

Remember America, You Have the Government You Deserve

Make America Great Again?

On Wednesday morning, the 9th of November 2016, many Americans and citizens of the United States awaken with sadness, heartache, joy, exhilaration, and some with anger.  And I’m sure that there were some wondering WTF?!.  and asking themselves, how did we get to such a decrepit political situation, again? We were literally stuck with no good choice to be the leader of the most powerful nation on the planet. Some members of the society were so upset over the democratic election of the Mr. Donald J. Trump that they marched in the nation’s streets and lashed out to almost anything of a visual reminder of the victor to express their dissatisfaction and frustration.  I found it interesting that Media sought not to describe this extreme expression of dissatisfaction as “racist” due to the fact that Mr. Trump is Caucasian, or discriminatory against the wealthy, due to Mr. Trump’s immense wealth, or age discrimination, due to the fact the Trump will be the oldest man to be elected president at 70 years old, or any other excuse for violent acts and disorder to attach to a protected class as it did strenuously struggled to apply to any criticism or expression of dissatisfaction over the election or policies of Mr. Barack Obama; as though any and all discontent expressed was simply due to the fact that he was Black.

As I look at it, I see very little difference from post-election day 2016 and that of 2008 or 2012.  I’m sure that were many of the voters wondering, could we had done better with the choices that were laid in front of us?  A good argument can be made that in the 2008 and 2012 elections the voters were left between rather to have their left arm or right leg sawed off at the joints.  Whereas on Tuesday November 8th 2016 left voters with the choice of either have the left or right eye ball removed with a rusty tong; both candidate’s had unfavourabilities hovering near 60%.  Amazing!

I think that mid-1700’s French lawyer, diplomat, writer, and philosopher, Joseph de Maistre, may have said it best, “In a democracy people get the leaders they deserve.”  You notice that he did not say that we get the leaders that we want, but the leaders that we deserve.  I’d be willing to bet you a dollar to a donut that most U.S voters would say that they want the U.S president to be a person of high moral conviction, of good character, and honest. But, actions speak volumes.  If you take an honest assessment of the two individuals that were the electable choices to be president, it would be quite obvious that that’s not what the voters ultimately voted for.  Quite the opposite.  So too the same can be said as for the two prior presidential election outcomes.

The Citizens of the United States in ’08 and 2012 elected a man to be president without enquiring of him anything more than they would someone who was applying to manicure their yard. We cared not his political philosophy.  We cared not of his personal affiliations that helped mold and influence his world view, men such as Frank Marshall Davis, Saul Alinsky, Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers.  All of whom were either Communist/Marxist, Socialist, and or Anarchist.  We showed scant, if any, interest in how did the effects of both of his dads being from socialist/communist Muslim countries, one being from Indonesia and his biological father being from Kenya, and his mother having extreme socialist political leanings, had on his world perception.  Nor did we seem to be too inquisitive how he could be part of the Trinity United Church of Christ for some 20 plus years, be married in it, and have a person such Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who preached a radical form of black liberation, and then tell us that he had no idea of the type of preaching that was espoused by Rev. Wright.  Mr. O was presented to the voters as blank canvas, for which we could mentally create into who we wanted him to be, as he spoke with velvet silk tongue about “Hope & Change”.  How he would make all of our economic pains go away; that Santa [the government] would take from the bad an evil rich and give all of their ill-gotten wealth to us, the “less fortunate”; and that Santa would deliver us a Utopian paradise, just because.  Too many of us chose not to question with boldness the man who promised to “Fundamentally transform America”, just what was he transforming America from, and into what?  And the complicit Media ensured that we the people stayed distracted and squabbling amongst over selves so those such questions remain unasked.

With so much of the population so conditionally adverse to learning history, and therefore lack the ability to learn from it, it should come as no surprise that another virtual unknown is elected to the highest political office of the land, once again.  This time he wears the Republican brand, billionaire businessman Mr. Donald J. Trump.  Riding an emotional tsunami of a nation’s silent majority’s anger and discontent who has felt betrayed by the political “Establishment” and disillusioned with the future prospects of the nation – economically, nationally, and socially, with admittedly having never held any public office and showing no passion for historical political functioning nor posture. He sailed his way to being elected president of the United States on bluster, showmanship, machoism, and an emotionally charged mantra, “I’m Going to Make America Great Again”.  And let’s not forget to mention he was up against the most ethically and morally flawed Democrat opponent who literally had a personality, that if she was honey, would draw 2 bees; and 1 would be lost.  But even the most intellectually passive person might ask, What is his vision of America’s greatness? and How will that be manifested?

Once again, the voters of the United States some to be grossly disinterested in the philosophical constitution of the man who they have chosen to be president.  The nation voters seem curiosity vacant regarding the political constitution of a man who has never held political office.  For the  man who is to be the face of the Republican Party, Mr. Trump has stated positions that are more than intellectually counter-intuitive, if not repugnant, to the ideology of Republicanism, such as; he favors Planned Parenthood, favors gender “equality” in the workforce, advocates eminent domain, he is for forcing businesses to adopt family paid leave policies, has stated the need for “universal healthcare”, and what to me is the most irreprehensible statement that he made was that “he has never sought the need to repent or ask the Creator for forgiveness.  Should even the least inquisitive amongst us not pause and ask, what is it that guides this man who will be president’s decision making and governs his notion of right and wrong?  Should someone be asking what does the fact that he is on his third marriage and that he has many times placed a greater value on potential golf course over that of 92 y/o Scottish woman’s fundamental right to be left alone say about his moral compass?  Should we be at all concern of his strong fascist and corporatist leanings? What does the fact that he treats the Constitution with ill reverence says about whom he may choose to enforce it?  Is he the best amongst us whom we could have chosen?  Do we care to even ask such bold questions anymore?  And if the voters continue to take their choices so triviality, what does that say about the future of our great country?

A good argument can be made that it hasn’t been since the election of Reagan that the nation has had a president who the people, with little conscience reservation, felt proud when he spoke in our name, felt confident in his character, had confident that he was guided by Divine moral conviction, and felt little need question his judgement.  There is a reason that Reagan’s name still demands honor and respect, and so many Republicans blasphemously speaks his name for their illicit political benefit.  When have you heard any Democrat president spoken nearly with such reverence? Carter? Clinton? Will Obama be? Yes, you can say Kennedy. But the nation was vastly different then – morally, socially, economically, and politically.  The distance from America then and America now is comparable to that of Earth and Pluto.

The importance of choosing a God-fearing man of good moral character to govern and the consequences that would come if the American people failed in that undertaking may have been foretold no more prophetically them Founding Father Noah Webster, when he said, “When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers, “just men who will rule in the fear of God.” The preservation of government depends on the faithful discharge of this duty; if the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good so much as for selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizens will be violated or disregarded. If a republican government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the laws.” and When a citizen gives his suffrage (vote) to a man of known immorality he abuses his trust; he sacrifices not only his own interest, but that of his neighbor, he betrays the interest of his country.”

This nation will not fail or succeed by the moral compass or quality of character of the leaders placed to govern, but by that of the people who chooses them to govern.


America Just Experienced The Greatest Transfer of U.S Governmental Economic Power With Barely A Peep: The illusion of financial sanity is no more.

February 13, 2014 will go down in U.S-American history as the day the government of the United States officially revealed to the American people that it is truly not interested in reestablishing a solvent economic policy for the nation.  Thursday, while much of the nation was distracted with snow storms and the Winter Olympics, the Senate, with a crucial assist by the leader of the supposed opposition Party Mitch McConnell, passed a debt limit bill minus any limits for 13 months.  And I mean no limits!  The so-called opposition Party, the Party that has a majority in the House, they control the money of the government, the Party that traditionally is to be for a limited and economical sound government, placed no conditions in the bill at all to express either.  None!  Zip!  Zero! Nada!

The federal debt is already at over $17 Trillion, over $6 Trillion of which is due to Mr. Obama alone.  If you include the government’s unfunded promises, such as Medicare, government retiree and Social Security payouts, the debt is closer to $90 Trillion.  And still the figure doesn’t include the whooper of a bill that Obamacare, who’s full implementation keeps being unilaterally delayed for political favor, will lay on the taxpayers for generations to come.  And now the Congress gives Mr. O, a man who once declared that, “We [the government] don’t have a spending problem.”, carte blanche to use the wealth of the citizens of the United States however he sees fit for nearly 400 days?  Really?!  That’s tantamount to giving a fat kid the key to a candy mall for a weekend, hoping to cure his craving for sweets.  Good luck with that!

obama and speakerIf we were watching this at the movies we would all be saying this is a setup and that the heads of the two Parties, who are supposed to be bitter enemies, are in cahoots on the down-low.  But, this is for real!  But if so many of the American people weren’t so distracted and on some form of mental depressant we could see that the National Political Party’s collusion is the only thing that makes any sense.  Mr. Obama is in what is supposed to be his “lame duck” period, where he no longer has the same juice as if he were actually going to be running for another term.  He has been embroiled in controversy after controversy, and scandal after scandal.  He makes Bill Clinton’s reign seem pedestrian.  His name is affixed to his signature bill [Obamacare] that the voters overwhelmingly dislike and will wreck this nation economically for decades.  He shows the Congress no respect at all by writing his own laws, by Executive Orders and enacting administrative mandates/regulations that circumvents the Congress and are disadvantageous to the country.  And his approval ratings have never been lower.  But, yet the Republican Elites can’t seem to be able to detach their lips from Mr. O’s ring…as well as some other places of his body.  The question for the people of America is why?

Currently the average U.S Taxpayer owes nearly $150,000 for the debt of the federal government.  The consequences of the Republican leadership’s, and the Congress as a whole, sellout of the American people is reprehensible and unconscionable with respect to the future of America.  Though $90 Trillion seems like an exorbitant number that is nearly impossible to get one’s head around, just think that it was $6 Trillion less some 5 years ago.  We did not get here over night, but further acts of gross financial nonfeasance and just out right economic theft of the financial solvency of America’s posterity sure is not the answer.  If that is the intent, that is.

The troubling aspects of all this is the gross disinterest from the Media – not just on this issue, but any of the motives behind the actions of this man who sits in the most powerful seat in the world.  The fact that there seems to be no longer even a pretense of a true opposition Party at the federal level, the American people have a choice now of  the bad and the worst of the Parties – particularly if you are of the conservative political persuasion.  But, the most troublesome is the deafening silence of any genuine protest from the people for the blatant confiscation of more and more their rights, liberties, and property, i.e., wages, via higher taxation, that so many have died for.  If the government were to levy a tax of 25% on each of our cable bills, I dare think of the uproar that would ensue from coast to coast. But, for an increase on a bill that is already at $150,000 on the Taxpayers now and will become an even greater burden on our next generations to come…there’s ambivalence.

Ronald Reagan prophetically stated that, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction”. In the wild the lion and the hyena are not friends, but they will feast off the same carcass for their mutual self-interests.  Are the American people the carcass of the political elites?.  If we don’t wake up from our induced stupor our freedoms and liberties for ourselves today and our children tomorrow will be no more.  The choice is ours.

Americanism Is At Risk Of Becoming An Extinct Concept To The Next Generation Of Americans

Late former President Ronald Reagan prophetically said that, Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” My only fear is that we may have already reached that point, if not passed it.  We have created too many orphans to the very concept of freedom – of Americanism.

To me Americanism includes first, the love of God, love and respect of father and mother, love and respect of American culture and history, and last, but not less, love and respect of America’s founding principles – the Constitution for the united states of America and the Declaration of Independence, and with the innate drive to be independent and self-governing.  But one must have the knowledge of their existence for any of the principles and concepts to have any relevance. The common thread that binds all of these concepts is a high degree of moral standards, via Biblical philosophy and principles.

Ever since the Supreme Court’s mis-application of Jefferson’s “separation of church and state” reference the federal government, particularly those of the liberal/progressive political persuasion, have been hell-bent on abolishing any presence of Christianity and God from public view to the point that many Americans view themselves as not only being not Christian, but of no particular religious foundation at all.  The popular acceptance of secular religions and intuitively counter Christian philosophies to include even that of Islam is running rampant throughout our society, aided by the federal government, at the expense of our nation’s traditional religious beliefs and philosophies. 

The explosion of single-parent households coupled with the politically redefining of marriage to include pairings of same-sexed persons have rattled the once solid foundation of the nuclear family, that of one man and one woman, to it’s core.  And has disturbed and confused the building and structuring pillars that once raised a child to adulthood to clearly know and understand right from wrong actions, and to have a clear sense of the hierarchical nature of a civil society, rather than a society of few absolutes, less defined roles of behavior, absent defined boundaries, and a gross detached sense of personal responsibility with little or no fear of consequences. The self-evident negative consequences that actions such as having a child as a single parent and raising as child in a homosexual household is having on our society has been a generation or more children growing up without true guidance or structure from home as in past generations, grossly deficient in critical social skills, and eternally lacking moral and ethical integrity amongst not only our youth, but our society as a whole.

And as for the results of a grossly politically and civically detached American populous, it can not be described as anything but tragic!  A September 2011 USA Today article reported on some findings from an Annenberg Public Policy Center survey that should make anyone who loves this great nation serious concern:

  • Just 38% of the poll’s respondents can name all three branches of the U.S. government (executive, legislative and judicial) One-third are unable to correctly name any of the branches.
  • 15% correctly say John Roberts is chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, but almost twice as many respondents (27%) correctly named Randy Jackson as a judge on TV’s American Idol.
  • A majority of people (55%) incorrectly believe the Constitution was signed in 1776. That’s the year the Declaration of Independence was signed. The Constitution was signed Sept. 17, 1787.

As former Justice Sandra O’Connor said, “If we don’t know what makes this country special and worth saving, how will we know how to safeguard its promise of freedom and opportunity.”

It is my belief that when someone speaks of changing a person or a nation fundamentally they can only be talking of changing him or it from its core. Changing his or it’s belief structure. Changing his or its culture. And changing his or its self perception.  Tearing him or it down in order rebuild it in an different manner.  America from its inception has always been stubbornly masculine in personality, a independent-minded cultured nation, and grounded in and guided by Judeo-Christian principles.  But more importantly, a politically engaged and educated people were always to be the most critical component for the nation’s survival as a free nation.  Remember what Ben Franklin said after the first Constitutional Convention, we have a republic, IF WE CAN KEEP IT.  But with the slow incremental introduction of collectivism, more and more personal responsibility being transferred to the government, and just the abandonment of the fundamental principles and beliefs that has made this nation the envy of the world for over 200 years, we find ourselves now with the federal government in control of nearly 10% of the nation’s economy and able to micro-manage the lives of nearly every U. S and American citizen with the enactment of the Affordable Care Act, i.e., Obamacare, and more Americans dependent on the U.S government for their very survival. Coupled with a frightful number of Americans lacking any knowledge or understanding of this nation’s founding principles, heritage, or the reason that makes this nation truly exceptional holds even more worrisome prospect for the nation’s future as one of a free-minded people.  A CNN July 4th, 2013 article reported that, “A shocking 85% of Americans cannot correctly describe the “rule of law,” as bedrock a principle as we have. A similar percentage cannot identify the Constitution as the “supreme law of the land.” How can one defend something that they know nothing about or falsely indentify?

History tells us that you can not have freedom absent a high degree of morality and personal responsibility. And whether one chooses to admit it, the Christian Bible has been the cornerstone of America’s miraculous success.  If one were to place Biblical principles next to the Constitution one would clearly recognize the connection between the two.  The question I have to ask, if our Christian principles and fundamental values are to be removed from our society, what would we have to replace it with that would benefit us as much? What other’s nation’s successful principles would we adapt?

The importance of Christendom to our nation’s existence can not be questioned, but by one unlearned in our history. Congress in 1854 rejected a petition to separate Christian principles from government. Congress resolved, “Had the people during the Revolution, had a suspicion of any attempt to war against Christianity, that Revolution would have been strangled in its cradle. It is the next generation of American’s  relationship to freedom and morality and the nation’s traditional Biblical principles and history that has served this nation well that is of extreme concern.  Without the bounds of principles that has guided their forefathers and this nation to the prosperity that they have become too accustomed the future does appear to be problematic if this nation is to remain in any resemblance to what we were given.

The next time that you see one of those segments on TV where random citizens are asked the most basic of questions such as, What year was the nation’s Declaration of Independence was signed? and they express their blatant ignorance, or when you witness youths express no interest in American traditional religious values or history, or when you see a woman who has 10 plus children, with no financial means, and no job skills, unremorsefully speaks of how others, i.e., you and I, the government, should help pay for her and her children needs, to the degree that it makes you cringe intensely, just remember what G.W, [George Washington] said in 1796,“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. . . . And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle”.

And as Mr. Reagan prophetically said, If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth” The choice is ours.

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