trump make america great again

Donald J. Trump, May Be The Last Great United States’ People’s President.

Don’t look now, but the latest version of “the People’s President”, Donald J. Trump, maybe the last great United States’ president.  Not since Ronald Reagan has a president with no Ivy League education, who was loved by the voters and intensely loathed by the Elites, both in the Democrat and in his own Republican Party, and the National News Media Complex

Real Black American History. Pt. 3

The very notion of the socialist construct of “equality” has the black American community, who has approximately $2 Trillion of post-tax dollars going through it’s community annually, actually believing that it needs government handouts and social-engineered welfare and equality programs to exists and succeed.

Silencing Christians

It Is And Has Always Been About Our Cultural and Social Issues America.

When was the last time that you can remember a Presidential candidate running on shinning a light on the pressing a social or cultural issue such as the restoration of Biblical principles amongst the youth and the public schools since him? Or the absence of morality in the culture? Or just the reverence for American capitalism versus Socialism/Communism?.

Baltimore's impoverished community

The Dilapidated Conditions Of Baltimore Are Repeated In Democrat-Run Cities Around the Nation

These impoverished and rat-infested communities did not become impoverished and rat-infested on their own. Drugs did not just start flooding the streets on their own. Parents, particularly the fathers, did not just abandon their families on their own. And investments just do not come to a community where a financial return can be gained. Conditions have to be purposely created. Once you kill the family, as did the changing of Title 5, and flood the streets with government “assistance”, you kill the community and the souls of those who dwell there. The handprints of the Democrat Party can be found on the necks of every black-American, or minority, community’s decaying corpse from the east coast to the west and from lake Michigan to the Mississippi River.

Why the Political Discussion of Black Slavery Reparations Is A Rabbit Hole That Again Distracts From Truth & Facts.

… if we are seeking to do the right thing to restore these victims of history’s past atrocity, those who perpetrated the heinous act needs to have the light of justice shined on them too, right? This should be done if for no other reason than to bring clarity to the picture as a whole.