
The Fundamental Re-Education of America Rages On Un-Abated

As the debates over same-sex marriage and the illegal-immigration of Mexicans are visible as lead distractions, there is something troubling that intertwine these issues that’s going unbeknownst to most of the American populace.  From the man who was to be crowned U.S president promised “to fundamentally transform this nation [America]”, things appear to be proceeding to that end. 

A couple of things have caught my eye that by themselves may seem innocuous, but combined not so much. A recent Rasmussen Poll shows that only 35% of likely U. S voters believe that the nation is going the right direction. A Pew Research Survey reports that incredibly 30% of American adults under 30 years of age now identify themselves as having no religious affiliation – In the last five years alone, there has been an increase from aprox. 15% to 20% of all adults.  And in 2009 in the Muslim nation of Turkey Mr. Obama proclaimed, as the President of the United States and the representative of the people of America, that, “We [Americans] do not consider ourselves a Christian nation.” Really? Isn’t that something inappropriate for a U.S president to say while on foreign soil?  Or is it just me?

What these three indicators detail is bubbling crisis that is threatening our nation’s fundamental social structure – our basis of belief, values, and identity.  While the majority of us clearly recognize that there is something very wrong with the country, we feel powerless to do anything about it.  Too many of us have become helpless spectators to the most significant dismantling of an empire since Ancient Rome. And in so doing have left the most vulnerable amongst us to the whims of the tide of political and social disorder – the nation’s next generation.

It is said that the greatest trick of the Devil was to make others believe that God never existed.  Would the day come when Americans showing no evidence of the existence of God or morality in their lives, or do not reflect the existence and relevance of the founding documents such as the Constitution in their lives be even more remarkable and stunning?  I would say yes!  And would too say that the He is getting ready to take a bow.

When you have reports of an actual “ex” anti-American terrorist, Bill Ayers, who has actually been allowed to teach as an Illinois State College Professor before thousands of American students, who is a long-time friend and mentor of  Mr. Obama, unabashedly boasts before a crowd that its good that America is on the decline; that the federal government’s regulation and management over the lives of it’s citizens and Americans are at unprecedented levels; and read repeated stories of the increasing disengagement and apathy of many of Americans, in particular the youth, in the affairs of politics and the workings of the government you would have say WTF?.  It is as though someone has spike the air over our nation to cause the incremental dismantling of the nation’s foundations of religious principles, family values, and the strong sense of self-responsibility and self-governance not directly by any foreign force, but by our very own hands. 

There is a silent battle for the minds of the young of America in the government schools and through the Media.  The evidence is in full view even for the most passive observer.  It didn’t just began with Mr. O’s claim to “Fundamentally transform America” on the eve of his first election. And it is not just about transforming our economic system, or even our political system, but transforming what we believe in – pride in our history, our traditions, or culture, or belief system – that which makes us what we are.

At a time in which the U.S government is in more than $16 Trillion in debt, is spending more than a Trillion more than in brings in annually, and the Federal Reserve is printing out more than $200 Billion daily, thus further weakening America, Mr. Obama appears to have no serious will or desire to work to correct these critical issues.  But, what he has sought is to be the flag bearer and point man with all the vigor and fortitude of General Sherman through Georgia  to create the notion of “free” healthcare, bring homo-sexuality statutorily on par with heterosexuality, diminish or destroy the traditional American principle of personal responsibility and Christian foundation, and the make America unexceptional.

Irregardless of what Mr. O says, the fruits that his actions and governance has brought forth and ignited upon this once great nation an era of unprecedented government dependence and lack of self-governance, severe resistance to fundamental Christian and American traditions, and the quickening of America’s long-term domestic and international economic value of which may not be quickly, if ever, reversed.

What Mr. O has undoubtedly realized and has come to understand, just as other past historical observers of America, is that America is not great because of our great military, our even financial institutions, but our moral foundation, our Constitutional governance, and our social infrastructure, i.e., our family moral values, that makes us exceptional as a nation of people.  We our morphing into a nation of no societal absolutes, where any action is just simply based on how it makes us feel.  Matters of ethics and right or wrong are irrelevant.  Where 200 plus years of history as a nation which has withstood the test of time and prospered beyond imagination, stubbornly grounded in Judo-Christian principles, has been the shiny light on the hill welcoming nation-people from all over to be free, stood as a nation of laws not men, and believing that one should be able to work hard for what he wants and desire with limited interference from government, is now to be considered to be passé’?. 

There is a new norm developing where traditional American moral and social scales are said to be not only wrong, but unjust and almost criminal. But, it is and has always been our nation’s grounded morality that has given us providence. Have we floundered at times?  Of course just as all nations of Man.  As we shall do so again.  But in all of the nations today, what of them would not want to change places given not of decrepit current state, but of our underused and unrealized promise of liberty for all that is the foundation of our nation’s existence?

As for the question of if we are a Christian nation, I say this, in all of my readings of America’s founding I can see nothing speaking to anything but Christianity and “Divine Providence”.  I see no mention of Buddha, Mohammed, Judaism, or any other Prophet or religion as a guiding principle. When I read the Constitution and Declaration of Independence I see no other religion basis other than that of Christendom. And when I visited our nation’s capital all I see are references to the Judo-Christian theology as our nation’s guiding moral principles.  So if it not Christendom that we as a nation are to use as our basis, than what?  Why are we to say that having a stern moral and religious compass is no longer relevant or extreme?

Just as a few great people of our past have taken accounting of the extreme importance of a stern moral grounding such as the nation’s first President George Washington said, “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest prop of the duties of men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked: Where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice? And let us with caution indulge in the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle… Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all. Religion and morality enjoin this conduct; and can it be that good policy does not equally enjoin it?”  and as Douglas MacArthur said prophetically, “History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse, or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster.”

Our nation’s history is still being written by us. We can have it tell of how a nation rose to great economic heights by Divine Providence to crash as one with no moral societal absolutes.  We can choose to have it tell of how the oldest and only Constitution that distinctly recognizes Divine authority and governance proclaiming that all men are to have their right to their life, their liberties, and their pursuit of happiness is now irrelevant and immaterial.  We can choose to have it tell of how we were passive witnesses to the destruction of the greatest experiment of human self-governance or of its rebirth. It matters not what Man is called president, Governor, or Senator, the choice is ours – people of America.

Is America Prepared to Fight Radical Islamist Chained by Political Correctness and the U.S Administration’s Extreme Aversion to Denounce It?

In the wake of the terrorist attack of the Boston Marathon, and the subsequent capture of one of the supposed perpetrators, the questions regarding the U.S Administration in this matter are; 1) Why does Mr. Obama appears to have a more expressed passion and vigor in going after law-abiding American gun owners than going after radical Islamist in this nation? 2) After the apprehension of the suspect, unlike G.W Bush after the 911 bombing mentioning how the terrorist are now our [the nation’s] enemies, Mr. O curiously remarked about the people of Boston, “one of the things that makes Boston such a great city, is that we welcome people from all around the world — people of every faith, every ethnicity, from every corner of the globe. So as we continue to learn more about why and how this tragedy happened, let’s make sure that we sustain that spirit.” Why he never mentioned the word terrorist, Islamic radical, or anything referring to how we as Americans will fight and defend against any terrorist – foreign or domestic?  Does the intellectually vacant drive of “political correctness” preclude us from being able to identify our enemy – if they’re not Caucasian males, politically conservative, or unapologetically American? And 3) With the Administration’s unabashed desire to allow untold numbers of unidentified foreign trespassers to enter America through its southern borders, even after September 9th, 2011, can the American people afford to blindly trust the U.S government to protect us?

I remember during the G.W Bush Administration’s early push to erase America’s southern borders by allowing untold numbers of Mexicans to cross into the country as though they were crossing the street that the F.B.I reported it wasn’t just Mexicans crossing the street unidentified, but members of foreign terrorist groups as well. This was reported in 2004. Then in 2010 Fox News reported that some fed agencies issued a Terror Alert along the Mexican border warning of possible terrorist groups coming into the country. Yet, very little has been honestly done to remedy the situation. In fact with the Administration’s blatant acts of appeasement and disinterest in dismantling the yellow brick road for foreigners to disobey our nation’s immigration laws and securing the nations borders, the issue of foreign terrorist living amongst us only grows.

But what is even more concerning is Mr. O’s severe psychological discomfort saying anything or acting visibly in any way against anything Muslim or Islamic. And it is obvious that he has more then a passing appreciation for the religion. Let’s remember that both of his fathers were reported to be of the Islamic faith. But due to his public denials of his favor towards the religion it causes a more than apparent disconnection with his, and therefore the federal government’s, actions regarding such displeasing acts of the radical core of Islamic followers verses someone who’s of a more fundamentally Christian faith or position. His fervent refusal to call the attack of a self-proclaim follower of Islam on the Fort Hood Military Base an act of radical Islamic terrorism, but instead call it “workplace violence”. This false classification caused military persons wounded during the attack to not get needed benefits. Even in the aftermath of the attack on the U.S Consulate in Libya the Administration, and the complicit Media, dared to call it a terrorist attack carried out by a radical Islamic group. Instead he, his Administration, and the Media chose to divert the public’s focus to a benign You Tube video. He chose to even carry this blatant untruth onto the world stage at the United Nations.

The fact is that the Administration and the Media of the United States government seem to be quite deflated in the fact that the culprits were not Caucasian, male, conservative, or boastfully proclaiming love for America. To the point that I look for this matter to get the full treatment of blaming any and everything short of these guys being born sideways for their treacherous acts and again diverting our attention from the real threat of Radical Islam.

America is becoming a pool of mind-numbing illogical political correctness to the point that not only is there less identifiable societal absolutes, but less identifiable enemies and friends. A neighbor and acquaintance or the young suspected bomber during an actual interview by ABC News admitted recognizing the suspect but did not call the authorities for fear of somehow wrongly accusing him based on his religion and ethnicity. What if his son, daughter, or friend were one of the victims killed or maimed by this suspect and brother? Why has it become so accepted in America that it is okay for our neighbor and fellow American to lose his liberty, his freedom, or even his life, so long as it doesn’t inconvenience me or that I’m not directly affected negatively?  The psychological self-correcting trigger of political correctness paralyzes us from making the most basic of choices and judgments of right and wrong in an era of growing attacks on American culture, traditions, and way of life from not just abroad, but even more concerning from within our borders from fellow Americans who honestly are of good intentions.  Years of mis-education via the government educational system, the Establishment Media, and entertainment complex has numbed our senses to what use to call us to arms.

There use to be a time in America that any threat to our nation, our way of life, or our fundamental truths, especially by a foreign source would have been faced with resounding condemnation by the people. And no Media outlet would dare to show the source of such threat any sort of favorable light or sanctuary. Today the fact that the suspects where of a Radical Islamic sec, that they may have killed many fellow Americans who were partaking in the liberties and freedoms that this nation holds above all others, or that this may be the shot across the bow of things to come due to the U.S government’s misguided and treasonous immigration policies, is all far less of importance than how these two young men may be misunderstood, or that they may have been called a name growing up, or their religion and ethnicity may be unduly stigmatized, or even how they may have been mistreated by the police seeking to arrest them.

Too many in today’s America find more comfort in being popular and wrong in a crowd then being right and standing alone. We fear hearing the hard truths that that may reveal our imperfections and prefer the easy lie that gives us a warm fuzzy feeling. And too many of us prefer the silk chains of government privilege and promised security and reject the harsh responsibility of being free.

If Americanism is to ever be reduced to the back pages of history and remember whens, viewed again as extremism, or totally removed from existence from these lands, it will not be due to any foreign terrorist group or army; not from any form of radical religious belief or doctrine; or even a government running of its chains. It will be due to the American people totally rejecting and surrendering what has made us exceptional for some 200 plus years – our Constitutionally protected rights and liberties, and our traditional culture and way of life. As Abe Lincoln prophetically stated, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” The choice is ours.

The Sexual-Orientation & Illegal-Immigration Movement Are the Greatest Moral Issues in America in Generations: They will forever define this nation’s moral identity.

Here we go again. We are purposely being distracted from real issues that can actually bring this nation out of the worst economic downturn since the ’29 Depression to expend energies on an issue that wasn’t on anyone’s map before the Media and the Administration put it there. Kinda like the healthcare “crisis” that made it crucial for the government to ram Obama-care down our throats; or the financial “crisis” that made it crucial that the government pass the Dodd-Frank financial over haul with scant public exposure.

Now Mexico being located to the south of us and like-gender individual’s relationships have now been thrust up the sleeping American people for yet another “crisis” that the United States government has to solve. But unlike Obama-care and Dodd-Frank that will have negative economic reverberations for generations to come, the issues regarding the illegal-immigration, of Mexicans in particularly, and same-sex marriage is a seismic social earthquake of mega-tone proportions that will forever change the nation’s moral landscape.

The government directly creating a crisis and or creating the environment for a crisis for it to inevitably offer the solution to move the American people into a direction that benefits its longing for power and control is nothing new. A very good argument can be made that the move of many Black Americans from free man to slave was for the political benefit of the government, specifically the Democrat Party, in concert with big business and the Church. The solution of the government was then to prescribe a new political status and classification, Civil Rights and the U.S Citizen. And we all know how unified we are due to that. Don’t we?

Maybe its only fitting that we as a nation find ourselves again struggling with the government attempting to provide another solution dealing with governmental status and classification, whether someone is to be identified as being legally illegible to receive government privileges and how much the government can benefit from such illegibility. Don’t fool yourself folks the government increasing its tax base and expanding its power and control over its Citizens is what this is really all about. .

Several liberal Media pundits have already spilled the beans about how the government would financially benefit by reclassifying marriage to include same-sex persons. What many of us may not be aware of is the fact that gays and lesbians generally earn more money than Hetero-Sexuals. Also, it has been reported that reforming the immigration system would actually cost the Social Security Administration Billions due to the fact as things stand now though millions of illegal-immigrants pay into Social Security, the Administration doesn’t have to pay out to them. Wonder why we don’t see millions of illegal-immigrants demanding to be U.S Citizens or millions of gays and lesbians demanding to be regulated by the government like their hetero-sexual counterparts marching across the nation? Its simply because this is a government initiated cause. And when the people most of the several states have voted they have fervently voted against illegal-immigration and the redefining of marriage to include same-sex persons.

There are two facts that are indisputable regarding these two issues legally according to the government’s own law, and they are in Black’s Law Dictionary 2ndEd. marriage is defined, as distinguished from the agreement to marry and from the act of becoming married, Is the civil status of one man and one woman united in law for life, for the discharge to each other and the community of the duties legally incumbent on those whose associationis founded on the distinction of sex.” And according to theFederal Immigration and Nationality Act Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii), “Any person who . . . encourages or induces an alien to . . . reside . . . knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such . . . residence is . . . in violation of law, shall be punished as provided . . . for each alien in respect to whom such a violation occurs . .. fined under title 18 . . . imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.” If these are laws and precedents that have lasted for as long as this nation has been in existence, and now all of the sudden the government itself is seeking to subjugate them, rather than have an open and honest discussion about them with us the people to possibly have the laws changed or amended, one has to ask, what is really going on? The government chooses to engage in dishonest, divisive, and manipulative propaganda.The government chooses to not reduce the red tape, onerous regulations, and massive bureaucracy that causes the horrific backlog that keeps so many wanting and qualified immigrants from LEGALLY coming to and staying in America, and not to rightly enforce its current immigration laws. And it chooses to not simply leave marriage defined as what it has always been in this country and dating as far back as Ancient Rome – a union between a man and a woman to promote procreation and a stable society – and create another political status, Civil Union, with its own governance and qualifications. It chooses to seek to have intellectually vacant arguments and attempts to redefine terms and words such as, what is is. What is a man? What is legal? And what is marriage? Despite the government’s propaganda, this issue is not about “equality”, but political status and classification for both the financial and political benefit of the government. As Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas truthfully stated, “Government cannot make us equal; it can only recognize, respect, and protect us as equal before the law.”

It is interesting that the one political party that has been the instigator in America’s most divisive social movements has been the Democratic Party. And like in the past, a combination of politics, big business, and the church, are instigative parties in these movements.  I’m not saying. I’m just saying.

The great hazard of frivolously and loosely choosing to redefining words and customs that have stood for generations and centuries with little regard of the consequences to the society as a whole is to question is anything sacred? Are there any longer any absolutes? Can we any longer definitively claim what is acceptable and not acceptable? How do we stand up and say no if no is no longer clearly definable? How can we then say this is right and this is wrong or that this is good and this bad? And is is is?

Alexis de Tocqueville once prophetically stated, “America is great because America is good. If America ever ceases to be good it will cease to be great.” This is what this battle is about. America’s moral soul. And how our next generations will view issues of morality. In truth, there is little light between what effects social issues and what effects economic issues. They are both of the same stick. It is only our fundamentally sound moral compass that keeps us from one day awakening to a nation engulfed in flames. It is ultimately up to us to chose.



If its government is immoral, can America be good?

The current occupant of the Oval Office seems to have a serious issue with issues of right and wrong, particularly when it has to do with the restraints of the Constitution.  The most glaring exhibits are of matters involving illegal Mexicans immigrants being forced to enter the country as other immigrants have done for generations, his attempts to place homosexual unions on par with that of heterosexual unions, and blatantly blurring the traditional lines of ethnicity and morality.

Ever since being placed as president of the United States he has done everything as he promised days before his election, “to fundamentally change America”.  He is doing all that he can to ignore and subjugate longstanding Constitutional principles of conduct. In particular his dealing with the law-making branch of government, the Congress, and his manipulative use of the regulatory powers of the Executive Branch. One of my favorite quotes is from Alexis de Tocqueville when he said of America’s moral standing, “America is great because America is good. If America ever ceases to be good it will cease to be great.’  Is this how he looks to forever alter America, to dismantle its core?  First, he entered the office by being a complete enigma, an unknown entity, speaking words that triggered emotional responses at a time that the American people thirsted for hope for better a future and change from the perceived failings for past.  He’s like an unattractive gal who gives the last guy in the bar, who’s really emotionally distressed and depressed, a minute before it closes, some great tantalizing conversation and attention, saying all of the right things. The guy figures why not her?  But, now it’s the morning after and the guy is feeling like he was been taken advantage of because he has a house full of strangers, the locks on the doors have been changed, and his family jewels are nowhere to be seen.

Mr. Obama came into office promising to be the most transparent Administration ever, the most ethical, and would unite not just of the government, but the people.  Regarding his Administration being transparent, he has sealed all of his personal college transcripts and questions dealing with his actual birth certificate, and his past in general, still linger. I remind you that this isn’t someone who bounces a ball or entertains, but the President of the United States who has a unknown past to most Americans.  This Administration has been involved in one the most massive cover-ups since the Nixon break in with its involvement in the Fast and Furious covert gun-running program that ended up getting Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, age 40, killed by Mexican drug-smugglers during a gunfight.  Incredibly, as reported by  Forbes 9/28/11 report, the deadly gun battle started with USBP shooting bean bags at the smugglers shooting with AK-47s.  Talk about bringing a knife to a gun fight.  Is it just me, or there something seriously wrong with our side’s rules of engagement when it comes to fighting Mexican bad guys at the U.S border?  I’m just asking.  The Administration’s Justice Department hasn’t yet come clean with the details of the covert operation run-a-muck, which led to for the first time ever a sitting U.S  Attorney General, Eric Holder, being held in contempt of the Congress.  The Administration effectively blocked for the AG by inexplicably invoking Executive Privilege so we the people may never know the truth of this horrific debacle.  What makes this offense so astounding is the fact that this may have all been done to manipulate the people into granting for the passage of more gun restrictions on legitimate gun sellers and dealers when massive amounts of guns used in gang and gun violence could be traced back to American guns stores.

Other examples of questionable ethical and moral actions have to do with this Administration’s unwillingness to abide by the traditional protocols and restraints applied by the Constitution when he unilaterally chooses to either ignore established law and or just creates its own regulatory policies, that in essence becomes law.  Thereby he totally ignores the fact that it is the Legislative, not the Executive, Branch that is empowered to make law and thus obliterating all pretenses of traditional Constitutional Checks and Balances.  Just a few examples; President Obama told the Justice Department to stop defending the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act, that allowed states to refuse to recognize same-sex partnerships legally recognized in other states. This was enacted not through any process through the Congress or the courts, but just because Mr. O didn’t think that it was constitutional.  Mr. Obama also is the first sitting U.S. president to outright endorse equal marriage rights for gay couples and to dismantle the military’s longstanding ban on service by gays and lesbians, “don’t ask, don’t tell”. The law that allowed gays to serve so long as they simply keep their sexuality a secret. Both laws have been around since the Clinton Administration.

Also Obama’s Administration decided with the stroke of the pen to tell Immigration & Customs Enforcement Agency[ICE], via the Homeland Security Department, to no longer enforce immigration violations by illegal immigrants, particularly those from Mexico and Latin America. The Executive Order allows anyone who was brought to this country prior to age 16 and who is under the age of 30 not to have to face deportation. In addition, they must have lived here for 5 years, obtained a high school diploma, and/or served in the military. Lastly, they could not have a criminal record.  But according to a FOX News report of 7/27/12, the ICE Union President Chris Crane claims that illegal immigrants are “taking advantage” of a new directive allowing some undocumented residents who came to the U.S. as children to stay in the country. The policy ends up allowing illegal immigrants to avoid detention without any proof — particularly so-called “dreamers,” or those illegal immigrants who would benefit under the “DREAM Act” proposal, which Congress has not passed but the administration  has partially implemented. And this is on top of a quietly imposed Administration Directive, as reported by the Daily Caller on 6/20/11, to top ICE officials that they need not enforce immigration laws if illegal immigrants are enrolled in an education center or if their relatives have volunteered for the US military.  Really?!  What about the Black and White poor and middle class Americans who are already unemployed and or under-employed?

So as Mr. Obama methodically pits homo-sexual Americans against hetero-sexual Americans, illegal immigrants against legal citizens, and rich American against poor American supposedly for the benefit of the “little guy” and in the name of “fairness”.  But, he does this mostly not within the traditional restraints and protocols of the Constitution, to which he supposedly swore an oath to, or with apparent and recognizable motives, but with a simple stroke of his pen and an unseen hand he makes the law-biding citizen question the very purpose of law if the head of the government shows such apparent disrespect and distain for it. Maybe Mr. O is following the teachings of one of his idols, Saul Alinsky, early 1900’s Chicago “community organizer”. He spoke of there being one single principle, which is to take power from the haves and give to the have-nots, to which he coined, political nihilism– to assault of the established order in the name of the “people”

The question that needs to be asked of this Administration, and all others, is what laws is law?  The ones that just are or just ones that you agree with?  What is the truth?  That which just is or that which it says it is?  And if the government is allowed to fudge the line of what is law and truth so blatantly who are the people to rely on for justice and truth?  If it is the people who decides who is to govern and represent us, and the government is immoral and unethical, not good, can the moral integrity of the nation and goodness of the people be without question?  Though too many of us want to take to the streets when a leader of a sports team or institution acts immorally or unethically, but let the president of the United States attempt to redefined what is is and be disbarred for ling to a Grand Jury, or have one cost millions in dollar and thousands in the lives of American sons and daughters in invading two sovereign nations for presumably “weapons of mass destruction” and retaliation for attacking the U.S on September 11, 2001, or maybe have one to pretend to be something or someone that he’s not, that’s acceptable.  Really?  Remember, we have the government, we have the nation, which we chose to have.

The Issue Of Illegal Immigration Is The Greatest Moral Issue Of America Today

The other nite I had a rather heated discussion regarding illegal immigration.  It started over this person comparing the prejudicial and discriminatory treatment that many illegal immigrants are supposedly being subjected.  This maybe due to the fact the vast majority of illegal immigrants in the country are from Mexico and the explosion of the Mexican population mainly comes from illegal immigration.  So there may be some mis-identifying between those of the Latino population who are here legally and those who are here illegally.  That is the collateral element of this issue.

But that not withstanding, this person’s position was based on comparing the prejudice and discrimination of Mexican illegal immigrants today and that which this person’s parents suffered after legally immigrating from Europe after World War 2.  This shows the success of the confusionist’s argument on this issue to distort the key word in this discussion, that being illegal, verses legal.  It is not about “race”, ethnicity, or one’s place of origin.  It is an issue of  morality and right verses wrong.  The most important issue that we may ever face in this country.

The confusionist want us to get emotionally mis-directed over this issue and want us to strenuous compare and attach it to the mistreatment of the Black-American during the Civil Rights Era, the European-American following World War 1 and 2, the so-called Indian-American, or some other disenfranchised or mistreated American.  But the glaring and most relevant point of fact in this matter is of legal and illegal presence in America.  I am not trying to belittle or excuse the mistreatment imposed on the Black-Americans, European-Americans, or any other group who have a legal presence in this nation.  Humans are flawed creatures and at times do things that are inexcusable.  But, think of it as though you are a homeowner with two guest, one invited and the other uninvited.   Though you are very mad at both for the extra expense and inconvenience their presence have caused you, but you are more angry at the uninvited guess, just because his expenses are unduly burdensome.  Due to the fact that his presence is unsolicited and felonious.

I remember when I was young in school that it was a literal offense for someone to cut in front of you while standing in line.  We called it “French Cutting” to allow a friend or someone to get right in front of you, to only have him get behind you.  There was a greater moral conscience back then it seems. To be moral is defined as, “relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior”.  How can we rationally justify to the youngest of us, who are beginning to develop their boundaries of right and wrong, allowing those who have been identified as illegal or “undocumented” to access our educational and medical systems in manner that is not extended to those who are here legally as well as be favorably treated by those who are supposed to enforce the law; all at great financial and social expense.  At the same time wanting to publicly hang by the short hairs some sports figure who may have cheated to gain an advantage in his profession?  Are we so nieve to believe that this will not have them growing up with severely blurred boundaries of morality and not have a negative effect of our society? This is the moral dilemma this nation is faced with today and for which we will be remembered regarding illegal immigration and fair and equal treatment under the law. How we handle the issue of allowing people to openly cross the lines of what we have traditionally viewed as right and wrong.  The heated debate is not just happening in my circle, but in millions of homes across this nation, maybe threatening to divide them.  Is this the intent?

A strong position against illegal immigration is not against any Mexican, or any other foreign nation person, individually or personally.  If I were in their shoes and allowed to come to a country to acquire a better standard of life no matter illegally or legally I would probably do the same.  The cause of this divisive issue squarely resides at the feet of how the federal government is sanctioning this blatant disregard for its own laws and fiduciary duties to protect this nation and secure the blessing of liberty for our posterity and us.  The fact of the matter is that there are nearly a hundred legal means of immigrating to this nation for various lengths of time and purposes that has made us the overwhelming destination for nation people since our creation. Why aren’t they being exhaustively explored and applied now?  The bottom line is that we, the citizens of this nation, and those here illegally and negatively effecting our standard and quality of life are all pawns being pitted against each other in universal game of chess.  To allow one nationality such preferential treatment is to allow the same for others till we have thousands of enclaves of nation people each with their own individual agendas and needs.  Teddy Roosevelt prophetically warned of such thing when he stated, “The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities.”

At the end of the day, it will be shown whether or not we as Americans, who have as our foundation to be our own government and to choose a government that works to our demands, not have us work for its.  Will we be shown to be a people determined to stand steadfast on the principle of right and wrong – no matter the inconvenience? Will we choose a government that reflects those unwavering principles?  Or will the generations that follow see that we sold out or suppressed our principles lost in a purple haze of temporary benefit or mis-applied emotional content?