

Remember America, You Have the Government You Deserve

Make America Great Again?

On Wednesday morning, the 9th of November 2016, many Americans and citizens of the United States awaken with sadness, heartache, joy, exhilaration, and some with anger.  And I’m sure that there were some wondering WTF?!.  and asking themselves, how did we get to such a decrepit political situation, again? We were literally stuck with no good choice to be the leader of the most powerful nation on the planet. Some members of the society were so upset over the democratic election of the Mr. Donald J. Trump that they marched in the nation’s streets and lashed out to almost anything of a visual reminder of the victor to express their dissatisfaction and frustration.  I found it interesting that Media sought not to describe this extreme expression of dissatisfaction as “racist” due to the fact that Mr. Trump is Caucasian, or discriminatory against the wealthy, due to Mr. Trump’s immense wealth, or age discrimination, due to the fact the Trump will be the oldest man to be elected president at 70 years old, or any other excuse for violent acts and disorder to attach to a protected class as it did strenuously struggled to apply to any criticism or expression of dissatisfaction over the election or policies of Mr. Barack Obama; as though any and all discontent expressed was simply due to the fact that he was Black.

As I look at it, I see very little difference from post-election day 2016 and that of 2008 or 2012.  I’m sure that were many of the voters wondering, could we had done better with the choices that were laid in front of us?  A good argument can be made that in the 2008 and 2012 elections the voters were left between rather to have their left arm or right leg sawed off at the joints.  Whereas on Tuesday November 8th 2016 left voters with the choice of either have the left or right eye ball removed with a rusty tong; both candidate’s had unfavourabilities hovering near 60%.  Amazing!

I think that mid-1700’s French lawyer, diplomat, writer, and philosopher, Joseph de Maistre, may have said it best, “In a democracy people get the leaders they deserve.”  You notice that he did not say that we get the leaders that we want, but the leaders that we deserve.  I’d be willing to bet you a dollar to a donut that most U.S voters would say that they want the U.S president to be a person of high moral conviction, of good character, and honest. But, actions speak volumes.  If you take an honest assessment of the two individuals that were the electable choices to be president, it would be quite obvious that that’s not what the voters ultimately voted for.  Quite the opposite.  So too the same can be said as for the two prior presidential election outcomes.

The Citizens of the United States in ’08 and 2012 elected a man to be president without enquiring of him anything more than they would someone who was applying to manicure their yard. We cared not his political philosophy.  We cared not of his personal affiliations that helped mold and influence his world view, men such as Frank Marshall Davis, Saul Alinsky, Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers.  All of whom were either Communist/Marxist, Socialist, and or Anarchist.  We showed scant, if any, interest in how did the effects of both of his dads being from socialist/communist Muslim countries, one being from Indonesia and his biological father being from Kenya, and his mother having extreme socialist political leanings, had on his world perception.  Nor did we seem to be too inquisitive how he could be part of the Trinity United Church of Christ for some 20 plus years, be married in it, and have a person such Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who preached a radical form of black liberation, and then tell us that he had no idea of the type of preaching that was espoused by Rev. Wright.  Mr. O was presented to the voters as blank canvas, for which we could mentally create into who we wanted him to be, as he spoke with velvet silk tongue about “Hope & Change”.  How he would make all of our economic pains go away; that Santa [the government] would take from the bad an evil rich and give all of their ill-gotten wealth to us, the “less fortunate”; and that Santa would deliver us a Utopian paradise, just because.  Too many of us chose not to question with boldness the man who promised to “Fundamentally transform America”, just what was he transforming America from, and into what?  And the complicit Media ensured that we the people stayed distracted and squabbling amongst over selves so those such questions remain unasked.

With so much of the population so conditionally adverse to learning history, and therefore lack the ability to learn from it, it should come as no surprise that another virtual unknown is elected to the highest political office of the land, once again.  This time he wears the Republican brand, billionaire businessman Mr. Donald J. Trump.  Riding an emotional tsunami of a nation’s silent majority’s anger and discontent who has felt betrayed by the political “Establishment” and disillusioned with the future prospects of the nation – economically, nationally, and socially, with admittedly having never held any public office and showing no passion for historical political functioning nor posture. He sailed his way to being elected president of the United States on bluster, showmanship, machoism, and an emotionally charged mantra, “I’m Going to Make America Great Again”.  And let’s not forget to mention he was up against the most ethically and morally flawed Democrat opponent who literally had a personality, that if she was honey, would draw 2 bees; and 1 would be lost.  But even the most intellectually passive person might ask, What is his vision of America’s greatness? and How will that be manifested?

Once again, the voters of the United States some to be grossly disinterested in the philosophical constitution of the man who they have chosen to be president.  The nation voters seem curiosity vacant regarding the political constitution of a man who has never held political office.  For the  man who is to be the face of the Republican Party, Mr. Trump has stated positions that are more than intellectually counter-intuitive, if not repugnant, to the ideology of Republicanism, such as; he favors Planned Parenthood, favors gender “equality” in the workforce, advocates eminent domain, he is for forcing businesses to adopt family paid leave policies, has stated the need for “universal healthcare”, and what to me is the most irreprehensible statement that he made was that “he has never sought the need to repent or ask the Creator for forgiveness.  Should even the least inquisitive amongst us not pause and ask, what is it that guides this man who will be president’s decision making and governs his notion of right and wrong?  Should someone be asking what does the fact that he is on his third marriage and that he has many times placed a greater value on potential golf course over that of 92 y/o Scottish woman’s fundamental right to be left alone say about his moral compass?  Should we be at all concern of his strong fascist and corporatist leanings? What does the fact that he treats the Constitution with ill reverence says about whom he may choose to enforce it?  Is he the best amongst us whom we could have chosen?  Do we care to even ask such bold questions anymore?  And if the voters continue to take their choices so triviality, what does that say about the future of our great country?

A good argument can be made that it hasn’t been since the election of Reagan that the nation has had a president who the people, with little conscience reservation, felt proud when he spoke in our name, felt confident in his character, had confident that he was guided by Divine moral conviction, and felt little need question his judgement.  There is a reason that Reagan’s name still demands honor and respect, and so many Republicans blasphemously speaks his name for their illicit political benefit.  When have you heard any Democrat president spoken nearly with such reverence? Carter? Clinton? Will Obama be? Yes, you can say Kennedy. But the nation was vastly different then – morally, socially, economically, and politically.  The distance from America then and America now is comparable to that of Earth and Pluto.

The importance of choosing a God-fearing man of good moral character to govern and the consequences that would come if the American people failed in that undertaking may have been foretold no more prophetically them Founding Father Noah Webster, when he said, “When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers, “just men who will rule in the fear of God.” The preservation of government depends on the faithful discharge of this duty; if the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good so much as for selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizens will be violated or disregarded. If a republican government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the laws.” and When a citizen gives his suffrage (vote) to a man of known immorality he abuses his trust; he sacrifices not only his own interest, but that of his neighbor, he betrays the interest of his country.”

This nation will not fail or succeed by the moral compass or quality of character of the leaders placed to govern, but by that of the people who chooses them to govern.


We’re Here!: Freedom Is Just A Generation Away From Extinction

Is it just me, or does it seem as though very few people truly want to be free? Not just in America, but in the countries of Europe as well.  More and more people seemingly want to be ruled and governed by someone or something else, surrender personal responsibility, and allowing someone or something else to determine their success or failure, willfully surrendering their freedoms and liberties.

In 1993 28 nations of Europe literally erased their national borders and identity to become a superstate, the European Union, headquartered in Brussels, by which 19 nations surrendered their national currencies to be under one monetary system, the Euro. But the shot that rung out throughout the European continent on June 23 was that a majority of British Citizens still stubbornly cling to the notion of Britons determing the lives, the destiny, and the politics of Briton, and not some faceless unelected group of politicians thousands of miles beyond the English Channel.

But, the real story is the most troubling. The division amongst those of the British older generation and that of the youth, and those with a formal education and those without, was laid bare for all the world to see1. The younger generation, those under 60 y/o particularly, and those with at least a formal university level education greatly favored to remain having their lives and politics being ruled by a government centered in Brussels, as opposed to those who wanted to regain British independence from European dictates.

I believe that a very similar production of events is set to play out here in America in just a couple of months with the U.S Presidential elections, but with more dire ramifications for the world, no matter the outcome. The presumptive Republican nominee has unapologetically tapped into an emotionally charged mantra, “Make America Great Again.” Alluding to a vow to return the country to the glory of some 60 years past, when the United States and America were in their prime and dominance – politically socially, economically, and internationally. Just as with the Pro-Brexiters, Trump’s main campaign pillar is to stop in the flood of unassimilated low skilled and low educated immigrants into the country that is not being voted on locally, but being dictated by the central government in D.C onto the several states.  And so too, as with Briton, those who are supporting Trump’s message are those over 45 and 60 y/o and without a formal university education2.

But, I believe that the U.S elections have less to do with the two main actors than the audience and supporters that they garner, and future of the ideal of freedom, both as a nation and as individual citizens. Neither candidate is promising less government. Neither candidate subscribes to strict Constitutional principles nor interpretation. Lease of the two is Mrs. Hillary Clinton, the Democrat nominee. She blatantly wants the federal seat to dictate and govern the lives of Americans and U.S Citizens and grotesquely expand the size and reach of the government. Whereas Mr. Trump just believes his version of an over-baring federal government will be better.

The concerning point of both of these pivotal events to me is that no one seems to care that the majority of the youth of the two nations that were founded upon and greatly influenced by the Magna Carta, Great Briton and the United States of America, respectively, a fundamental document protecting the rights and liberties of the individual against the power of the absolute king, or government. A youth population that apparently sees no problem with giving the king, i.e. the government, absolute power over their lives again, in fact they are begging for it.

Former president Ronald Reagan prophetically stated, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream.”

Due to 60 plus years of federal governmental indoctrination via the it’s control of the nation’s educational systems, in both England and America, has developed in the minds of those without any true reference nor reverence of a time of a less imposing central government influence and a time in which individualism and self-rule were proud and indistinguishable traits of both nation’s people, but in particular for America, the notion that government is good and bigger government is better.  There used to be a time that the very word socialism or communism were repugnant to Americans consciousness without reservation.  But in a recent Gallup Poll, astonishingly 55% of Americans between 18 and 29 y/o favored socialism3. But yet, that same group has a largely favorable view of capitalism, entrepreneurism, free enterprise, and small business; all of which greatly struggles, or dies, under a socialist economic system. As evidenced by the fact that America is less than 300 y/o, founded on capitalism and entrepreneurism, has been out performing economically the whole of Europe, whose societies have been in existence for centuries. It is the belief that Europe could better economically compete with America if they joined into one superstate was the main mantra for the creation of the European Union in the first place. How is that working for them?

But what may not be so surprising is that when a “Millennial” [those born around 1980] is asked to define socialism, they can’t4. The U.S government education system does not teach the differences of the world’s economic system, capitalism, socialism, and communism, as it once did. It certainly doesn’t teach of the superiority of American capitalism over any other economic system.  So is it not the fault of the parents in particular, and those of us who are 40 y/o and older who have willingly abnegated our responsibility to teach the children the differences? I say very much so.

Reagan said it right, freedom is not passed through the bloodstream. It is taught. It cannot be defended nor keep without knowing and understanding the difference between freedom and servitude; Just as a young lion has to be taught the differences between a gazelle and a hyena. And also just as Mr. Reagan most correctly stated regarding freedom, “It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”

The reason that it seems as though so many of the younger generation, as well as the old, in Briton and more importantly here in America, and that we have reached the point that we have lost reverence for the very ideal of freedom and personal liberty, both young and old, is because we have lost the true knowledge of what being free actually is.  My question is, if we as the older generation cannot, or won’t, teach the younger generation what freedom is, in the country that made the word freedom into an action verb and a noun for the world to aspire to, and men and women have giving their lives for the sake of it, then who will future historians blame?








The American and European Border Crisis: The Alinsky-Piven Strategy Threatens Christendom Strongholds


A 2005 article reported  on Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, Columbia University sociologists, author a book in 1966 called “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty”, later referred to as the Cloward-Piven Strategy. In the article  Cloward and Piven describes how to transform a capitalist world into a socialist world, stating, “Rather than placating the poor with government hand-outs,, activists should work to sabotage and destroy the welfare system; the collapse of the welfare state would ignite a political and financial crisis that would rock the nation; poor people would rise in revolt; only then would “the rest of society” accept their demands. They believed that if capitalist governments were “pressed to honor every word of every law and statute, every Judeo-Christian moral tenet, and every implicit promise of the liberal social contract, human agencies inevitably fall short. The system’s failure to “live up” to its rule book can then be used to discredit it altogether, and to replace the capitalist “rule book” with a socialist one.” What “rule book” are they referring to? These two were heavily inspired by another 1960’s leftist radical, Saul Alinsky, author of Rules for Radicals. In his book under “Rule 7 “Tactics”- How the “Have-Nots” can take power away from “the Haves.” “Tactics #4 “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.”

And just what is the tenet of Christendom that can arguably be its achilles heel? Our devotion to charity, aiding our neighbor in need. America, for example, has the Judeo-Christian Bible as a template for it’s founding documents and is the most charitable nation on the planet ten times over. A few of the tenets of the Bible are: “Feed the hungry! Help those in trouble! Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you shall be as bright as day. And the Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy you with all good things, and keep you healthy too; and you will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring. (Isaiah 58:10-11) and “Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food must do likewise.” (Luke 3:10-11)

Even the most casual observer who is witnessing what is occurring on the southern border of America and the southern borders of the continent of Europe, with the unprecedented flood of immigrants literally erasing the concept of borders, can see that it is these such tenets that are being unmercifully abused.

The existence of Mexico and Latin America to the south of America is nothing new. Nor is the existence of the nations of Northern Africa, such as Syria, Libya, and Sudan, being south of Europe. There has been trade and people immigrating [LEGALLY] between the countries for generations upon generations. But someone seems to have whispered in the ears of the region’s of Latin America and Northern Africa poorest poor  and  disenfranchised amongst them that they have a right to immigrate to the most prosperous nations of the West just because they are in need to do so. Rather someone is enticing them. Whether their “hardship” is due to war or drug violence, famine, or just because they want a better life for themselves and or their family, someone has told them that they now have the right to a life in the West. It is arguably not a “refugee” issue, particularly as it relates the Mexican and Latin Americans pouring into America by any means available.  It’s just a mass number of people, mostly young,  wanting a better life – in nations that so happen have generous welfare programs, like the U.S, Sweden, and Germany – being encouraged to leave their homes to be transplanted in the West.  Never mind that every western country is already under water in debt.

The mass increase in foreign young people, of different cultures, customs, and very different religions, largely unscreened for self-sustainability, health issues, and are not encouraged to assimilate into the dominate culture.  The host nation’s culture and customs are being surrendered.  This is a recipe for disaster for the host nation.

Are we to believe that all of this disruption on two continents, nearly simultaneously, is happening strictly organically, independently, and by coincidence? Really?  Then why not go to a nation of similar culture and religion that are wealthy, like Brazil, Saudi Arabia, or the UAE?  Someone is giving them marching orders with instructions on what foot lead of with, what direction to go, and what to say and do upon their arrival to destination.

As evidence of severity of the orchestrated crisis in the States.

  • In March of 2014 reported the U.S had more illegal immigrants than citizens who were unemployed-approx. 12 million.
  • on September 4,2015 reported, that illegal and illegal immigrants in
    America use more welfare benefits than those native-born citizens, as of 2012. While a 2014 report by reported that nearly 35% of U.S Citizens were already on the government dole in the same year [approx. 109,631,000]
  • September article in, reported, “More than 90 percent of recent refugees from Middle Eastern nations are on food stamps and nearly 70 percent receive cash assistance, according to government data.” And Mr. O wants to bring an additional 70,000 this yr, to approx. a ridiculous 100,000 Syrian, i.e., the middle east, by 2017. [According to a September report.] Good thing he won’t be around that long. Hopefully!
  • A July 2014 reported, U.N agents were handling the “refugees” at the U.S southern borders. Allowing them [gang members] to come into the U.S. The designation of refugee rather than immigrant applies international accords above national law. Isn’t it interesting that no one is any longer immigrant, but a refugee? Who was it to tell them of the that trick?

Even a couple of Congressmen have recognized the Piven trademark in the Obama Administration’s handling of the Mexican illegal immigration crisis. In a June 2014 article of, “I do feel this attempt to flood the border with illegals is a playing out of the Cloward-Piven theory,” said Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, agreed that Obama – who studied the chaos strategy at Columbia, according to a classmate – “is trying to do a Cloward-Piven thing with the border.”… “they believe the flooding of America’s Southwest border with thousands of illegal-alien children seeking government handouts and citizenship is the intended outcome of policies by the Obama administration derived from a strategy by radical sociologists to transform America into a socialist state.”

Over the oceans the scene is eerily similar.

  • After decades of worry-free borders, the E.U is in a crisis due over 5-7+ thousands “migrants” pouring through the Hungarian and Austrian southern borders….daily. Reports September 15.
  • reported in July, that the E.U “refugee” crisis could cost Germany alone over $11 billion by years end.
  • In a September report in “Five men have been arrested as they attempted to cross the Bulgarian-Macedonian border with decapitation videos and Islamic State propaganda on their phones.”

There is one rule in the Bible that may save the Christian nations, just as it has made America unpopular to the lazy-minded for some 200 years, before socialism became so P.C; For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”; “We hear that some among you are idle and disruptive. They are not busy; they are busybodies”; “Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the food they eat.” 2 Thessalonians 3:10-12.  Americans of today, as well as the people of Christian Europe, have been given a covenant/inheritance founded on the principles of one reaping the harvest that he sows. The principles of people such as Pivens and Alinsky are of taking from the so-called “haves” and given to the “have nots”, either by depiction or by force.  Just as another famous socialist/communist, Karl Marx, who professed that one was entitled to the property/wealth of another simply due his need from those based on their ability/degree of give.  In America particularly, one is not expected to feast of a meal that has been prepared for another without earning the right to do so, or being granted permission from preparer.  Our prosperity has not come by happenstance.  But by Divine Providence and a steadfast belief in our Christian principles. Our values and principles are not to be shunned nor ashamed of.  The seeds of the field of Christendom has fed us all to become fat, lazy, and content.   The reality that today nations whose ancestry failed to prepare them a table grounded on similar principles is a harsh vision of whose principles are more lasting and superior.  But, we in America and the West who have feasted long on the meal prepared by our forefathers are in grave danger of surrendering their table and all that was placed before them due to our lack of reverence and appreciation for what we have and the knowledge of our forefathers sacrifices to bestow this extraordinary remarkable table for their posterity.  At the end the day, we chose our future and that of our nation.



The Radical Gay Agenda Spreads: You Will Be Made To Care.

On May 10 2012, a date that will truly live in infamy. Mr. Barack Hussein Obama became the first sitting U.S President to endorse Same-Sex unions and legally brand it marriage. His utterance and his actions since have sent ripples throughout the nation, and the world. Even if you are one who is politically uninitiated or believe that matters of politics don’t effect you, you will inevitably be effected.

One can not but be a stunned witness to the consequences of the unprecedented endorsement of the Chief Executive. From schools offering “gender neutral” restrooms, to the abolishment of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and the Defense of Marriage Act, to the proliferation of more overt gay and lesbian depictions on TV, in every form from cartoon to Reality TV, the gay, lesbian, and even transgender lifestyle is being presented as on par or equal with that of the heterosexual lifestyle. Once staunch pro-traditional lifestyle choice organizations such as, the American Boy Scouts and more recently the American Presbyterian Church have been moved, pushed, or dragged to accept and endorse the alternative life-style and same-sex marriage.

May God have mercy on anyone who dares to express the slightest displeasure or disagreement in this radical societal transformation and attempts to stand ground on traditional American Christian principles. The wrath of naked intolerance will besiege you, unmercifully.  Just ask former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich who was forced to resign for his donation to an winning California campaign against same-sex marriage, some four years prior. Ask business owners such as Crystal O’Connor co-owner of Memories Pizzeria in Indiana, some 20 miles from South Bend, who has been forced to close because she simply told a news reporter, who was desperately seeking a story, that she would not cater a gay wedding. When was the last wedding that you went to that served pizza? Ask Aaron Klein former owner of Sweet Cakes By Melissa, a family-owned Christian bakery in Oregon, who was forced to close down because they could not bake cake for a lesbian couple – who were regular clients – because of their religious convictions. Or even today’s display of rabid intolerance by the extreme sect of the homosexual community, or those causing chaos in their name, of anyone simply expressing disagreement with their choice of life-style – the fight over States passing Religious Freedom & Restoration Act [RFRA]. States are simply applying what is already a federal law to their States in order to specifically limit the governments ability to infringe on the religious interest of the it’s citizens – ALL OF IT’S CITIZENS. I thought that the Constitution of the united States already did that. It may be just my confusion.

What is most interesting with this issue is that RFRA was sponsored by Democrat Senator Chuck Schemer, past overwhelmingly by Congress, and signed with much fanfare by Democrat President Bill Clinton in 1993 in order to protect the religious rights of Native American Indians to practice their religious ceremonies from government intrusion. It had nothing, and has nothing, to do with the homosexual nor gay life-style. The words referring to homosexual, gay, lesbian, transgender, or any coded language specifically referring to any group of citizen’s sexual orientation, or any orientation for that matter, can not be found in the law. And it has never been used to infringe on the rights of gays or lesbians. But, it was in the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision of June of last year that RFRA saved Hobby Lobby from having to sacrifice it’s moral code and be forced by the federal government’s Obamacare mandate to provide birth control pills. Huumm!

If one were dropped into America from out of space and watched the news over the past 6 or so years he would think that gays and homosexuals were being rounded up and slaughtered, publicly lynched and flogged, stoned by citizens at their very sight, and economically being depressed. But the truth and facts are much less dramatic. The gay and lesbian community are statistically more educated and earn more than their heterosexual counterparts, according to 2013 U.S News report. And according to the 2012 F.B.I Hate Crimes Statistics, less than 20% of crimes were due to one’s sexual orientation, while nearly 50% was due to one’s race. Also if one did not know any better, due to the gross propaganda by the Media and Entertainment Complex, one would think that the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, & Transgender [LGBT] community was a dominant persuasion in the nation. In fact the LGBT community makes up just less than 4% of the nation’s population. But due to the mass saturation of liberal progressive Media’s false stories and orchestrated discourse, one would think that it is Christians who are out seeking homosexuals and terrorizing them.

Due to the increased secularization of the culture, not just in America, but in Europe, the Gay Movement has been growing, with muted opposition. But since the appointment of Mr. Obama as Chief Executive and President of the U.S, their agenda has gone into warped speed. And with the literal abandonment of the defense of traditional social values by the National Republican party, the radial Progressive Left has been successful in dividing the nation and causing chaos. Some could successfully argue that the recent favor of the LGBT community by the National Democrat party has more to do with politics than principles, or a coming to Jesus moment. The coffers of the federal and States, and even Big Business, stand to benefit greatly due to the legalization of same-sex unions, according to a 2012 CNN Money report.

The seemingly exclusive targeting of those of the Christian persuasion can not be overlooked. Particularly under this Administration, anything Christian has been treated like the red-headed stepchild who was birthed by accident. Under this Administration Christians have been placed on the same list as Hamas and Al-Qaida as enemies of the State by the Military and terrorist by Homeland Security. Coupled with the further feminization of the nation’s culture and personality, fewer of American youths have truly positive masculine role models or ideals to emulate. The Clint Eastwoods and Sidney Poitiers of generations past have been replaced with Rue Pauls. The days of speaking stern grounded in principle, has given way to speaking softly charged with emotional impulses, so as not to possibly offend someone. And the strong hard nose father figures have been largely castrated by submitting to the illogical popular notion that the traditional role of the woman equates to servitude. Moralism, defining right and wrong, has become an issue of feelings and comfort, rather than beliefs and principles to too many Americans, particularly the youths. It is past time for the “silent majority” to stop being so silent.

The radial gay agenda is being propagated via fear, intimation, and false truths, not principle or strength of position.  The LGBT people could have put all of this energy behind a movement to pass Civil Unions. But, they chose, and were guided, to the path of most resistance, confrontation, and that would cause the most division. The institution of marriage is more than a governmental franchise, it has roots in the Bible, and many other books of religion. It has one main purpose that has been long recognized that defines it – procreation. The assault on the institution of marriage and Christendom are intertwined. It is about their destruction.  And with it, goes the foundation on which this great nation surpassed all others.  Just as gay activist Masha Gessen frankly admitted, “The push for gay marriage has less to do with the right to marry – it is about diminishing and eventually destroying the institution of marriage and redefining the ‘traditional family.‘” And more importantly, as Mr. O promised to fundamentally transform this nation, he’s not doing it as much economically, but by social re-engineering. Real fundamental change comes from changing how we see each other, how we relate to one another, and changing the common values we hold true. Our foundation, our strength, has always originated in the church – particularly the Judeo-Christian Church. Whether you attend church or not, those principles are woven throughout our the society. The abolishment of moral values or absolutes and making the issue of truth irrelevant in our society negatively effects us all.  As Alexis de Tocqueville, 1800’s French political thinker and historian, prophetically stated, “I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers – and it was not there.. . in her fertile fields and boundless forests and it was not there . . . in her rich mines and her vast world commerce – and it was not there . . . in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution – and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.”

At the end of the day, it is up to you to chose the future of this nation.