
The Radical Gay Agenda Spreads: You Will Be Made To Care.

On May 10 2012, a date that will truly live in infamy. Mr. Barack Hussein Obama became the first sitting U.S President to endorse Same-Sex unions and legally brand it marriage. His utterance and his actions since have sent ripples throughout the nation, and the world. Even if you are one who is politically uninitiated or believe that matters of politics don’t effect you, you will inevitably be effected.

One can not but be a stunned witness to the consequences of the unprecedented endorsement of the Chief Executive. From schools offering “gender neutral” restrooms, to the abolishment of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and the Defense of Marriage Act, to the proliferation of more overt gay and lesbian depictions on TV, in every form from cartoon to Reality TV, the gay, lesbian, and even transgender lifestyle is being presented as on par or equal with that of the heterosexual lifestyle. Once staunch pro-traditional lifestyle choice organizations such as, the American Boy Scouts and more recently the American Presbyterian Church have been moved, pushed, or dragged to accept and endorse the alternative life-style and same-sex marriage.

May God have mercy on anyone who dares to express the slightest displeasure or disagreement in this radical societal transformation and attempts to stand ground on traditional American Christian principles. The wrath of naked intolerance will besiege you, unmercifully.  Just ask former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich who was forced to resign for his donation to an winning California campaign against same-sex marriage, some four years prior. Ask business owners such as Crystal O’Connor co-owner of Memories Pizzeria in Indiana, some 20 miles from South Bend, who has been forced to close because she simply told a news reporter, who was desperately seeking a story, that she would not cater a gay wedding. When was the last wedding that you went to that served pizza? Ask Aaron Klein former owner of Sweet Cakes By Melissa, a family-owned Christian bakery in Oregon, who was forced to close down because they could not bake cake for a lesbian couple – who were regular clients – because of their religious convictions. Or even today’s display of rabid intolerance by the extreme sect of the homosexual community, or those causing chaos in their name, of anyone simply expressing disagreement with their choice of life-style – the fight over States passing Religious Freedom & Restoration Act [RFRA]. States are simply applying what is already a federal law to their States in order to specifically limit the governments ability to infringe on the religious interest of the it’s citizens – ALL OF IT’S CITIZENS. I thought that the Constitution of the united States already did that. It may be just my confusion.

What is most interesting with this issue is that RFRA was sponsored by Democrat Senator Chuck Schemer, past overwhelmingly by Congress, and signed with much fanfare by Democrat President Bill Clinton in 1993 in order to protect the religious rights of Native American Indians to practice their religious ceremonies from government intrusion. It had nothing, and has nothing, to do with the homosexual nor gay life-style. The words referring to homosexual, gay, lesbian, transgender, or any coded language specifically referring to any group of citizen’s sexual orientation, or any orientation for that matter, can not be found in the law. And it has never been used to infringe on the rights of gays or lesbians. But, it was in the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision of June of last year that RFRA saved Hobby Lobby from having to sacrifice it’s moral code and be forced by the federal government’s Obamacare mandate to provide birth control pills. Huumm!

If one were dropped into America from out of space and watched the news over the past 6 or so years he would think that gays and homosexuals were being rounded up and slaughtered, publicly lynched and flogged, stoned by citizens at their very sight, and economically being depressed. But the truth and facts are much less dramatic. The gay and lesbian community are statistically more educated and earn more than their heterosexual counterparts, according to 2013 U.S News report. And according to the 2012 F.B.I Hate Crimes Statistics, less than 20% of crimes were due to one’s sexual orientation, while nearly 50% was due to one’s race. Also if one did not know any better, due to the gross propaganda by the Media and Entertainment Complex, one would think that the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, & Transgender [LGBT] community was a dominant persuasion in the nation. In fact the LGBT community makes up just less than 4% of the nation’s population. But due to the mass saturation of liberal progressive Media’s false stories and orchestrated discourse, one would think that it is Christians who are out seeking homosexuals and terrorizing them.

Due to the increased secularization of the culture, not just in America, but in Europe, the Gay Movement has been growing, with muted opposition. But since the appointment of Mr. Obama as Chief Executive and President of the U.S, their agenda has gone into warped speed. And with the literal abandonment of the defense of traditional social values by the National Republican party, the radial Progressive Left has been successful in dividing the nation and causing chaos. Some could successfully argue that the recent favor of the LGBT community by the National Democrat party has more to do with politics than principles, or a coming to Jesus moment. The coffers of the federal and States, and even Big Business, stand to benefit greatly due to the legalization of same-sex unions, according to a 2012 CNN Money report.

The seemingly exclusive targeting of those of the Christian persuasion can not be overlooked. Particularly under this Administration, anything Christian has been treated like the red-headed stepchild who was birthed by accident. Under this Administration Christians have been placed on the same list as Hamas and Al-Qaida as enemies of the State by the Military and terrorist by Homeland Security. Coupled with the further feminization of the nation’s culture and personality, fewer of American youths have truly positive masculine role models or ideals to emulate. The Clint Eastwoods and Sidney Poitiers of generations past have been replaced with Rue Pauls. The days of speaking stern grounded in principle, has given way to speaking softly charged with emotional impulses, so as not to possibly offend someone. And the strong hard nose father figures have been largely castrated by submitting to the illogical popular notion that the traditional role of the woman equates to servitude. Moralism, defining right and wrong, has become an issue of feelings and comfort, rather than beliefs and principles to too many Americans, particularly the youths. It is past time for the “silent majority” to stop being so silent.

The radial gay agenda is being propagated via fear, intimation, and false truths, not principle or strength of position.  The LGBT people could have put all of this energy behind a movement to pass Civil Unions. But, they chose, and were guided, to the path of most resistance, confrontation, and that would cause the most division. The institution of marriage is more than a governmental franchise, it has roots in the Bible, and many other books of religion. It has one main purpose that has been long recognized that defines it – procreation. The assault on the institution of marriage and Christendom are intertwined. It is about their destruction.  And with it, goes the foundation on which this great nation surpassed all others.  Just as gay activist Masha Gessen frankly admitted, “The push for gay marriage has less to do with the right to marry – it is about diminishing and eventually destroying the institution of marriage and redefining the ‘traditional family.‘” And more importantly, as Mr. O promised to fundamentally transform this nation, he’s not doing it as much economically, but by social re-engineering. Real fundamental change comes from changing how we see each other, how we relate to one another, and changing the common values we hold true. Our foundation, our strength, has always originated in the church – particularly the Judeo-Christian Church. Whether you attend church or not, those principles are woven throughout our the society. The abolishment of moral values or absolutes and making the issue of truth irrelevant in our society negatively effects us all.  As Alexis de Tocqueville, 1800’s French political thinker and historian, prophetically stated, “I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers – and it was not there.. . in her fertile fields and boundless forests and it was not there . . . in her rich mines and her vast world commerce – and it was not there . . . in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution – and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.”

At the end of the day, it is up to you to chose the future of this nation.

Conformity Of Thought Continues To Erode America’s Fundamental Freedoms Unabated

Pope Benedict XVI said during an Italian Bishop’s Conference in 2010, “that we need to be more critical of the information we get from the Web … that Net surfers ought to be wary of the “dangers of conformity, of control, of moral and intellectual relativism, which can already be recognized in the decline of critical spirit.” Was he ever speaking the truth on that.

After the most recent dust-up over the recorded conversation of the Owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, Donald Sterling, that may cost him not only banishment from the league, over $2 million in fines, but being forced to sale his team, that he has owned since 1981. All because he made some extremely insensitive and bigoted remarks regarding Black-Americans and their relationship with his “girlfriend”, that were made very public. Though I am certainly not condoning or defending Mr. Sterling, what I am questioning seriously is the circumstances surrounding all the commotion. I too question the extreme rush of public persecution, via the 24 hr Media complex, of someone who made statements that were meant to be private, that did not directly hurt anyone, threaten their lives, liberties, nor property, that which he is being accused. But yet, it is an emotionally charge public, whipped-up by the Establishment Media, that seeks to threaten his property-the L.A Clippers. As indefensible as what he was recorded to have said, was this the first time that he has uttered such remarks, displayed such actions or mannerism? Public records say no. Is he the only owner of an American sports team who may harbor such views or opinions? I bet you not. So even the most passive observer should question, why him? Why now? And why in such a public manner? And why is there no effort to comprehensively educate not only him and people like him with similar views, but the public at large, of the real underline issues that causes such mistrust and fear of people who may be of a different ethnic, political, gender, or philosophical persuasion. There seems to be a rush to public crucify anyone of a particular sect in our society who simply have a different point of view and or opinion.

Just as in other recent emotionally charged public executions of individuals for simply what they say or have said or expressions such as, Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson, Ex Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich, and in even less publicized suppression of seemingly intolerable expression such as, American students not being allowed to wear the Stars and Strips during Cinco De Mayo…in California, a bakery was forced to close for refusing to bake a cake for a same-sex couple, and most of all any expression of displeasure or indifference with Mr. Obama or his policies its racist. There are just some actions, speech, and expressions that just will not be tolerated. But interestingly, it only seems to favor the politically liberal progressive ideology. It’s similar to Pavlov’s Dog Experiment, where we as a nation are being conditioned to react to certain stimuli strictly based on emotional triggers.

Van Jones has admitted to being an out-right communist, he gets appointed as a “Czar” for Mr. Obama and then gets a job on CNN and Al Sharpton has called Caucasians “Crackers”, he gets several jobs on MSNBC. No one in the Media says anything. Mr. Obama hangs an ornament of former Communist China leader Mao on the nation’s Christmas Tree his first year in. Barely a peep is heard. A lesbian JUDGE refuses to officiate a heterosexual marriage. No 24 hr uproar by the Establishment Media. Senator Reid in 2008 said, that Mr. Obama was electable because he was “light-skinned” and has “no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.” The Media was on snooze. And lets not forget Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the longtime pastor and mentor of Mr. Obama for many years, has said some very insensitive and some would say bigoted things towards America and Caucasians. Yet the Media shows no interest in learning more about his rational, and even more important his relationship with the man who is now in the seat of the Presidency of the United States?. Huumm… Really? Do we as a nation now only view morality and right and wrong through the prism of political correctness or color of skin, sexual persuasion, and political persuasion, rather than conscious?

Why is it that in today’s America those who have a conservative political and social point of view fear having their views known and expressed?  Why is it that just the mention of Fox News draw laughter and groans from audiences on late nite TV shows?  and why is it that conservative points of view being suppressed from college campuses?

The very disturbing path that this nation now finds itself is now even being voiced by members of the entertainment complex such as comedian Rob Schneider when he said during a recent CBS Chris Stigall interview,“Democracies don’t end well. We are sliding very fast towards fascism. It’s an ugly kind of thing. There’s this kind of mob mentality that we have to be careful of … There’s a polarization that’s happening…I do think you look can look at government and go, ‘Wow, it is out of control now,’ and if you do criticize or tend to be not directly along a liberal stand, you can get murdered.” Wow! If a comedian is boldly voicing such view points imagine what others in the entertainment industry are thinking and saying in private.  Lets keep in mind that we are talking about the actions of the man who sits in the seat of the Presidency of the United States and the future of a nation that was created for free people to never fear expressing opposing points of view regarding the government.

We now live in a nation guided by a man who has since being placed in the Oval Office has truly worked to fundamentally change our country by aggravating our differences and suppressing and demonizing anyone who may oppose his agenda or policies. Under his reign, to have an opposing view of his extreme liberal progressive policies or point of view can no longer be simply graded on the basis of difference of opinion or beliefs, but race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual persuasion. Free expression and speech is being suppressed if it is in any way indifferent to that of the government. This is most disturbing to those who care in the slightest not just for the America of those of us over the ages of 45, but for those that are coming after us.

Just look at what is happening in Great Briton Paul Weston, chairman of Liberty GB, was making a speech that included remarks made by Winston Churchill that was not flattering of Islam.  Someone construed his speech as insensitive and complained causing up to 7 policemen to come and arrest Mr. Weston there on the spot to silence him. The political liberal progressive agenda has made conservative groups in our nation such as the TEA Party, the philosophy of the nation’s Founders, and anyone who dares to share such views, marked for extinction from public view.

It’s not a matter of whether I agree with what someone like Mr. Sterling, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Eich, Rev. Wright, Mr. Jones, or anyone else may say or expressed opinions. But that I am, as an American, is free to disagree with them without fear of being punished due to governmental polices or conformation of the nation’s spirit.  Alexis de Tocqueville said prophetically of the dangers of conformity of thought, After having thus successively taken each member of the community in its powerful grasp and fashioned him at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community. It covers the surface of society with a network of small, complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.” and 1930’s Supreme Court Chief Justice Evan Hughes said truthfully, “Our institutions were not devised to bring about uniformity of opinion; if they had we might well abandon hope. It is important to remember, as has well been said, ‘the essential characteristic of true liberty is that under its shelter many different types of life and character and opinion and belief can develop unmolested and unobstructed.”

The choice is ours.