
If its government is immoral, can America be good?

The current occupant of the Oval Office seems to have a serious issue with issues of right and wrong, particularly when it has to do with the restraints of the Constitution.  The most glaring exhibits are of matters involving illegal Mexicans immigrants being forced to enter the country as other immigrants have done for generations, his attempts to place homosexual unions on par with that of heterosexual unions, and blatantly blurring the traditional lines of ethnicity and morality.

Ever since being placed as president of the United States he has done everything as he promised days before his election, “to fundamentally change America”.  He is doing all that he can to ignore and subjugate longstanding Constitutional principles of conduct. In particular his dealing with the law-making branch of government, the Congress, and his manipulative use of the regulatory powers of the Executive Branch. One of my favorite quotes is from Alexis de Tocqueville when he said of America’s moral standing, “America is great because America is good. If America ever ceases to be good it will cease to be great.’  Is this how he looks to forever alter America, to dismantle its core?  First, he entered the office by being a complete enigma, an unknown entity, speaking words that triggered emotional responses at a time that the American people thirsted for hope for better a future and change from the perceived failings for past.  He’s like an unattractive gal who gives the last guy in the bar, who’s really emotionally distressed and depressed, a minute before it closes, some great tantalizing conversation and attention, saying all of the right things. The guy figures why not her?  But, now it’s the morning after and the guy is feeling like he was been taken advantage of because he has a house full of strangers, the locks on the doors have been changed, and his family jewels are nowhere to be seen.

Mr. Obama came into office promising to be the most transparent Administration ever, the most ethical, and would unite not just of the government, but the people.  Regarding his Administration being transparent, he has sealed all of his personal college transcripts and questions dealing with his actual birth certificate, and his past in general, still linger. I remind you that this isn’t someone who bounces a ball or entertains, but the President of the United States who has a unknown past to most Americans.  This Administration has been involved in one the most massive cover-ups since the Nixon break in with its involvement in the Fast and Furious covert gun-running program that ended up getting Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, age 40, killed by Mexican drug-smugglers during a gunfight.  Incredibly, as reported by  Forbes 9/28/11 report, the deadly gun battle started with USBP shooting bean bags at the smugglers shooting with AK-47s.  Talk about bringing a knife to a gun fight.  Is it just me, or there something seriously wrong with our side’s rules of engagement when it comes to fighting Mexican bad guys at the U.S border?  I’m just asking.  The Administration’s Justice Department hasn’t yet come clean with the details of the covert operation run-a-muck, which led to for the first time ever a sitting U.S  Attorney General, Eric Holder, being held in contempt of the Congress.  The Administration effectively blocked for the AG by inexplicably invoking Executive Privilege so we the people may never know the truth of this horrific debacle.  What makes this offense so astounding is the fact that this may have all been done to manipulate the people into granting for the passage of more gun restrictions on legitimate gun sellers and dealers when massive amounts of guns used in gang and gun violence could be traced back to American guns stores.

Other examples of questionable ethical and moral actions have to do with this Administration’s unwillingness to abide by the traditional protocols and restraints applied by the Constitution when he unilaterally chooses to either ignore established law and or just creates its own regulatory policies, that in essence becomes law.  Thereby he totally ignores the fact that it is the Legislative, not the Executive, Branch that is empowered to make law and thus obliterating all pretenses of traditional Constitutional Checks and Balances.  Just a few examples; President Obama told the Justice Department to stop defending the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act, that allowed states to refuse to recognize same-sex partnerships legally recognized in other states. This was enacted not through any process through the Congress or the courts, but just because Mr. O didn’t think that it was constitutional.  Mr. Obama also is the first sitting U.S. president to outright endorse equal marriage rights for gay couples and to dismantle the military’s longstanding ban on service by gays and lesbians, “don’t ask, don’t tell”. The law that allowed gays to serve so long as they simply keep their sexuality a secret. Both laws have been around since the Clinton Administration.

Also Obama’s Administration decided with the stroke of the pen to tell Immigration & Customs Enforcement Agency[ICE], via the Homeland Security Department, to no longer enforce immigration violations by illegal immigrants, particularly those from Mexico and Latin America. The Executive Order allows anyone who was brought to this country prior to age 16 and who is under the age of 30 not to have to face deportation. In addition, they must have lived here for 5 years, obtained a high school diploma, and/or served in the military. Lastly, they could not have a criminal record.  But according to a FOX News report of 7/27/12, the ICE Union President Chris Crane claims that illegal immigrants are “taking advantage” of a new directive allowing some undocumented residents who came to the U.S. as children to stay in the country. The policy ends up allowing illegal immigrants to avoid detention without any proof — particularly so-called “dreamers,” or those illegal immigrants who would benefit under the “DREAM Act” proposal, which Congress has not passed but the administration  has partially implemented. And this is on top of a quietly imposed Administration Directive, as reported by the Daily Caller on 6/20/11, to top ICE officials that they need not enforce immigration laws if illegal immigrants are enrolled in an education center or if their relatives have volunteered for the US military.  Really?!  What about the Black and White poor and middle class Americans who are already unemployed and or under-employed?

So as Mr. Obama methodically pits homo-sexual Americans against hetero-sexual Americans, illegal immigrants against legal citizens, and rich American against poor American supposedly for the benefit of the “little guy” and in the name of “fairness”.  But, he does this mostly not within the traditional restraints and protocols of the Constitution, to which he supposedly swore an oath to, or with apparent and recognizable motives, but with a simple stroke of his pen and an unseen hand he makes the law-biding citizen question the very purpose of law if the head of the government shows such apparent disrespect and distain for it. Maybe Mr. O is following the teachings of one of his idols, Saul Alinsky, early 1900’s Chicago “community organizer”. He spoke of there being one single principle, which is to take power from the haves and give to the have-nots, to which he coined, political nihilism– to assault of the established order in the name of the “people”

The question that needs to be asked of this Administration, and all others, is what laws is law?  The ones that just are or just ones that you agree with?  What is the truth?  That which just is or that which it says it is?  And if the government is allowed to fudge the line of what is law and truth so blatantly who are the people to rely on for justice and truth?  If it is the people who decides who is to govern and represent us, and the government is immoral and unethical, not good, can the moral integrity of the nation and goodness of the people be without question?  Though too many of us want to take to the streets when a leader of a sports team or institution acts immorally or unethically, but let the president of the United States attempt to redefined what is is and be disbarred for ling to a Grand Jury, or have one cost millions in dollar and thousands in the lives of American sons and daughters in invading two sovereign nations for presumably “weapons of mass destruction” and retaliation for attacking the U.S on September 11, 2001, or maybe have one to pretend to be something or someone that he’s not, that’s acceptable.  Really?  Remember, we have the government, we have the nation, which we chose to have.