
Silencing Christians

The Radical Gay Rights Contagion That Is Gripping America & The Western World, Is Due to Politics, Not Principles.

Silencing Christians

Silencing Christians

Question; how can a segment of the nation’s population of less than 4% dominate the political and social course?   That is the question that should cause everyone in America to pause at the astonishing success that the radical Gay Rights Movement have accumulated over the past 4 to 7 plus years.  There is scant argument from any educated-inclined person that America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles and beliefs. That the majority of the great men who founded the nation were believers in a Supreme Being, God.  And that the first book of education in the nation was the Bible. Founder John Adams prophetically said, “The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God..” But one would not recognize any evidence of this after witnessing the action of the State of Georgia’s Governor, who is said to be a Christian, publicly denounce the teachings of the Bible against homosexuality.

The rash of the public rejection and marginalization of the tenets of Christendom by the public officials of cities, towns, and States across the nation is undoubtedly causing the Founders to scream WTF!  It is probably most astonishing to see this happening in the “Bible Belt” of the south.  Georgia’s Republican Governor Nathan Deal announced that he intended to veto a bill that essentially codified a Citizen of the States’ right to practice his or her religious faith without fear of being sued, interestingly, in particularly the clergy and ministers.  The Bill did not refer to gays, lesbians, homosexuals, nor anything similar.  But that did not matter to the radical left or their accomplices. After a flood of mis and dis-information in the Media by proponents of the radical LGBT [Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender] agenda, following the passage of House Bill 757 by the Republican dominate legislature, promising that the State’s economy would literally disintegrate if the bill was to become law and that big companies would forgo the economic benefits of the State in order to stand in public solidarity of the homosexual lifestyle’s imposition on the Christian-faith population majority.  This decision coming most ironically days after Easter weekend.

Governor Deal in his veto announcement oddly stated, I do not think we have to discriminate against anyone to protect the faith-based community in Georgia.”  He stated that he was aware of the Supreme Court decision to redefine “marriage” to no longer be strictly that of one man and one woman, but to include that of same-sex persons.  He also admitted that he was aware of businesses being forced by the courts to accommodate the homosexual lifestyle at the expense of their religious beliefs.  But, what was most glaring was the omission of any wording such as, my Biblical teachings are clear regarding homosexuality, as well as the majority of the Citizens of the State.  Though as Governor I am rejecting this bill due to the lack of need for it today in this State. I will though rigorously enforce the Laws regarding freedom of religious conscience for any and every one.  Nope.  That would have been too much like right.  All of the red meat was given to those who seek to drive free expression and exercise of faith, particular Christianity, out of the public square. In truth, it is the people of the Christian faith who are already being discriminated against.  I have not heard of any gay or lesbian business being force to place a cross in their establishment nor make it unpopular for them not watch a man and a woman kiss.

This public surrendering of Christian tenets is occurring throughout the nation, in the south in particular, like Sherman through Atlanta. One would ignorantly believe that gays and lesbians make up a large segment of the population.  If they were to actually believe what they see and hear via the Media.  The LGBT community do not even make up 4% of the nation population, according to a 2015 Gallop Poll. It is not them who are being persecuted and discriminated against.  But it is those of the Christian faith community.  According to the popular Media, it is Christians, and those who believe in Judeo-Christian principles, who are in the minority.  Christians are having to publicly denounce, suppress, and or re-orchestrate views of their Christian faith like in no time in recent American history.  Similar to Peter’s rejection of his knowledge of the Christ.  In North Carolina, the legislature, in special session, had to pass a law, HB2, preventing counties and cities from transgenderizing public facilities. Basically stating that only males or female, as such as they were when they were born, can use such stated publicly funded bathrooms and changing facilities. In fact, there are nearly 21 States that have had to specifically right into law to protect Citizens from burdensome government intrusion regarding their free exercise of religion.  As though it is not already affirmed in their States’ Constitution, and that of the Federal Constitution as well.  But the abolishment of the open and free expression and exercise of Christianity is spreading throughout the former capitals of Christendom.  Even Ireland, with its huge population of proclaimed Catholics, had to capitulate from its long-held religious principles, and legalize same-sex marriage.

But why now in America?  Over the past 7 years the radical gay movement has spread like wild-fire over dry timbers in America. Can anyone recall prior to 2008 that there was any sound of injustice or rampant discrimination towards the LGBT community? Is it just because for the first time a sitting U.S President has publicly endorsed the LGBT lifestyle? Yes!  Interesting that Mr. O did that in his second term, not his first. Huumm!!  But as in most things political, there is an economic component.  Besides the political Progressive’s long desire to eradicate Christianity from public view that started with the abolishment of prayer from government schools and the Court’s ruling for the so-called “Separation of Church and State”, one would be foolish to ignore the huge windfall the government stands to receive by the government’s recognition of same-sex unions.  Members of the gay and lesbian community earn more than their heterosexual counterparts, according to a 2012 CNN-Money report.  Just in New York alone in a 2011 Bloomberg Business report stated, “New York may reap $310 million over the next three years from license fees, taxes, and tourism related to same-sex weddings.”  And that was before same-sex marriage was legalized nationwide.  And all of the extreme social unrest and disturbance with the mass propaganda surrounding the popularity and success of the gay rights movement works to achieve another aim of the political extreme left, that is to destabilize the nation to move us off our traditional values and customs associated with Christendom that has made us the marvel of the world.

But if further evidence of how the so-called today’s Gay Rights Movement has nothing to do with “rights” nor principles, particularly regarding the government’s actions, notice how little action or reaction is given by the government in its relations with nations who repress, suppress, or strictly forbid homosexual activity-such as China, Russia, and African/Mid-East nations.  The same big companies who demonstratively put up so much of a public show of indignation for States such as Georgia and North Carolina and threaten them with economic Armageddon, are eerily silent when it comes to their business relationships with nations with blatant anti-homosexual position. In dealing with nations who sentences homosexuals even to death, these same businesses act like the 3 monkeys – they hear nothing; they see nothing; & they say nothing. The big money brokers that are funding this chaos, such as the ACLU[American Civil Liberties Union] and the George Soros-funded Open Society Foundation, are not going to mess up their money like that. It’s not that serious to them.

Unlike during South African apartheid in the ’90’s when American companies, based on true principle, and public demand, abstained from doing business with the nation and the U.S government imposed sanctions; today in the case of the radical Gay Rights Movement it is not about principles, but strictly politics. The federal government and politicians didn’t have a come-to-Jesus moment some 8 years ago to realize that homosexuality should be equal to heterosexuality both politically and socially, or that they were being persecuted. The LGBT community is economically the envy of all but the that of the elderly.  And the extremist in the LGBT movement didn’t all of the sudden become Julia Roberts in “The Pretty Woman” who actually gets to marry the trillionaire [the government], with all of the perks and privileges.  It’s a marriage of convenience. It is to increase the coffers of a cash-strapped government, both local and national, and to cripple and greatly dilute Christianity’s influence in the American culture and society. Period!

At the end of the day, the silent majority decides what kind of nation we have.