
Iranian Nuclear Agreement-Obama’s Past-There’s Nothing To See Here.?

obama iranIn the wake of the Iranian-U. S Nuclear Treaty Agreement, where by nearly all conscious observers the U.S government went far beyond bending over and grabbing it’s ankles to give Iran all that it wanted out of the deal. The Agreement between Iran and the 5 Permanent members of the U.N Security Council – the U.S, the U.K, Communist China, Russia, & France, plus Germany gave Iran access to Trillions of seized funds and blockaded military hardware and technology. But, what may be an even greater prized for Iran is the public relations value of the strong appearance that they surrendered little to nothing of it’s core principles or position. It does not have to denounce it’s sponsorship and promotion of terrorism. It does not have to denounce it’s position of wiping Israel off the map. And it did not give into demands of unfettered inspection of it’s nuclear sites nor disclose the status of it’s nuclear program.

There are many who strain to draw comparison to this perceived U.S/Obama led gross capitulation to Iran and U.K/Chamberlain’s towards Hitler’s Germany [the Munich Pact Treaty] that arguably led to WW 2. But I like to look at the possible intent and motives of the two main characters – Obama and Chamberlain.

By all historical accounts, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain loved his country and it’s people and was determined to not get his people involved in another war, like the WW 1. And even though he eventually saw the error in his position, he relented to his arch political nemesis, Winston Churchill. But he stayed on to serve in Churchill’s Administration. As for Mr. Barry-Barack Hussein Soetoro-Obama [Barry Soetoro is Barack’s official name age 6] his loyalty is very much in question. Though seemingly of little to no interest to the U.S Establishment News Media.

The U.S Media appears to be most disinterested in the fact that Mr. O was raised by two Muslim fathers of nations which did not hold western culture or America in high regards. He was not taught of Americanism like many of us have, due to the fact that he did not step foot on the Continental United States of America until his college days where he became heavily influenced by anti-American/Marxist/Communist/ Socialist personalities, such as Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers, and Reverend Jeremiah Wright. The U.S Media seems narcoleptic when it comes to Mr. O’s relationship with Islam and his brother, who is linked to the Iranian-backed Muslim Brotherhood. And I have not even included Mr. O’s repeated expressed mantra of America and the United States’ unjust dominant position in the world, as evidenced by his infamous Apology Tour and his unfailing attempts to degrade and or denigrate America’s culture and history whenever he’s presumably out of ear shot of the American people. Even on foreign Muslim soil as in Turkey he thought it was a good time to shine light on America’s “dark periods”, referring to our nation’s slave period. Of which he has a connection only through books and movies, for neither Kenya nor Indonesia were sources of American slaves.

Though the Media can easily gets hyper invigorated over the fact that Republican Candidates Marco Rubio has had a couple of speeding tickets in the past and has a bought a boat, Ted Cruz was a dual Canadian citizen, and that Wis. Governor Scott Walker dropped out of Marquette University, it seemingly sees nothing at all to be the slightest bit inquisitive of in the current occupier of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Mr. O will be the face of what future historians may call the most tragic military agreement ever! If there has ever been a nation’s leader that has epitomized such a severe indifference and hostility to the fundamental principles and traditional values of the very nation that he or she was supposed to represent and serve as Mr. O, history has yet to give him or her their just due.

The Conservativatism Blitz Of The 2014 Mid-Terms, But Will The Progressives Ignore Reality?

Thomas Jefferson once stated of the two political parties, “Both of our political parties, at least the honest portion of them, agree conscientiously in the same object: the public good; but they differ essentially in what they deem the means of promoting that good. One side believes it best done by one composition of the governing powers, the other by a different one. One fears most the ignorance of the people; the other the selfishness of rulers independent of them. Which is right, time and experience will prove. We think that one side of this experiment has been long enough tried and proved not to promote the good of the many, and that the other has not been fairly and sufficiently tried.”  There is no other way of honestly describing last Tuesday’s election other than a political blitz by the Republican Party, more specifically economic conservatism. Not only did it pick up a majority in the U.S Senate, but created a super majority in the House, and also picked up a majority in State Governorships. Even once Democrat strongholds Illinois, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, and Indiana turned red. But, it was not just a choice between whether or not the candidate had an R or a D in front of their name, but whether the ideology of the candidate espoused more individual freedom or less, and greater economic prosperity or more failed Keynesian economics.  And the voters clearly chose the Republican ideology.

obama smugDespite how Mr. Obama and the liberal pundits may strenuously attempt to describe this mass rejection of Mr. O’s reign by the people as one of hoping for less “gridlock” in D.C, it was clearly a bazooka blast aimed at Mr. Obama and his policies and his Progressive-Alinsky ideology.   After nearly 6 years of Obamalogy the exit polling of the election shows:  Nearly two out of three voters believe the nation is going in the wrong direction, 7 out of 10 believe that the economy is bad, nearly 8 out of 10 voters are worried about the nation’s economic future, and most importantly over half disapproved of President Obama’s performance and still less than half of the voters like Obamacare.  According to the Both political parties are seen most unfavorably by the people: Six out of ten voters say they are dissatisfied or angry with the Republican leadership in Congress and greater that half say they view both the Republican and the Democrat Parties equally unfavorably.  It is time clearly for a change of course.

What the results of the election of 2014 should tell the creatures in D.C is that economic issues are still, and have always, ruled the day for the folks. Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Ohio, traditional Democrat States, all are, or soon will be, ran by Republicans because it is Republicans who have shown that their conservative economic ideology makes not only cents, but dollars.  And it is that ideology that we the people hope to transfuse into the halls of the Capital and the White House. Removing the ideology of big government and Progressivism.

Though Obama has arguably made great strides in achieving his goal of fundamentally transforming the nation, as reported by, the one thing that has been certainly laid to waste in his wake is the economy:

  • The national debt has nearly doubled since President Obama’s election. Today it stands at 74 percent of the economy.
  • CBO projects that mandatory spending and interest on the debt is projected to consume 94% of all federal revenues 10 years from now.
  • Since 2009, the percentage of working-age Americans who are not in the labor force has reached near-record levels.  During that time, the number of adults outside the labor force has increased by 12 million. There are fewer full-time jobs in America than when the recession started. Nearly 29 million of the 124.5 million Americans in prime working years – ages 25-54 – are currently without a job.
  • Most American workers have not seen their incomes increase.
  • CBO projects that Social Security will go bankrupt in 2032, a year earlier than the Social Security Trustees predicted last year. The Disability Insurance Trust Fund is in the direst condition, as CBO expects it to be bankrupt as early as October 2016.

What is wrong with America today is just not due to Obama, the Democrats, or just the Republicans, but the Progressive ideology – that big government is good and that we the people are incapable of running our lives productively, independent of government. The Progressive political ideology permeates both sides of the aisle in D.C.  Lets not forget that the first Progressive was Theodore Roosevelt, a” Republican”.  Obama is just a naked Progressive with a twist of extreme, anti-American radical spunk, and narcissism, with a mesmerized and politically intellectually uninitiated populous, chained by untethered political correctness, to enable him.

But, if the political creatures in D.C chose to not heed the expressed wishes of the voters of last Tuesday, they might best heed the prophetic words of Jefferson, “You might be able to fool the people for a while, and they may go astray, but sooner or later the American people are going to wake up and they will correct the course’”.

A President Gone Rouge: Where’s The Outcry?

obama smug

The late U.S President Richard Nixon famously stated, “When the President does it, that means that it’s not illegal.” He was later removed from office by the people.

But my, my, my, my, my, how times have changed. And not for the better. Today the American people are faced with Nixon reincarnated on steroids and a complicit Congress that is seemingly more interested in being politically correct than constitutionally correct.

The nation is faced with an invasion of immigrants unlike in any other time deliberately instigated and enabled by the Chief Executive of the United States. Unwilling, or unable, to make his case to the American people why the nation needs to allow more immigrants, particularly those low skilled from south of the border, how the nation can financially afford the influx of such numbers, or explain how the nation could best assimilate such an influx of immigrants into our society at a time of unprecedented economic and employment troubles; Mr. Obama instead creates law at his desk, via Executive Orders.

From the moment Mr. Obama was placed into the Office he has  sought to move heaven and earth to impose his vision of America on America, by any means necessary.  Many of his actions have not just been on the line of legality, but totally over it.  His most blatant acts of lawful defiance and indifference has been his championing of Latin immigrants who seek to come and stay in the country “undocumented”; even at the expense of the nations domestic laws and social tranquility. Though there has been Presidents such as Teddy Roosevelt who have used their power of the pen to impose their interpretation of a law passed by the Congress, never has the one charged to enforce the laws of the land so blatantly chosen to ignore written laws, and write executive law and regulations unilaterally without care or consideration of the Branch that’s actually empowered to make law, i.e., the Congress.  Coupled with the curious fact there doesn’t seem to any true opposition to his power grab is even more problematic. Mr. O seems to be totally unconcerned about the negative effects that his actions will have on the nation. Or is this his intent?.

What makes Obama’s actions even more bizarre, is that to hear him speak of his having to ignore the Congress to get his policies enacted to the American people, the fact that the Congress will not blindly go along with his wants, he believes that we should be greatfull that he is working outside of the laws of the country.  Lets remember that Mr. O views the Constitution as “a Charter of Negative Liberties“.  It’s too restrictive on the powers of government.  If the head the Executive Branch believes that the laws of the nation are to be adhered to only when it’s convenient, how is the average citizen or the youngest amongst us to view laws or those in authority? And should we rest comfortably thinking that this precedent won’t be followed by future presidents to a even more greater degree?

The fundamental question we the people of America should be asking is, Whether we are to be ruled by a king or governed by a duly elected Legislature in concert with the Executive and Judicial Branches in accordance with the Constitution? Founder Alexander Hamilton discussed the king vs president comparison and how laws are to be properly enacted in the Federalist Papers #69 by saying, “The President of the United States is to have power to return a bill, which shall have passed the two branches of the legislature, for reconsideration; and the bill so returned is to become a law, if, upon that reconsideration, it be approved by two thirds of both houses. The king of Great Britain, on his part, has an absolute negative upon the acts of the two houses of Parliament. The disuse of that power for a considerable time past does not affect the reality of its existence; and is to be ascribed wholly to the crown’s having found the means of substituting influence to authority, or the art of gaining a majority in one or the other of the two houses, to the necessity of exerting a prerogative which could seldom be exerted without hazarding some degree of national agitation.” I would say that we are pretty agitated. Wouldn’t you? If we want a president who totally ignores the voices of the people via their representatives because they wont act as his wants, than it is a king that we truly want.  The powers of the Executive, as well as the government as a whole, were to be finite, defined, and limited, to ensure the liberties of the people and the tranquility and prosperity of the nation.

The desire of big business and government to import cheap labor in mass to the detriment of abled-bodied domestic labor is not new, as reported by Roy Beck in We have today a government working against the betterment of the nation seemingly with impunity.  We today have one of the lowest labor participation rates in our nations history and a federal debt that is so negative it is going to be born by our posterity for generations.  We have a gross deficiency in moral governance and a evolving cancerous societal culture that denigrates the value of having a high ethical code.  That of hard work in particular.  We do not have a domestic labor shortage, despite the constantly repeated political mantra.  If that were the case wages would not be stagnant or declining as they are. How is flooding the nation with more low-skilled immigrants who many seeks to take even more from our coffers that we do not actually have going make us as a nation more prosperous?  How does imposing laws in one way for the benefit of one group of people and in a different way, or not at all,  for another make us more just? More united?

What is vastly different today is the grotesque level of Saul Alinsky-like techniques of word manipulation, deception, and dishonesty presented by Mr. Obama and the lack of resolute moral governance by the people’s representatives. A unrestrained government, one that sees no bounds to its authority, that deliberately tramples on the line between legal and illegal at the expense of the will of the governed, is by definition a tyrannical government.  But, we the people have to posses a definitive moral constitution for those who represent us to.  We have to be knowledgable of the of the proper role, authority, and function of government.  We have to be informed and engaged on political matters and the actions of the government. If we have a president who acts illegally, a government that chooses not to govern, but rule, or have laws made that are unlawful, it is up to each of us to check him or them.  At the end of the day our silence is our quiescence.

10 Things We Will Not Hear Come Out of Mr. Obama’s Mouth As He Reports on The State of the Nation

Barack ObamaYes here we are again, another speech by Mr. Obama on the State of the Nation. As this being the fifth one by Mr. O, the first after his re-election, with a nation still in the grips of economic depression of historic proportions, and with the people of America thirsting for words of inspiration, a provocative and aggressive vision for a prosperous future for the nation to ensure America’s prominence in the world, and or words of a blueprint to draw a resolution to the ills of division and unrealized greatness.  We are all more than likely going to get more of the same warmed-over mantra of taking from those based on their ability, to give to those based on their needs, and that America is a nation a victims and that it is the government of the United States’ duty and obligation to right the wrong.  No matter the consequences to the community as a whole. It may be too much to ask for him to deliver a speech like John Kennedy or Ron Reagan, or God-forbid George Washington. But why are we being subjected to speeches of Saul Alinsky, Woodrow Wilson, and Karl Marx?

The one thing that is for certain is that Mr. O will continue in his reshaping and redefining the office of the Presidency like none of his predecessors have done, nor possibly ever envisioned for this great nation.

The 10 words that we are most certain to hear come out of the mouth Mr. Obama, if his past rhetorical history holds true:

10. Any mention of the positive effect of the Key Stone Pipeline proposal.

9.   Any mention of the literal economic boom occurring in oil and natural gas rich states such as, North Dakota, Texas, which could be the blueprint out of the economic dependency on foreign nations, such as Communist China and the nations of O.P.E.C.

8.   Who’s actually responsible for the attack on the U.S Embassy in Benghazi.

7.   How he believes the nation can regain our Economic Freedom Rankings that have us currently as low as #12; behind nations such as, Singapore and Hong Kong.

6.   That he believes that the illegal immigrants, and their enablers, in the audience should be arrested and departed, to demonstrate that he has sworn an oath to uphold ALL of the laws of the United States, even those that he may disagree with. According to the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act Section 8 U.S.C 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii), “Any person who . . . encourages or induces an alien to . . . reside . . . knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such . . . residence is . . . in violation of law, shall be punished as provided . . . for each alien in respect to whom such a violation occurs . .. fined under title 18 . . . imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.”   How,and why is this, any many other federal laws, being totally ignored by the Administration?

5.   Any mention of the fact that for the first time in America there are more able-bodied citizens on Food Stamps.

4.   Any mention of the fact that the labor participation rate is at the lowest.

3.   Communist China is growing as serious military threat, as well as an economic competitor and that as a nation we should work towards regain our economic solvency to effectively address the challenge.

2.   Any mention of the amazing success the Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, and other Governors, have had at economically reviving his State’s economy by reducing taxes, cutting government expenses, and encouraging business development, to be possible blueprint for the nation.

1.   Sincerely apologize to the people of the United States and America for blatantly lying to, misleading, manipulating, us regarding Obamacare – and many other things.

I know, for him to say anything such as this would be too much like right for the nation. And most of us are more interested American Idol, the Super Bowl, or figuring out what to eat tonight.  But as the people of America and the United States become more and more numb to not just the words of the President, but the actions of the government, so more in jeopardy are our cherished liberties and freedoms. As the prophetic warning of Founder Daniel Webster, “I apprehend no danger to our country from a foreign foe … Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. — From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence, I must confess that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants, and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men, and become the instruments of their own undoing. Make them intelligent, and they will be vigilant; give them the means of detecting the wrong, and they will apply the remedy.” is placed in the recesses of our mind, we need to know that historically when the people disengage from the political guidance of their nation that is purposefully dependent on its intellectual governance, personal liberties and freedoms are what is ultimately surrendered.


Former Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel prophetically stated, “You don’t ever want a crisis to go to waste”. Well his good ol’ buddy Mr. O has certainly taken that belief to heart as he once again uses a U.S government crisis to inflict as much pain and discomfort on the American people as possible to further deform this nation into something that it was never meant to be, subservient and dependent to the central government in D.C.130809_obama_side_ap_605

For someone who was swept into office on a magic carpet sprinkling pixy dust of supposed unity to not only the federal government but the nation, he sure has not missed an opportunity to build a wall for both, particularly regarding the people of America. Everything from the Occupy Wall-street episode, where disenchanted, overly indulged, and highly manipulable youths were allowed to wreck havoc throughout the nation during his first term, to demonizing the pursuit of achievement and success, to his Administration blatantly pushing illegal immigration and voter id laws against the wishes of the States and the American people, to backing pro-homosexuality and anti-American religious agendas, he has orchestrated a persistent act of divide and deform. The astonishing thing is that he has brazenly done most of this in plain sight with the Establishment Media distorting and refocusing what we are actually witnessing with propaganda that would make Edward Bernays blush.

Last year it was the sequester that was suppose to end life in America as we knew it if the government wasn’t forced to cut $1.5 trillion over a period of a decade as it promised, while the government spends over a trillion annually. So instead of working to keep the battle confined to the government and saving the American people as much discomfort’ as possible, as other previous presidents have done, he reportedly dispatches an email to governmental agencies saying, you need to make sure you are not contradicting what we said the impact would be”, i.e., devastating to the public. And now its the government “shut down” that the American people aren’t suppose to be able to live without. Even if it means that Obamacare, a law that most citizens hate, isn’t delayed for another year.

parks-shut-down-APBut just as with the sequester Mr. O’s Administration seeks to exaggerate the importance of government in the lives of the average citizen, even in matters where the federal government has no direct involvement or jurisdiction. Much like a spoiled kid who loses a quarrel or disagreement with someone and attempts to retaliate by getting everyone that he knows, and some who he doesn’t, to treat the other person disrespectfully and or with malice. Except in this case we are not talking about a kid, but a grown man who happens to hold the seat of the president and the head the Executive Branch of the United States government. As reported by Mr. O purposefully has gone out of his way to inflict discomfort on the American people and U.S troops by closing, or attempting to close things such as, the World War 2, Vietnam, and D Day Memorials, prohibiting military chaplins and priest from working, even for free, blacking out sports and entertainment programing to U.S troops overseas, even attempting to close privately owned parks, hotels, museums, and memorials.

The two most interesting points about this so-called government shutdown are that only 17% of the government is effected and when Mr. O argues that he doesn’t want to delay the implementation of the Obamacare for individuals even for a year…has he already delayed or amended the law unilaterally over 19 times.

Yet, with all of this evidence of deliberate gross manipulation of the truth and vindictive actions against the American people during this event, he still gets up and tells the us, via a complicit Media, with a straight face, it’s not me.  How?  Simply go to rule #2 of Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals, “Never go outside the expertise of your people”. Mr. O knows his audience. so he fell comfortable talking to us like we’re all ignorant and stupid.  He knows that the Media has not and is not going to publicly vet or challenge him or anything that he says. And he also realizes that 90% percent of Black-Americans, die-heart democrats, and most liberals are still hypnotized by his velvet voice, skin color, and charming persona and will accept him at his word, regardless of the negative consequences to the nation. He can say that today is Easter, the Media will tell us to go outside to look for eggs. And many of us will at least go to the door.

Mr. O is a true Alinsky disciple who graduated top of the class. See if these tactics sound familiar: “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy. Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty.”; “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.”; “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.; and Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

The “shutdown” crisis is all about Mr. O, his love for big government, his detest for Americanism and the American people, and the fulfillment of his promise to fundamentally transform deform this nation from our traditional foundations. It is only to the supreme resilience and stubborn independent nature that we as Americans still posses that we have yet crumbled. But just imagine if Mr. O were to have put all this dogged determination into actually building this nation? Imagine if we had a populace that  was as engaged in matters of politics as we are in sports? May the Creator continue to bless us.