These are truly very confusing times in the country as it steams headlong into another national election with the choice of the next U.S President at the top of the list, especially if you are a Republican voter. Statistically, it is said that the nation is nearly evenly split between those who are of the conservative and liberal political ideologies. But, if one were to look more closely they would see a different picture. America is mostly conservative.
In 2022 Gallop took a poll “U.S. Political Ideology Steady; Conservatives, Moderates Tie”. It revealed that overall party identification breaks down to 36% Republican,37% Moderate, and then 25% Liberal. When it goes down further, when it comes to Independents they break down 30% Republican, 48% Moderate, and just 20% Liberal. And even more revealing is that amongst Democrats only 50% identify as Liberal. The question that I have is, how is it that more and more extreme Liberal-minded politicians are being elected and favored not just in local and State offices, but even President, if the nation is overall conservative? There is a significant difference in what goes into how someone is elected to local and State offices compared to federal elections. It does come down to how a potential voter feels about the political party and then what he or she feels about the individual who is running for the office. But, political ideology starts at home, at the local level. United States Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is the longest-serving “Independent” in U.S. congressional history. Currently, there are eight Socialists serving in the U.S. Congress, two actually come from the south, Representative Greg Casar from TX and Cori Bush from MO. And we can look at the election of Barack Obama, who was the most left-leaning candidate ever elected arguably since Woodrow Wilson. He even wrote in his self-described autobiography “Dreams of My Father” that he leaned towards Marxist ideology. And one could say that he tried his best to govern leaning in that manner. His eight-year VP Joe Biden has followed much in his path of socialist/altra-liberal governance. And now Biden’s VP Kamala Harris is seeking to follow in their shoes, but maybe in an even more extreme manner to totally transform this republic into a socialist/Marxist state now that it seems the populace has become numb to their extreme anti-American views.
But the rise and success of political creatures such as Obama, Joe Biden, and now possibly Kamala Harris to the highest seat in the land in a fundamentally conservative nation doesn’t just happen. One must ask how is it the party that is the face of conservatism and traditional American principles such as the Christian Biblical tenents, economic freedoms, patriarchal family, individualism, and self-responsibility, the Republican Party, is not whipping the floor with the party that champions such things as, same-sex unions, the killing of the baby in the womb, secularism, economic servitude, and collectivism? Why can’t the Republicans defeat the Democrats who State to State during the COVID-19 lockdowns delivered the most draconian measures to the American people? The Democrats are the ones who have sought to imprison citizens simply based on political and religious beliefs. and it is the Democrats who have dumped the worst economy on the country in a generation under Biden’s Administration?
In a November 2023 article of “Here’s why Republicans underperformed on Election Day — yet again” rapped into a nice neat package and said it is due to a lack of a strong message. It’s a branding issue. It looked at the 2022 election that was supposed to bring the Republican “Red Wave” on the heels of the worst crackdown on civil liberties by the government, largely by Democrats. And yet, the article reports this, “That cycle, the exit polls showed Republicans had their largest party identification advantage in exit poll history, plus-3 points, as 36 percent of voters self-defined as Republicans and 33 percent as Democrats. The snag came among independents….Despite the strength of their base, Republicans managed to lose independents by 2 percentage points, winning only 222 seats, an anemic nine-seat pickup.” Yikes!!
History showed us via the Reagan Revolution and the capturing of the Congress Republicans success will come if it just listens to its base, and sticks to its core principles of low taxes, individual freedom, and traditional American values. Be the good guys. It’s no secret how to win in politics. Give your supporters what they want. Look at the Dems. But, what the Republican Elite have discovered, in my humble opinion, is that it pays more to be bad. Damn their base. Politico reported, that of the 22 billionaires who give to political causes, 13 — or more than half — gave predominantly to liberal groups or groups affiliated with the Democratic Party. The other nine gave predominantly to conservative groups. The other nine gave predominantly to conservative groups. The pursuit of personal riches is the new religion. Just as in the fall of the Roman Empire, it was hastened by its society becoming detached from its traditional religious foundation and its elected officials seeking personal riches at the expense of Rome and its citizens. Again, the pursuit of personal riches is the new religion.
Many of the Republican base are beginning to see that they have no true representation, particularly in D.C, and they’re choosing to accept that belief in the operation of their lives and many when they vote. They still hope that their Calvary is coming to restore Americanism to our culture. . Many are becoming resigned to the belief that the demonic spirit of evil has already triumphed over that of good and look at the political exercise as nothing more than picking the one that is going to stick it to them the softest. But they just are getting tired of being lied to by the ones who are supposed to be on their team and share their values.
Republicanism ain’t dead. The ideal of freedom and individualism isn’t passé. Christendom is not dead. Many true lovers of America and its ideals and founding are just looking to see if this revolution to save the nation from the fate of Rome is going to come via the ballot box of well-informed voters and morally grounded politicians or the streets.