
Do Americans Want A King?

ceasarGeorge Washington and the first U.S Congress firmly rejected the idea of the head of the United States and formal representative of the American people to be called king.  Due the fact that didn’t want to mirror errors of the nation’s of Europe, where the people were ruled, via a monarchy or tyrannical system. They created a Constitution for the people of the United States of America that placed the final power in the hands of free American people, not them – the government.  And the Founders boldly stated in writing in the Declaration of Independence that man received their rights not from man, or government, but their Heavenly Creator.  The question that I have for the people of America today, in times of much stress, distress, anger, and great uncertainty, is have we forgotten where we have come from to now openly proclaim the desire to be subjects of a ruler or king?

Nearly 8 years ago the Citizens of the United States elected as President of the United States a man who’s closest adviser Valerie Jarrett, stated during an interview on the eve of his inauguration,“that president-elect Obama is prepared to really take power and begin to rule day one.” Notice he was meant to govern nor lead, but to take power. To RULE. And evidence shows he has ruled by the pen, i.e., Executive Orders. Virtually ignoring the will of the people and their elected representatives in the Congress whenever he couldn’t get his way.  All the while he is demonstratively proclaiming that he knows what is best for the nation.  Whether it be the implementation of debilitating restrictions on energy producers, such as coal and oil, that he as actually admitted in 2008, “So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it’s just that it will bankrupt them, because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted,” …“Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. Even regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad,” he added. “Because I’m capping greenhouse gases, coal power plants, you know, natural gas, you name it — whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, they would have to, uh, retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that money on to consumers.”  to adding new massive amounts of federal regulations via his Executive powers at an estimated prosperity cost of up to nearly $2 TRILLION ANNUALLY [as reported on 5/15], he has not sought any ideology but his own.  He has forced everyone else to follow or be belittled, demonized,  or crushed.

Mr. O is a Liberal Progressive on roids and Red Bull left unchained due to the extreme culture of political correctness and gross political illiteracy that today dominates the nation’s culture.

Warming up in the Democrat Presidential bullpen is an unapologetic Socialist, Barney Sanders, and another Alinsky disciple, Former State Secretary Hillary Clinton, who together can only argue on how much to take from “the haves” to give to “the have-nots”. With  no mention on how this formula has never led to economic prosperity of a nation.  NEVER! And how lying to the American people on matters of Mrs. Clinton’s use of an unauthorized private email server while State Secretary and her actions following a deadly attack on an US Consulate in Benghazi is unimportant.  With the bounds of the Constitution unmentioned.

And following the path blazed by Mr. Obama, of coming out of no where, vociferously using emotionally charged mantras and slogans, without never having to express specifics nor particulars of how is promises will actually promote national prosperity, nor how it’s inside Constitutional bounds, the Republican pool of Presidential hopefuls is currently led by another Progressive, and seemingly Alinsky disciple, Mr. Donald Trump.  He, like Mr. O, has a severe self-esteem, narcissistic personality, where he only listens to himself and follows his own path, leaving anyone who dares to not assimilate to be belittled, demonized, or crushed.  Even during his campaign, he does not have the normal team of advisers.  He does what he wants. The way he wants to do it. Period!.  It is ALL about him.  As evidence during his recent tirade and refusal to participate in the last debate prior to the first voting State of the Primary, his repeated focus voiced was how much of a financial lost of advertising his absence would cost FOX Broadcasting.  Nothing about how his absence would cost the US Citizens and prospective voters a valuable opportunity to measure his views for the nation’s future against his rivals.  And like Obama, his naked Progressive ideological utterances, have to this point, been muted by the Media and largely ignored and excused by his myrmidons.  He has publicly voiced his admiration for the “single payer” healthcare model, i.e., Obamacare, as reported in report on the 8/6/15 Debate.  Notice his Obama-like use of the word “I”.  He does not say “WE”.  Or that he will get the Congress to…  But “I”.  He also voiced favor for taxing the “rich”, as reported by as recently as 2/1/16.  Like Progressives do regarding this issue, totally not informing the audience that according to IRS reports, the top income earners already pays the vast majority of the federal taxes [according to National Taxpayers Union].  But even more striking insight to a man to be President of a predominant Christian nation, he stated that he has NEVER sought repentance.  He stated during a Q&A at a Iowa Family Leadership Summit last July, “I am not sure I have. I just go on and try to do a better job from there. I don’t think so,…“I think if I do something wrong, I think I just try and make it right. I don’t bring God into that picture. I don’t.”” [according to]  IF he does something wrong?!  Really?!  So if it not God that governs his life, who or what does, hmm?

But hey, lets not let what one quietly says blur what he says loudly. Right?  But, Mr. Romney makes a comment about the “47%ers”   at a private fundraising event and it’s an front-page unforgivable sin for 6 months?

Mr. O boastfully promised “Hope and Change!”  And he’s given the nation despair, with massive government expansion and consumption of economic production and an evaporating dominant world role; he has divided us on economic, social, gender, and ethnicity lines and religious secularization to degree as in no time in recent American memory; And has unleashed unsustainable pain upon the nation from foreigners, via the invasion of unassimilated immigrants, the massive debt owned by entities and nations such as, the Federal Reserve and Communist China. We have arrived at a point that many of us not only do not trust the government, we do not trust our neighbors, and are not allowed to openingly trust the principles of our Christian God.  But it’s not him that is to blame.  He told everyone who and what he was, it is that too many of us who chose to not take him at his word and to be blinded by his masterfully orchestrated persona.

And now the nation is being presented with a presumed Savior, Mr. Trump.  He loudly speaks of the same things that many of us speak about at the bar tables and kitchen tables, “Making America Great Again”!  But just like we are at the bar tables and kitchen tables, we are short on specifics that are based in reality and are functional and just.  But unlike us bragging and talking about what we should do at a bar, there’s no consequence.  But should this type of person become the President, it creates severe consequences for that.

Just as in the end days of the Roman Republic, the people we given a grand illusion of a republic when they blindly gave the ranes of the government to a man promising to do what they felt unimpowered to do for themselves, without him disclosing that in order to do so would mean the total surrendering of rights of not just those “bad guys”, but of the average citizen too.  He purposefully did not disclose that in order to fulfill his promises it would mean that the citizenry would have to surrender their rights and become subjects.  Subjects to Caesar.  Their new King.  The people in their emotional exuberance failed to ask how he would fulfill his promises within the confines of established Law.  They too had forgotten where they came from.  how they have become so free and prosperous.  That it was not due to a mighty government, but a mighty people who were had their hands firmly on the ranes of their government to ensure that it did not veer outside of it’s lawful bounds.

If we want a nation guided by law, the Constitution, with a high sense of moral governance, dictated by Christian principles and values, than we must first demand that of ourselves and then choose amongst us someone of the same yoke to lead us.






Atlas Shrugged: Fiction or Reality?

ayn ryanThe other day I watched the second installment of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged movie. Though it had been some time since I saw the first part of the sequel of 2011, this one rekindled disturbing eeriness that the first one left in me. The sense that this book, and movie, is hitting just a little too close to the reality of today, particularly in America.

This movie centers around what our world would be if the government was not governed by the tenets or principles of documents, such as the Constitution, where the right of citizens to their life, liberty, and property, i.e., pursuit of happiness, were supreme, that restricted the reach of the government, but was governed by what was good for the society, or majority, as a whole, PERIOD! This governmental ideology was greatly stifling to the producers, innovators, and entrepreneurs.

Both individuals and companies were taxed and regulated simply based on their capacity to earn, and produce. And the amount of their wealth was to be redistributed and made accessible to those based on their need and want. Words and phrases such as “fairness”, “the collective”, and “the common good” were used by government representatives and agents like they were getting points of word usage.

Industries of production were being placed under government control. There was a strict limit on the amount of money companies could earn. And if a company sought to exceed the government imposed profit limits or act counter to the demands of the government, they were run out of business, or faced prison time and or crippled with financial penalties. Some owners and creators of businesses even went as far as to destroy that which they had spent a life time to create, rather than let the government have it. Citizens of great wealth and talents were being taxed to the point that many of them chose to simply no longer work or exercise their God-giving talents and skills – to disappear. There were scenes of mobs of citizens championing the agenda of the government to tax the “evil rich” to give them more of their wealth. But their tunes soon changed once they saw the consequences of businesses and producers being so heavily taxed and regulated.  It meant that fewer of them had jobs, the price of goods sky-rocketed, and their quality of life plummeted.

But that’s just fiction. Make-believe. Right?

Have you been listening closely to the words that have been coming out of the mouths of the government creatures over the past 6 years, or so? Have you been paying attention to their actions, and the results thereof?

Before Mr. Obama became president he let it be known that taxes should be raised on the producers, not for the sake bettering of the nation’s economy, but for the sake of “fairness”. With regards to the coal and the energy industry, he promised to bankrupt the coal industry and regulate the nation’s energy complex, supposedly so that we may all have clean air, to the point that the natural ramifications would be soaring energy prices for the folks, you and I. In order for everyone to have healthcare, and have someone else pay for it, the government passes Obamacare, i.e., The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Obamacare is forecast to raise healthcare cost and encourage people to not work. There has been more regulations placed on the American economy and industry like in no time in our history that have acted like a 2,000 ton albatross around the angle of the nation. Coupled with the unprecedented fact that there are over 98 million citizens not working and over 100 million on Food Stamps. Even though the top income earners are paying the vast majority of the federal taxes, the ignorance of the populous leads them to demand the wealthy pay more of their “fair share”.  To top it all off, a record number of U.S citizens, the producers, are turning in their U.S Passports. 

The simple fact is if you were to look around at every other nation that has the government as the main engine of the economy, whether it’s socialists as in Greece, Sweden, or England, the E.U is an economic dumpster fire, or communist/authoritarian as in North Korea, Russia, or China, were you have to force people to stay at gun point, they all have several things in common; one, none of them can naturally out produce America on a per-ca pita basis, two, many of their best and brightest hit a granite ceiling, their income or what they can earn, no matter how talented or productive they may be, is capped by the government. That causes many of them to stay and suffer, stop producing, or leave the country all together. And three, the nation’s economies will eventually stall or collapse under the sheer weight of there being more people on the dole of the government than paying into it.

But, since economic and historical weights are what are most absent from this production, America appears to be headed down this already worn out path of government-centralized power that has yet to create a economic super power.  Where the drive to dare to dream and to get rewarded for your success, as well as feel the sting of your failures, the education of life, is suppressed by the big hand of the government. Despite the popular perception, government does not create any wealth. It can only redistribute wealth. But, eventually even the greatest most powerful government will run out of people to redistribute from. America was created to be different. Where people controlled the government. Where the individual had his unalienable rights to his property, his life, and his liberty protected above the cries of the “common good” or the collective. But if this theatre continues to play out, where more of us surrender more of our responsibilities and liberties to the government, more of us will be asking, Where is John Gault?.

America Has Morally Gone Astray. The Founders Warned Us.

Recently CNN reported that in a Gallop Poll that an astonishing 77% of Americans believe that religion in the country is losing influence. But yet at the same time 75% say that the country would be better if we were more religious. Confused? Reviewing the 2012 Presidential election results though the Southern Baptist are the second largest religious denomination in America bolstering over 16 million members, according to the Hartford Institute for Religion Research, it’s political influences were inefficacious at best with an estimated more than 3 million Republican voters staying home. In a Pew Research article on religion and public life reported that amongst Christian evangelicals, 82% say evangelicals are losing influence in the United States today”. Interestingly though 71% of evangelicals in South America believe things are to be stronger there in 5 years.

There is something not quite right in America when so many recognize that we are lacking moral guidance, desire more moral guidance, our nation was founded on Christian moral principles, we have prospered immensely due to adherence to those principles for over 200 years, but yet by many of our actions and nearly 100% of Christian evangelicals believe that those very principles are no longer desired and are on their death beds in this nation, yet are flourishing in nations just to the south of us.

The issue goes far beyond political affiliation, but to the very foundation of our nation’s view of morality and our attachment to our founding religious principles and identity that has served and guided us to be the most free, prosperous, and influential nation for over 200 years. And questions whether we can seriously remain so for another 200 years. In a December 2012 New York Times report, The Decline of Evangelical America, as in all of the reports and articles that I have read on the subject, it all goes back to the societal conversion away from our nation’s traditional moral values and principles. And it all starts with the influence of the youngest amongst us. And who or what most influences them, whether it is the church, their parents, or the government..

Our nation’s moral decadence is startlingly visible in many ways, such as the explosion in unwed child births, the fact that we have more citizens incarcerated then Communist China, the fractionalization and marginalization of the traditional American family, the repeated election of so many severely morally and ethically challenged politicians, the increasing social vulgarity and incivility, and the blazing denigration of the value of self-subsistence and self-responsibility as more Americans are existing off of the federal government and the unprecedented growth in the entitlement mentality culture or me-ism. With so many societal transformations occurring in the nation such as, the redefining of marriage by the government to include those of the same sex, the redefining of what religion actually is, redefining of the U.S government and the American citizen relationship, and the literal banishment of the Bible and Christendom from government schools and significant public interface, to even include today the military, traditional religious values seem to be on the expedient decline. And so too the decline of America as a whole. But, these tragic consequences can come as a surprise to only those who are absent the knowledge of our Founder’s prophetic warnings and the history of the fight to keep the nation’s Christian heritage and principles as the pillars of our society as they were intended.

Lets review what the nation’s first President, George Washington, warned if we strayed from our moral principles, “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness – these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked, Where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”

As for the ridiculous notion that we are not a Christian nation, as Mr. Obama so vociferously alluded to while he stood in Turkey after he first got anointed,the 1892 supreme court settled that question in the case of the Holy Trinity Church vs the United States stated, “these and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a christian nation.”Not to mention the shear girth of other historical supportive evidence such as, 56 of the signers of the Declaration of Independence had degrees from Bible schools, wrote religious books, and some went on to open Bible organizations. Ben Franklin once said, that he believe in ‘one God, Creator of the Universe,.’ God governed this universe by his Providence. As such he ought to be worshiped and the worship most acceptable to Him was in doing good to others.”

Regarding the relevance of Christianity to our nation, in the New York State Supreme Court case of 1811, People vs. Ruggles, stated, That whatever strikes at the root of Christianity, tends manifestly to the dissolution of civil government.”Founder John Adams said, The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.”

The Founders clearly viewed the connection between the survival of the republic and Biblical principles as indispensable. They believed that though the federal government should not be a theocracy, or as the First Amendment clearly forbids in stating that, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”, they clearly believed that for this nation to be great and to remain great the principles of the Bible had to be the nation’s foundation. Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story believed the Bible’s moral principles should be the foundation of education in the nation, Why may not the Bible, and especially the New Testament, without note or comment, be read and taught as a Divine Revelation in the [school] – its general precepts expounded, its evidences explained and its glorious principles of morality inculcated? Where can the purest principles of morality be learned so clearly or so perfectly as from the New Testament?” In fact, the nation’s first and most successful text book of the 18thcentury The New England Primer was the first reading primer designed for the American Colonies. It became the most successful educational textbook published in the 18th century and was used up until the 1930’s. It had in it the alphabet, vowels, consonants, alphabetical assistants, acronyms, catechisms, and 90 pages of Christian religious maxims and moral lessons that included the Lord’s Prayer.

Despite today’s popular notion that the Founders believed in a separation of church, particularly Christian, and the government, such advancement is simply without evidence and groundless-until recently generations at least. In fact as early as 1853 a petition was sent to Congress demanding separation of Christian principles and the government. After a year of investigation by the Congress it said, “Had the people (Founding Fathers) during the Revolution, had a suspicion of any attempts to war against Christianity, that Revolution would have been strangled in its cradle.  At the time of the adoption of the Constitution and the Amendments, the universal sentiment was that Christianity should be encouraged, but not any one (denomination)…In this age, there is no substitute for Christianity…That was the religion of the founders of the republic, and they expected it to remain the religion of their descendants.”

Here are a couple of notes that may have you go huummmm: the two most social transforming Supreme Court decisions regarding religion, 1947 ENGEL v VITALE and marriage, 2013 HOLLINGSWORTH v PERRY, neither used precedence for the decisions to completely redefine the long-standing meanings of words in the public.  But instead chose to set precedence out of thin air; and in the 1980 Supreme Court case STONE v. GRAHAM, the court’s decision to outlaw the posting of the Ten Commandments in government schools stated, If the posted copies of the Ten Commandments are to have any effect at all, it will be to induce the schoolchildren to read, meditate upon, perhaps to venerate and obey, the Commandments.”

The Founders clearly knew the dangers to the republic’s posterity if we failed to apply a high Christian and moral test to the young and maybe even more importantly to our chosen leaders for the nation’s continued prosperity. Founder Benjamin Rush said. Contemplating merely the political institutions of the United States, I lament that we waste so much time and money in punishing crimes and take so little pains to prevent them. We profess to be republicans, and yet we neglect the only means of establishing and perpetuating our republican forms of government; that is, the universal education of our youth in the principles of Christianity by means of the Bible; for this divine book, above all others, favors that equality among mankind, that respect for just laws, and all those sober and frugal virtues which constitute the soul of republicanism.”;Founder John Jay, author of the Federalist Papers and first Justice of the Supreme Court, stated that, Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.”;and again George Washington warned in his famous 1789 Inaugural address, The propitious smiles of heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregard the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.”

There are 3 pillars of influences that were to make up our prosperous and free society – the family, the church, and the government. As we may bicker over the order of the first two, the role of government was meant to be the very least of them.  We  can attempt consciously to dismiss the prophetic words of the Founders as just ramblings of old gray-haired White guys of years far gone by.  But history has taught us lessons of the consequences of a grossly politically inattentive and ignorant populous, a morally vacant societal culture, and an ever imposing government. As too it has shown evidence of how prosperous a nation can be over 200 years when guided by Divine Providence. But at last, it is up for us to choose which future it is that we wish to have.

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Why Is There A Silent War Against Christendom…In America?

I don’t know about the rest of you, but never thought that the day would come that Christendom would come under serious assault in this country not by an extreme American leftist group, atheist group, or anti-religious group, but by the government of the United States.

Lets first start off with the astonishing May report in stating that the U.S military will actually Court Martial any solider who shares his or her Christian faith. Whats even more astonishing is that the report states, “Obama administration Pentagon appointees meeting with anti-Christian extremist Mikey Weinstein to develop court-martial procedures to punish Christians in the military who express or share their faith.” That’s like someone from an atheist group helping develop the laws and procedures for the Boy Scouts of America. But, as sad as it may be to think of such an event, in today’s degrading culture such an event maybe easily accepted. The Establishment Media would only have to colour it under words such diversity or equality. But, that’s not the end of the military’s extremely bizarre religious cultural conversion. In April the U.K Daily Mail reported that U.S Army Reserves training material, “classifies Christians, including both evangelicals and Roman Catholics, as religious extremists, placing them in the same category as skinheads, the Ku Klux Klan, Hamas and Al Qaeda.”

The one thing that I was always raised to be certain of was that America would always be defined by its Christian foundation and principles and that the military would be the most glaring evidence of that just as it has been ever since the America Revolutionary. But so to, I never imagined that the American people would become so detached from the purpose, actions, and behavior of their government.

The orchestrated silent purging of our nations most cherished religious principles and culture doesn’t just stop with the military. Earlier this month a South Carolina High School Valedictorian had to rip up a per-approved speech to talk about his Christian up bringing and recited the Lords Pray to a roaring applause from the graduation audience. In 2009 a sitting federal judge actually banned prayer from government school events in Santa Rosa County, Fla. A Indiana college prohibited playing of the National Anthem at sporting events. And as early as 2005 a FOX News Poll stated that many American, 8 out of 10, see the courts as actually the hand that is pushing Christianity into the shadows and out of the view of the public. Must like when Moses was pushed out the view and consciousness of the public by the Egyptian Pharaoh.

We as a nation have strayed so far into the twilight zone that many of us are even questioning whether are not we are a Christian nation. In a CBS report, “Is U.S A Christian Nation?”, stated that just 77% of respondents called themselves Christian, as compared to 91% in 1948, and that a Newsweek poll stated that just 62 percent of Americans believe America to be a Christian nation. This is about the same time that Mr. O stood in Turkey as the President of the U.S basically denouncing any claim that we are a Christian nation when he said, “We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation,”… “We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values.” We have becoming a nation with no religious identity according to a Pew Forum on religion and public life. America is no longer the land for free religious expression, especially if you are Christian, as the Heritage Foundation in the Fall of 2010 report called, Religious Liberty and Expression Under Attack: Restoring America’s First Freedoms. In the report it pointedly stated, “All across America, religious institutions and individuals are being subjected to increasing restrictions on their free exercise of religion and freedom of speech—a crackdown that can be seen in a variety of different contexts ranging from employers or health care professionals being required to provide or facilitate abortions against the dictates of their faith to street evangelists and public school students seeking to share their religious viewpoints with others. This rising disregard for religious liberty represents a marked break from the long-standing American tradition of accommodating religious practice and expression that predates the ratification of the Constitution.”

Three questions should be asked by even the most passive observer. Why is this issue getting scant coverage by the American Media? Why is our nation’s religious identity being so brazenly attacked and denigrated with seemingly impunity? Why? And who does it benefit? Though I do not have all of the answers, but many may want to use the excuse of the separation of Church and State Clause in the Constitution. But, the funny thing is that there is no such clause. In fact, the whole convoluted and most miss-construed issue of Separation of Church and State comes not from the U.S Constitution, but the U.S.S.R Constitution of 1922-the former Communist Republic. The great irony is that Jefferson’s noted Separation of Church and State had to do with U.S. government NOT interfering with the religious freedoms of Americans – just as it states in the Constitution, “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”

But so to must we look at the person who heads the Executive Branch of the United States. The person who executes the laws of the federal government and sets statutory policies for the departments under his domain – Mr. Barack Obama. It is not to say that the suppression of Christianity is new in this country, but the veracity and vigorousness of the comprehensive attack that has been unleashed is nothing more than astounding. And one can argue that such an assault is being done with a little too much passion to be done begrudgingly or with any mental reservation. The question needs to be asked how does the fact that Mr. O was raised and heavily influenced by two fathers of Muslim backgrounds and origins and that he spent most of his formative years outside of the Continental United States Of America?

In any regard, the only truth is that the people who do not believe that individuals can govern themselves or that a nation can not be the beacon of prosperity, freedom, and liberty to shine the light on their mass flaws of human injustices and economic ineffectiveness are the ones who will benefit from the demise of America. And that these people can only succeed if we the American people forget, disavow, and or surrender our history, our culture, our customs, our fundamental religious principles, and our identity.

Do Americans Truly Care About Freedom Anymore?

Yes we have reached another Memorial Day Celebration, and soon it will be time to Celebrate our nation’s independence. But, as I look around I must seriously question do we as Americans truly care about what is freedom? What makes our nation so exceptional and great? Or do many of us ever honestly and truly stop to comprehend and appreciate the significance of either.

We often hear the it said how it is the United States military that fights to defend our freedoms. But I believe that an argument can be made the it is the American people who have fought and daily fight to defend our freedoms and liberties individually. From the Revolutionary War to the present it has been each individual American who fights to protect their freedoms and liberties from all threats, both foreign and domestic.

But, here are some disturbing, and curious, recent poll results;

What may be even more telling of our extreme misplacement of national priorities according to Pew Research more Americans care more about the discovery of four Cleveland, Ohio women who were supposedly held captive for more than 10 yrs than about the economy [28%], or the Benghazi [23%] or I.R.S corruption hearings [20%]. While the Cleveland women story attracted a whopping 40% of the populace attention.

I’m confused, how can nearly half of Americans favor restricting Constitutional protected rights for some Americans, whether it be to forbid one’s ability to protect themselves, or stop one from speaking or doing something that you may not like, or the confiscation of one’s property to be given to another, and yet believe in the Constitution? And the fact that an astounding number of us do not know how America became America, particular regarding the next generation, is more concerning. But, it somewhat makes since when I see that more Americans care about the rescue of four women in Ohio whose lives will have absolutely no consequential effect on anyone elses  lives but those directly connected to them then whether or not we are being governed by a U.S Administration who consciously left Americans to be slaughtered in Libya and uses the federal governments powers, via the I.R.S, to intimidate Americans based on their political preference, and that has developed a culture of extreme indifference to the American people and the Constitution.

If you were to ask a hundred people to defined what freedom is to them you will more likely to get a hundred different answers. More than likely it will center around their self-interest, not how it affects freedom and liberties as a whole. Its getting so that many of us say its ok to take someone else’s rights and liberties, but leave mines alone. It brings to mind a famous quote of World War 2 period German pastor Martin Niemöller when he said, “First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a communist; Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist; Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist; Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew; Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out for me.”

So too many of us today have a severely contorted notion that everything is a “right”- I have a “right” to healthcare, a “right” to education, a “right” to fresh air, or I have a “right” to be prosperous. This just clearly proves that there is a critical defect in the education and comprehension of the true principles of the Constitution for too many of us. Basically a true right is something that we already posses or can do without taking the same from another. Period. But, if we are someone who has a distorted or misunderstood view of freedom and rights than we may also not realize that the true threat to our rights, liberties, and freedoms comes from not without our nations borders, but from within, by us. Couple that with the insatiable thrust for power and control of the government, we have BIG problem. The biggest threat to our freedoms comes from us not knowing what they truly are and understanding that the confiscation or restriction of one American’s Constitutionally protected rights or liberties is a threat to those protections for us all.  Lets remember, the Constitution places limits not on we the people, but the government.

Furthermore, if the government should ever become so brazenly careless and arrogantly dismissive with its constitutional relations and obligations, and even more so with its relations to the American people it is the responsibility of each and every one of us to know to check it and correct it. But, that task becomes most problematic when we are ignorant of what is the proper role and functions and the what limits of the government are. Frankly stated, if we do not know what the government is supposed to be doing, how can know when it is doing what it should not be doing? If we do not know our nation’s history of how we became what we are, what makes us what we are, or the reason why we are truly an exceptional nation, how can you be expected to effectively defend those values and principles? And if we do not know what our inalienable rights and liberties truly are, how can be we honestly boast or celebrate that we have them or know when they are being taken away? It becomes a deceitful and hollow charade if freedom and liberty is not grounded by truth, education, and moral principles. As Founder Samuel Adams prophetically stated, “No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and Virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.”