Mr. Obama, the Chief Of Plausible Deniability.

The brewing scandal involving the federal government’s Veterans Administration is an culmination of so many different stories, not the least of which is the depiction of someone who is currently occupying the office of the President of the United States being totally incompetent. But for matters having to do with the reformulation of this nation into one being socially divided, economically destitute, or in which expands the federal government’s role into the lives of the American people, Mr. Obama is on point and takes no prisoners.

??????????Just as with other scandals of this Administration such as, the IRS targeting groups and American citizens of the conservative political persuasion, Obamacare not allowing citizens to keep their doctors as he [Obama] personally repeatedly stated otherwise, the covert operation of transferring guns to Mexico [Operation Fast and Furious], the sacking of the U.S Consulate in Libya, and the subsequent killing of the Ambassador and 4 service personnel and then blaming an American citizen and his You Tube movie, and the downing of the military helicopter carrying members of SEAL Team 6 in Afghanistan, who’s credited with the capture of Osama Bin Laden, etc, Mr. O has perfected the playbook of Plausible Deniability.

Obama’s impersonation of Hogan Hero’s Sgt. Schultz, “I know nothing, I know nothing, I know absolutely nothing”, has no rival in recent time of anyone who has occupied the Office. His patented formula is first to deny ever knowing of the occurrence. Second, empathize with the American people. Third, say that he is going to get the bottom of the situation/seek a fall guy. And then get the Establishment Media to take the issue off the front pages and minimize the issue as quickly as possible. Classic! All the while his guards and surrogates are taking and deflecting the arrows, he escapes the fallout, seemingly unscathed. And to too many he’s the hero or the victim, never the instigator or creator of the disturbance or crisis.

If this was your 6 year old being questioned about who ate the last cookie from the cookie jar this may be humorous. But this is the man in the seat of the Presidency of the United States who has made an art form of being conveniently dumb on matters of the most importance to the American people; and of which matters the leader of the Executive Branch and Armed Forces should have full knowledge of. If for all of these critical moments of this Administration Mr. Obama has to go find out what happened, after it has happened, from someone else, maybe we should get that someone to sit in the seat. For evidently this position is too much for Mr. Obama. Or is it that there are some aspects of this position that just doesn’t interest him? He was famous for largely voting “present” during his very, very, very, brief time as legislator.

I can not think of any other position in the country in the private sector that such a production of incompetence and unaccountability of a CEO or department head would be so tolerated. But seemingly many citizens of the United States and of America are more concerned with whom the Lakers are going to draft or who’s on “The Price Is Right” than the fact the President is a liar. Because of each of the events mentioned, after claiming that he [Obama] had no knowledge of the issue in question, it was later revealed that he did have full knowledge. Usually with little or no fanfare or deep interest from the Media.

What’s most disturbingly interesting aspect is that Mr. O was slow to comment on any of these issues, but he could not speak quickly enough on the matter of a court case involving a single black youth shooting death, Treyvon Martin, whose accuser was later cleared, in Fla., or when an obscure basketball player announced he was gay, and he seems to have no trouble finding time to appear on ESPN to announce his Final 4 NCAA Basketball Brackets selection. Additionally, we all know that he is the biggest champion for illegal immigrants flooding into the nation. But for the nation’s military veterans and other relatively important national issues, such as the unsustainable government debt, the unprecedented number of Americans not working, and how the nation’s lowering standard of living  being a consequence of Obamacare, he dives into obfuscation, word manipulation, and blatant dishonesty.

In a recent poll most Americans honestly believe that Mr. Obama lies to us on important issues and many of us do not trust either the Congress nor the Establishment Media – those who are supposed to inform us when the government goes astray. Folks, this ain’t good for the future of our nation!

What is most astonishing is not that Mr. Obama and his Administration repeatedly and unabashedly lies to us, the citizens of America and of the United States, but that we allow it to do so with impunity.   This is the same guy who got re-elected by a majority of the voting citizenry for his final term.  Therefore he is unrestrained with concerns of being re-elected. The government is a reflection of us as a nation. How far are we as a supposed nation of free individuals continue to remain so when so many take no responsibility to be eternally vigilant of the government, that we have granted so much power and authority, and hold it to the highest expectation of ethics and accountability, and therefore takes no responsibility or accountability for ourselves?

The disgraceful scandal that is on stage in the nation’s capital that now so vividly shows how it can bring tragic harm and affliction to those who we claim to cherish and praise so much for giving so much of themselves to keep those who dare threatens our freedoms from outside [the military veterans].  Imagine how it [the government] will treat us, those who have surrendered so much of our supposed cherished freedoms? We have chosen the government that we have. May god have mercy on us.

Conformity Of Thought Continues To Erode America’s Fundamental Freedoms Unabated

Pope Benedict XVI said during an Italian Bishop’s Conference in 2010, “that we need to be more critical of the information we get from the Web … that Net surfers ought to be wary of the “dangers of conformity, of control, of moral and intellectual relativism, which can already be recognized in the decline of critical spirit.” Was he ever speaking the truth on that.

After the most recent dust-up over the recorded conversation of the Owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, Donald Sterling, that may cost him not only banishment from the league, over $2 million in fines, but being forced to sale his team, that he has owned since 1981. All because he made some extremely insensitive and bigoted remarks regarding Black-Americans and their relationship with his “girlfriend”, that were made very public. Though I am certainly not condoning or defending Mr. Sterling, what I am questioning seriously is the circumstances surrounding all the commotion. I too question the extreme rush of public persecution, via the 24 hr Media complex, of someone who made statements that were meant to be private, that did not directly hurt anyone, threaten their lives, liberties, nor property, that which he is being accused. But yet, it is an emotionally charge public, whipped-up by the Establishment Media, that seeks to threaten his property-the L.A Clippers. As indefensible as what he was recorded to have said, was this the first time that he has uttered such remarks, displayed such actions or mannerism? Public records say no. Is he the only owner of an American sports team who may harbor such views or opinions? I bet you not. So even the most passive observer should question, why him? Why now? And why in such a public manner? And why is there no effort to comprehensively educate not only him and people like him with similar views, but the public at large, of the real underline issues that causes such mistrust and fear of people who may be of a different ethnic, political, gender, or philosophical persuasion. There seems to be a rush to public crucify anyone of a particular sect in our society who simply have a different point of view and or opinion.

Just as in other recent emotionally charged public executions of individuals for simply what they say or have said or expressions such as, Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson, Ex Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich, and in even less publicized suppression of seemingly intolerable expression such as, American students not being allowed to wear the Stars and Strips during Cinco De Mayo…in California, a bakery was forced to close for refusing to bake a cake for a same-sex couple, and most of all any expression of displeasure or indifference with Mr. Obama or his policies its racist. There are just some actions, speech, and expressions that just will not be tolerated. But interestingly, it only seems to favor the politically liberal progressive ideology. It’s similar to Pavlov’s Dog Experiment, where we as a nation are being conditioned to react to certain stimuli strictly based on emotional triggers.

Van Jones has admitted to being an out-right communist, he gets appointed as a “Czar” for Mr. Obama and then gets a job on CNN and Al Sharpton has called Caucasians “Crackers”, he gets several jobs on MSNBC. No one in the Media says anything. Mr. Obama hangs an ornament of former Communist China leader Mao on the nation’s Christmas Tree his first year in. Barely a peep is heard. A lesbian JUDGE refuses to officiate a heterosexual marriage. No 24 hr uproar by the Establishment Media. Senator Reid in 2008 said, that Mr. Obama was electable because he was “light-skinned” and has “no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.” The Media was on snooze. And lets not forget Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the longtime pastor and mentor of Mr. Obama for many years, has said some very insensitive and some would say bigoted things towards America and Caucasians. Yet the Media shows no interest in learning more about his rational, and even more important his relationship with the man who is now in the seat of the Presidency of the United States?. Huumm… Really? Do we as a nation now only view morality and right and wrong through the prism of political correctness or color of skin, sexual persuasion, and political persuasion, rather than conscious?

Why is it that in today’s America those who have a conservative political and social point of view fear having their views known and expressed?  Why is it that just the mention of Fox News draw laughter and groans from audiences on late nite TV shows?  and why is it that conservative points of view being suppressed from college campuses?

The very disturbing path that this nation now finds itself is now even being voiced by members of the entertainment complex such as comedian Rob Schneider when he said during a recent CBS Chris Stigall interview,“Democracies don’t end well. We are sliding very fast towards fascism. It’s an ugly kind of thing. There’s this kind of mob mentality that we have to be careful of … There’s a polarization that’s happening…I do think you look can look at government and go, ‘Wow, it is out of control now,’ and if you do criticize or tend to be not directly along a liberal stand, you can get murdered.” Wow! If a comedian is boldly voicing such view points imagine what others in the entertainment industry are thinking and saying in private.  Lets keep in mind that we are talking about the actions of the man who sits in the seat of the Presidency of the United States and the future of a nation that was created for free people to never fear expressing opposing points of view regarding the government.

We now live in a nation guided by a man who has since being placed in the Oval Office has truly worked to fundamentally change our country by aggravating our differences and suppressing and demonizing anyone who may oppose his agenda or policies. Under his reign, to have an opposing view of his extreme liberal progressive policies or point of view can no longer be simply graded on the basis of difference of opinion or beliefs, but race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual persuasion. Free expression and speech is being suppressed if it is in any way indifferent to that of the government. This is most disturbing to those who care in the slightest not just for the America of those of us over the ages of 45, but for those that are coming after us.

Just look at what is happening in Great Briton Paul Weston, chairman of Liberty GB, was making a speech that included remarks made by Winston Churchill that was not flattering of Islam.  Someone construed his speech as insensitive and complained causing up to 7 policemen to come and arrest Mr. Weston there on the spot to silence him. The political liberal progressive agenda has made conservative groups in our nation such as the TEA Party, the philosophy of the nation’s Founders, and anyone who dares to share such views, marked for extinction from public view.

It’s not a matter of whether I agree with what someone like Mr. Sterling, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Eich, Rev. Wright, Mr. Jones, or anyone else may say or expressed opinions. But that I am, as an American, is free to disagree with them without fear of being punished due to governmental polices or conformation of the nation’s spirit.  Alexis de Tocqueville said prophetically of the dangers of conformity of thought, After having thus successively taken each member of the community in its powerful grasp and fashioned him at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community. It covers the surface of society with a network of small, complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.” and 1930’s Supreme Court Chief Justice Evan Hughes said truthfully, “Our institutions were not devised to bring about uniformity of opinion; if they had we might well abandon hope. It is important to remember, as has well been said, ‘the essential characteristic of true liberty is that under its shelter many different types of life and character and opinion and belief can develop unmolested and unobstructed.”

The choice is ours.

Mozilla’s CEO Firing Due To His Position On Same-Sex Is Further Evidence Of Brown Shirt-Like Silencing Of Opposing Points Of View

The lightening quick resignation/firing of newly hired Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich is only the latest disturbing sign of the Progressive Liberal’s publicly execution of anyone who dares to claim opposition to their point of view.  What was the crime that meant that his head should be put on display to forewarn any others who dare to come down his path of free expression?  He contributed $1000 to California Proposition 8, that dared to declare that marriage should be defined as between a man and a woman.  Shut da front door!!  Oh by the way, the measure passed overwhelming, and was only rejected by a grossly overreaching Federal Circuit Court declaring that the voices of the people does not matter regarding matters that it [the government] wants to promote.

But this is not the first time in history in which the government sought to silence descending or opposing points of view.  Remember throughout Nazi Germany, with the SS Brown Shirts, and totalitarian/communist nations, such as China and North Korea, where friends, family members, and coworkers are literally turned into government informants, and the citizens are conditioned to self-sensor their actions and words so as not to appear out of step with the conformist population and suffer the wrath of the government.  To the point that hardly anyone dares to speak publicly against the actions or motives of the government or whatever the current politically correct attitude is of the time. Even in the Bible, the story of King Nebuchadnezzar and  Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, where the king mandated everyone bow down and willfully submit to his wishes and to be blindly worshiped, or violators would be cast in a burning furnace. When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego openly refused his demands, they were arrested and thrown into the burning furnace for all others to take notice if they too dared disobey the kings demands or wishes.

History has shown us that one of the first things that a tyrant, or a government that seeks to rule of its citizens, is to suppress and or control speech and the flow of communication amongst the people.  And the Founders of this great nation were all too conscious of such tragic episodes in history.  So they placed the freedom of speech as the very first Amendment to the Constitution for the united States of America.  Ironically, it was placed right along with restraining the government from interfering in the free exercise of a citizen’s religious.  At the end of the day, the free expression of religion, particularly that of Christendom, is what all of this dust up is about.  Just as in the Phil Robertson’s, of the A & E Duck Dynasty Reality TV show, brouhaha  over his personal belief that marriage is defined in the Bible as being between a man and a woman.  Period!  We are supposed to be fruitful and multiply, i.e., to procreate according to the Bible.  And though I’m not a biology whiz by any measure, two men nor two women can procreate.  But since the end game is to fundamentally transform this nation into something that it was never designed to become, to detach it, and it’s people, from its Christian foundation, any semblance or representation of Christendom has to abolished from public view and of any relevance.

In order to carry out this grand deception, freedom of speech has to be contorted, suppressed, manipulated, and or extracted, except when it promotes the governments needs,and the truth to made into a lie.  If the government says that a woman can correctly raise a child absent a man, than anyone else who says otherwise is now wrong.  If the government says that the Negro people are inferior to Caucasians and should be made subservient to them, anyone who says otherwise is wrong.  If the government says that Christendom should be detached from the lives of the citizenry for the sake of not “offending” someone, than anyone else who says otherwise is wrong.  And if the government mandates that marriage shall now be defined openly to include those of the same sex, than anyone who does not bow to that way of thinking is now wrong.  And the best way to infuse compliance throughout the population is a public lynching, execution, or burning in a furnace for the populace to be warned of the consequences of noncompliance.  It does not matter of what political party’s affiliation that prescribes such policy.  It only matter if such policy is designed to encourage more freedom, or less freedom.

Tyranny does not have to come via direct brute force, but by gentle coercion and the redefining of truth and right.  Today truth and right is being redefined under the guise of “tolerance”.  Particularly during the past 6 years or so, to publicly show favor of anything traditionally American, whether it be our language, our history, our flag, our laws, customs, values, or religious principles, has been redefined as being intolerable in defense of that of anothers.  Conservative political commentator Erick Erickson truthfully stated, “Evil Preaches Tolerance Until It Is Dominant, Then Seeks to Silence Good.”

True freedom is defined, “The quality or state of being free: as the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action.”  The Founders knew all too well the crucial importance of the people being able to speak freely amongst each other, to be able to disseminate information without fear of government reprisals, manipulation, coercion, or intimidation.  That is why a free and unadulterated press was also placed in the first Amendment.

If we began to self-censor what we say or how we communicate to each other to the point that we only publicly display actions or say things simply because its what others want to see or hear, it stifles freedom and opens the way for government to come off its leash.  1700’s French author and writer, Voltaire, famously said, “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.”  The freedom of speech does not shield you from being offended or having bad things said to you.  I remember back in the day, there was a saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, words will never hurt me.”  As an individual though I may not like what you say or do, or the manner by which chose to act, I can not stop you by force for speaking nor acting in any way.  But, the government can, whether it be directly, via standing near you with his hand on his gun, or indirectly, via public policy enactments, laws, or decrees.  So long as one is not infringing upon another’s right to his of her life, liberty, or property/pursuit of happiness, it should not manner.  We have gotten to a disturbing point in this country that we a self-censoring our thoughts so as not to commit a crime.  Founder Ben Franklin so warned us, “Without freedom of thought there can be no such thing as wisdom; and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech.”

The choice is ours.

Obama’s Extremely Flaccid Reaction Towards Russia’s More Demonstrative Global Military Posture Is Not About Being Weak Regarding Russia, But Extreme Antipathy Regarding Americanism.

Russia’s most recent blatant show of military aggression in Europe and it’s global repositioning of itself as the new bull-of-the-woods, replacing the United States, and the seemingly timid and relative token response of the U.S Administration has befuddled and deeply concerned many observers – for good reason. But what I believe to be most concerning is the mis-intupretation of Mr. Obama’s far less than vigorous response to not just Russia’s recent overt military invasion of the former Soviet satellite country of Ukraine, but its growing aggressive posture towards U. S’s once unchallenged dominance globally, as being anything but fearful of Russian President Putin, or being out played by him, but somewhat in philosophical concurrence that America’s global dominance should end. As disturbing it is to say about someone in the seat of the Presidency of the United States, but honestly what other logical explanation can there be?

Can you imagine Kennedy or Reagan having such a conversation in such context?

Let’s first keep in mind that the orchestrated role of Russia being America’s arch nemesis is not new. A very good argument can be made that if not for the most opportuned transfers of American technology Russia, nor Communist China for that matter, would be even in the same area code as America in regards to technological or military dominance. One needs to look no further than as recent as the 1997 U.S House of Representatives Report on U.S. SUPERCOMPUTER EXPORT CONTROL POLICY and the 1999 U.S House of Representatives COX REPORT to understand that neither “former” Communist Russia nor Communist China just fell out of bed to become technological geniuses to challenge, if not over come America – they had help stamped by Uncle Sam. In most cases the generous hand was that of a jackass for a mascot.

But even if we were to lend a blind eye to the whispered remarks of Mr. Obama to, then Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev that may have in generations or so earlier been considered treasonous, or at least been seriously debated publicly in America, lets examine some of Mr. O’s more inexplicable military actions regarding Russia-U.S relations:

There are many things that a true leader of the most powerful nation could do such as, since we do have a greater abundance of natural gas than Russia, we could work to replace Russia as the main gas supplier to our Allies, just as FDR came to supply Great Briton against Nazi Germany’s blockade.  Mr. O could approve the Keystone Pipeline to make us more energy rich and independent and greatly grow domestic employment.  Mr. O could work to match Russia’s and Communist China’s military expansion and treat them more like Reagan did with Russia [unfriendlies] to remove all doubt that America and the United States of America is still the bull-of-the-woods. More importantly, Mr. O could put the nation on a true course to greatly reduce the government’s debt and become a export nation and solvent business destination, such as Germany.  And since Mr. O  is so fond of using Executive Orders to make law, he could do all of this with a stroke of his pen.  But, then we would not be talking about Mr. Barack Hussein Obama, would we?

Some have claimed that America’s fall is predestined. Maybe so. If the American people chose it, so it will be so.  But, no argument can be made that under this current regime the scales by which we as a nation have been sliding have been slapped with a drum of lard. The question is just how far will we fall before this regime is out of office and will there be any semblance of America to be recognizable or to be put back together in any relevant manner as a force for freedom?  Will Americanism die without notice in this generation and buried in an unmarked grave for future historians to unearth to wonder how could it happen to America, as they have Ancient Babylon, Rome, and the Aztecs?  Will the movie Obama 2016  go down as the most provocative and prophetic movie on a setting President?

Former U.S Ambassador to the U.N under the Reagan Administration, Jeane Kirkpatrick ironically posed the question at the 1984 Republican Convention, “What would become of Europe if the United States withdrew? What would become of Africa if Europe fell under Soviet domination? What would become of Europe if the Middle East came under Soviet control? What would become of Israel, if surrounded by Soviet client states? What would become of Asia if the Philippines or Japan fell under Soviet domination? What would become of Mexico if Central America became a Soviet satellite? What then could the United States do?”  We may soon find out.  Very soon.

What she didn’t contemplate too was a grossly ascending Red China along with Russia. Nor could she possibly imagine that it would be the U.S government itself bringing her nightmare to reality with the people of America sitting so silently as spectators seemingly hypnotized and paralyzed and the world stunned and saddened by a man who promised “fundamental change”. We may want to next time take more care in what we wish for, as well as be more vigilant in those who we grant such authority.  The choice is ours.

America, Where Is Your Outrage?!

On February 26 I read a disturbing report in the Washington Free Beacon, titled The Imperial Presidency. It was on the Congressional Hearing, “Enforcing the President’s Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws,” regarding the extremely troublesome overreach of Mr. Obama and his Executive Branch’s use of power with little regard or respect to the other branches of the constitutional federal government. I read of the testimony by Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University Jonathan Turley saying, “that the expansion of executive power is happening so fast that America is at a “constitutional tipping point.” WOW!

Three things struck me regarding the article. One, was the title. I don’t know about you, but imperialism shouldn’t ever be a term so boldly used in reference to the President of the United States. Two, that such a renowned and learned professor at one of the nations best educational institutions, who himself is a self-omitted Democrat Party and Obama supporter, is, and has been, sounding the alarms regarding this man’s policy’s harmful effects on the nation. He voiced what many of us have been silently struggling with when he said – “What also alarms me, however, is that the two other branches appear not just simply passive, but inert in the face of this concentration of authority.” This nation has survived for some 200 plus years with the people able to enjoy our purported cherished freedoms and liberties due to the Constitutional Checks and Balances between the 3 Branches of government. But if a Branch(es) decide to not fight to check the others over-reach, there is no longer any balance. The submissive Branch(es) run the risk of becoming “superfluous.” And it is at the citizen’s freedoms peril. What’s most concerning for me, is the deafening silence from the Established Media on this testimony and the lack of any visible robust protest or outrage by the people of America.

But as I look over the nations landscape, even the most intellectually uninitiated person would agree that this nation is not heading in the right direction on so many fronts. And though an argument can be made that the tide has been turning against this nation for some time, little argument can be made that since Mr. O’s historic ascension to the Presidency the knots have been turned up extraordinarily. But yet, public apathy and silent acquiescence seems to reign over the consciousness of a majority of the American people.

Here are just a sample of other issues that seem to not be getting the serious attention and interest of the American people regarding the actions of the government of the United States under Mr. Obama:

Hey, but this all could just be a big coincidence or misunderstanding. Besides, Mr. Obama is the country’s first true African-American U.S President. So, all is good. Right? Don’t worry. What time is American Idol? When is the next NFL of sports event? Matters of politics are too burdensome for me to care.

There seems to be a great silent majority of Americans who instinctively are aware that there is something terribly wrong with the direction of the nation. My question is why are we silent? The minority amongst us seem to find energies to muster their agenda. Why not the majority? Is it fear of being mischaracterized or called names, via the Media’s propaganda? Martin Luther King, Jr. prophetically stated, Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

The great illusion that is perpetrated by the Progressives and enemies to all that America is and stands for, is that their kind of “change” is inevitable. That it is us [the majority] who must conform. It is only our [the majority’s] acceptance of their vision or version of change that makes it become reality. Silent government acquiescence, no matter what the reason or intent, only means agreement to the actions of the government, no matter how insignificant or grand, or benevolent or cold-hearted. As James Madison said, The citizens of the United States are responsible for the greatest trust ever confided to a political society. If justice, good faith, honor, gratitude and all the other qualities which ennoble the character of a nation and fulfill the ends of government be the fruits of our establishments, the cause of liberty will acquire a dignity and lustre, which it has never yet enjoyed, and an example will be set, which cannot but have the most favourable influence on the rights of Mankind. If on the other side, our governments should be unfortunately blotted with the reverse of these cardinal virtues, the great cause which we have engaged to vindicate, will be dishonored and betrayed; the last and fairest experiment in favor of the rights of human nature will be turned against them; and their patrons and friends exposed to be insulted and silenced by the votaries of tyranny and usurpation.”

Only you can decide.