum nor by a single individual. In this case it has happened with a grossly complicit Established Media complex that is more set to entertain than inform the people, an educational system that instead indoctrinates, and a grossly intellectually politically uninitiated populace.

Today, this once proud nation has more people unemployed and unemployable, more people on food-stamps and government assistance for our basic needs like in no other time, as the population of illegal immigrants, particularly those from Mexico, swell to unprecedented levels with the blessings and submission of the federal government. Our brave and courageous sons, daughters, husbands and wives that volunteered to be part of the U.S military, are being subjected to religious discrimination and suppression, particularly if they subscribe the Christian persuasion, as though they were governed by a foreign power. Christendom as a whole is being aggressively suppressed in the general American population as in no other time. And America’s founding principles and ideals are being treated as vulgarity not just by the federal government, but by the general population like in no time.

I would hasten to conclude that the main cause for all of this is from the gross degradation of the moral and ethical thread that used to be apparent in our society and culture and the stubborn American individual desire to be independent and dependent from the government and to strive to be academically exceptional above all others that we once as a nation made us feared and respected.

The vaunted American identity of a staunch belief in right and wrong, governed by Judo-Christian teachings, and Constitutional principles, have been confiscated like the Royal Jewels in the dead of nite as far too many of us lose ourselves in psychological frivolity and the perpetual search for pleasure, joy, and fun without responsibility nor fear of consequences. Thus, have jettisoned any notion of civic responsibility. Mr. O is who and what he is. No president has so brazenly spoke to the American people with such discourtesy, disrespect, and complete disregard for our intelligence with the impunity as he has. And the Establishment Press does shoulder some blame for this atrocity of government, but it, just as the government, provides the product that the masses demand. If we the people want an accountable and morally based government, we would have one. And if we the people want an honest Establishment Press, we would have one. But, we do not demand high standards of morality or ethics of ourselves, so how can we honestly and truthfully demand it of someone or something else? And then how can we be shocked that the members of government continues to behave is such discourteous and immoral ways that put the nation’s existence in peril?

Thomas Jefferson may have said it best when he said, “Yes, we did produce a near-perfect republic. But will they keep it? Or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the path of destruction” and If a nation expects to be ignorant and free it expects what never was and never will be.” At the end of the day if you catch your soon-to-be-spouse cheating and lying to you before the marriage, and you don’t hold them accountable, then you get what you get. At the end of the day, we the people have the government that we desire, good or bad. At the end of the day, it is up to each of us to secure our prosperity and liberties for ourselves and our posterity.