
Silencing Christians

The Radical Gay Rights Contagion That Is Gripping America & The Western World, Is Due to Politics, Not Principles.

Silencing Christians

Silencing Christians

Question; how can a segment of the nation’s population of less than 4% dominate the political and social course?   That is the question that should cause everyone in America to pause at the astonishing success that the radical Gay Rights Movement have accumulated over the past 4 to 7 plus years.  There is scant argument from any educated-inclined person that America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles and beliefs. That the majority of the great men who founded the nation were believers in a Supreme Being, God.  And that the first book of education in the nation was the Bible. Founder John Adams prophetically said, “The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God..” But one would not recognize any evidence of this after witnessing the action of the State of Georgia’s Governor, who is said to be a Christian, publicly denounce the teachings of the Bible against homosexuality.

The rash of the public rejection and marginalization of the tenets of Christendom by the public officials of cities, towns, and States across the nation is undoubtedly causing the Founders to scream WTF!  It is probably most astonishing to see this happening in the “Bible Belt” of the south.  Georgia’s Republican Governor Nathan Deal announced that he intended to veto a bill that essentially codified a Citizen of the States’ right to practice his or her religious faith without fear of being sued, interestingly, in particularly the clergy and ministers.  The Bill did not refer to gays, lesbians, homosexuals, nor anything similar.  But that did not matter to the radical left or their accomplices. After a flood of mis and dis-information in the Media by proponents of the radical LGBT [Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender] agenda, following the passage of House Bill 757 by the Republican dominate legislature, promising that the State’s economy would literally disintegrate if the bill was to become law and that big companies would forgo the economic benefits of the State in order to stand in public solidarity of the homosexual lifestyle’s imposition on the Christian-faith population majority.  This decision coming most ironically days after Easter weekend.

Governor Deal in his veto announcement oddly stated, I do not think we have to discriminate against anyone to protect the faith-based community in Georgia.”  He stated that he was aware of the Supreme Court decision to redefine “marriage” to no longer be strictly that of one man and one woman, but to include that of same-sex persons.  He also admitted that he was aware of businesses being forced by the courts to accommodate the homosexual lifestyle at the expense of their religious beliefs.  But, what was most glaring was the omission of any wording such as, my Biblical teachings are clear regarding homosexuality, as well as the majority of the Citizens of the State.  Though as Governor I am rejecting this bill due to the lack of need for it today in this State. I will though rigorously enforce the Laws regarding freedom of religious conscience for any and every one.  Nope.  That would have been too much like right.  All of the red meat was given to those who seek to drive free expression and exercise of faith, particular Christianity, out of the public square. In truth, it is the people of the Christian faith who are already being discriminated against.  I have not heard of any gay or lesbian business being force to place a cross in their establishment nor make it unpopular for them not watch a man and a woman kiss.

This public surrendering of Christian tenets is occurring throughout the nation, in the south in particular, like Sherman through Atlanta. One would ignorantly believe that gays and lesbians make up a large segment of the population.  If they were to actually believe what they see and hear via the Media.  The LGBT community do not even make up 4% of the nation population, according to a 2015 Gallop Poll. It is not them who are being persecuted and discriminated against.  But it is those of the Christian faith community.  According to the popular Media, it is Christians, and those who believe in Judeo-Christian principles, who are in the minority.  Christians are having to publicly denounce, suppress, and or re-orchestrate views of their Christian faith like in no time in recent American history.  Similar to Peter’s rejection of his knowledge of the Christ.  In North Carolina, the legislature, in special session, had to pass a law, HB2, preventing counties and cities from transgenderizing public facilities. Basically stating that only males or female, as such as they were when they were born, can use such stated publicly funded bathrooms and changing facilities. In fact, there are nearly 21 States that have had to specifically right into law to protect Citizens from burdensome government intrusion regarding their free exercise of religion.  As though it is not already affirmed in their States’ Constitution, and that of the Federal Constitution as well.  But the abolishment of the open and free expression and exercise of Christianity is spreading throughout the former capitals of Christendom.  Even Ireland, with its huge population of proclaimed Catholics, had to capitulate from its long-held religious principles, and legalize same-sex marriage.

But why now in America?  Over the past 7 years the radical gay movement has spread like wild-fire over dry timbers in America. Can anyone recall prior to 2008 that there was any sound of injustice or rampant discrimination towards the LGBT community? Is it just because for the first time a sitting U.S President has publicly endorsed the LGBT lifestyle? Yes!  Interesting that Mr. O did that in his second term, not his first. Huumm!!  But as in most things political, there is an economic component.  Besides the political Progressive’s long desire to eradicate Christianity from public view that started with the abolishment of prayer from government schools and the Court’s ruling for the so-called “Separation of Church and State”, one would be foolish to ignore the huge windfall the government stands to receive by the government’s recognition of same-sex unions.  Members of the gay and lesbian community earn more than their heterosexual counterparts, according to a 2012 CNN-Money report.  Just in New York alone in a 2011 Bloomberg Business report stated, “New York may reap $310 million over the next three years from license fees, taxes, and tourism related to same-sex weddings.”  And that was before same-sex marriage was legalized nationwide.  And all of the extreme social unrest and disturbance with the mass propaganda surrounding the popularity and success of the gay rights movement works to achieve another aim of the political extreme left, that is to destabilize the nation to move us off our traditional values and customs associated with Christendom that has made us the marvel of the world.

But if further evidence of how the so-called today’s Gay Rights Movement has nothing to do with “rights” nor principles, particularly regarding the government’s actions, notice how little action or reaction is given by the government in its relations with nations who repress, suppress, or strictly forbid homosexual activity-such as China, Russia, and African/Mid-East nations.  The same big companies who demonstratively put up so much of a public show of indignation for States such as Georgia and North Carolina and threaten them with economic Armageddon, are eerily silent when it comes to their business relationships with nations with blatant anti-homosexual position. In dealing with nations who sentences homosexuals even to death, these same businesses act like the 3 monkeys – they hear nothing; they see nothing; & they say nothing. The big money brokers that are funding this chaos, such as the ACLU[American Civil Liberties Union] and the George Soros-funded Open Society Foundation, are not going to mess up their money like that. It’s not that serious to them.

Unlike during South African apartheid in the ’90’s when American companies, based on true principle, and public demand, abstained from doing business with the nation and the U.S government imposed sanctions; today in the case of the radical Gay Rights Movement it is not about principles, but strictly politics. The federal government and politicians didn’t have a come-to-Jesus moment some 8 years ago to realize that homosexuality should be equal to heterosexuality both politically and socially, or that they were being persecuted. The LGBT community is economically the envy of all but the that of the elderly.  And the extremist in the LGBT movement didn’t all of the sudden become Julia Roberts in “The Pretty Woman” who actually gets to marry the trillionaire [the government], with all of the perks and privileges.  It’s a marriage of convenience. It is to increase the coffers of a cash-strapped government, both local and national, and to cripple and greatly dilute Christianity’s influence in the American culture and society. Period!

At the end of the day, the silent majority decides what kind of nation we have.

America Is Still Conservative and Republican in 2015, Despite U.S Government’s Desires Otherwise

It maybe hard to believe that after 60 plus years of the silent push of Progressive Liberals to incrementally slide America socially to the political left, particularly after the past 7 years of Barack Obama’s desire to “fundamentally transform” this nation from our traditional conservative foundation, it appears that they may still have some work ahead of them.

I know with all of the recent court victories that have been chalked up be the left such as, the Supreme Court striking down the Defense of Marriage Act in 2013, the Obama Administration ending band on Gays serving openly in the Military, the most infamous one, the Supreme Court’s redefining marriage in 2013, and cases such as the Colorado Baker who was ordered to bake a gay couple a wedding cake by a State court, one would think that the Progressive Left ideology is supreme across the land. But, the exaggerated perception of the demise of the traditional conservative heart of America maybe far from reality.

Lets keep in mind that in 2012, Obama, Mr. Extreme Liberal himself, was on his way to his second reign, when ever the gay agenda was openingly presented to the American people, no matter the form, the American people voted it down in dramatic fashion. CBS reported in May of 2012 that in 32 States, comprising nearly 60% of the nation’s population, where the gay agenda was on a ballot the people voted it down. A Gallup Poll in January of the same year showed that 40% of respondents self-identified as conservative, 35% moderates [fence sitters], and only 21% liberals. It is no wonder that the Progressive Left has to use the Courts and coercion to redefine societal laws to get their agenda imposed on the American majority.

Time and time again, when the citizens of the United States and the people of America have been asked to chose between the values of the left or the right, they have chosen the right. Much to the alienation of the Progressives and the Political Elite, particularly the Federal Republican Party heads. The Party most identified as the champion of traditional American values, the Republican Party, have dominated every Congressional and State General Election since Mr. O’s reelection. In the 2014 Congressional Elections the Republicans smacked down the Democrats and gained more seats in the House than since the 1920’s and retook the Senate. And it didn’t get any prettier for the leftist agenda in the heartlands that day neither as reported, “Republicans now control state government outright in at least 24 states, one more than they did before the election. They control at least 66 of 99 state legislative chambers nationwide. And they cut the number of states with total Democratic control from 14 to seven — the lowest number since the Civil War.” Even voters in long-standing blue States of Illinois-Obama’s adopted State-, Maryland, and Massachusetts voted for a change course. Was this a grand show of support for the values and social ideology of Mr. O and his Party? Not in the slightest. answered that question with a heads-up to not only Democrats, but Republicans when reported, “Anti-abortion, pro-family values Republicans who didn’t mince words when it came to stating their views won — and those who ducked taking a bold position on socially conservative issues lost.”

The voters of both the U.S Citizenry and the American populace spoke loudly again in this year’s off-season Elections by saying NO! to the leftist/socialist agenda and gave the Republicans even more or a mandate to change course for the sake on that the nation’s posterity. Kentucky elected its first Republican Governor in 2 decades, in Matt Benin along with its first Black-American State-wide official as his running mate, Jenean Hampton. His election solidly place the whole south in the hands of the Republican Party. The people of Virginia tightened the leash on its new Democrat Governor by increasing Republican seats in its legislature. And on the same evening the people of Houston stumped a ballot proposal by the LGBT to carve out a special protections, outside of those already recognize in the Constitution, and would have given anyone claiming to be transgender the ability to go into the bathroom of the opposite sex. But the Republican Party Elites at the federal level inexplicably propagates the leftist agenda.

A June 2014 survey by Pew Research Center again edified that in reality America is conservative – 56%, fence sitters – 33%, and everyone else liberal. After the Great Society, the New Deal, and Obamanation, America’s is still conservative at heart. The people of the several states have spoken unequivocally and with no silent reservation. Over 60% of Americans believe America is going down the wrong track, according to a recent Rasmussen Poll, and we are hungering for a politician and Party to boldly echo our voices and bring us back on to the right track. Not for the sake of the generations of the yesterday or today, but for those of tomorrow.

The only question is with all of the Establishment Media, the government educational system, the Entertainment Industry, and the Progressive Libs, on both sides of the isle in the federal government, will they succeed in convincing or conforming us, the ideological majority, to accept that there is no absolute right and wrong, that there is no moral and immoral, that lie is now truth, that there is no real Truth? Can they have us accept that the ideology of a group that comprises less than 20% can set an agenda and path for the nation that is repugnant to the traditional values and beliefs to the majority?

The first rule in Saul Alinsky’s book Rule for Radicals states, “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” The reason that Progressive Left has to use lies, coercion, and deception, and move its agenda in the shadows is because it can not win in the light. This is why it targets the young. It was Lenin, the Father of Communism/Socialism, who stated, Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”

America is the one nation where the Founders codified that power comes from the people, from the governed. We have the power to choose to be silent or speak boldly, to choose anarchy over order, servitude over freedom, and chose desecration over righteousness. Will the silent majority, the conservatives and just half of the fence sitters, of the several states voices be risen in time to defeat America’s radical transformation of our social foundation before it is too late? Our nation’s great Founders promised that we would always have a Republican form of government, but it is up to each of us to guarantee it for ourselves and our posterity.

The Radical Gay Agenda Spreads: You Will Be Made To Care.

On May 10 2012, a date that will truly live in infamy. Mr. Barack Hussein Obama became the first sitting U.S President to endorse Same-Sex unions and legally brand it marriage. His utterance and his actions since have sent ripples throughout the nation, and the world. Even if you are one who is politically uninitiated or believe that matters of politics don’t effect you, you will inevitably be effected.

One can not but be a stunned witness to the consequences of the unprecedented endorsement of the Chief Executive. From schools offering “gender neutral” restrooms, to the abolishment of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and the Defense of Marriage Act, to the proliferation of more overt gay and lesbian depictions on TV, in every form from cartoon to Reality TV, the gay, lesbian, and even transgender lifestyle is being presented as on par or equal with that of the heterosexual lifestyle. Once staunch pro-traditional lifestyle choice organizations such as, the American Boy Scouts and more recently the American Presbyterian Church have been moved, pushed, or dragged to accept and endorse the alternative life-style and same-sex marriage.

May God have mercy on anyone who dares to express the slightest displeasure or disagreement in this radical societal transformation and attempts to stand ground on traditional American Christian principles. The wrath of naked intolerance will besiege you, unmercifully.  Just ask former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich who was forced to resign for his donation to an winning California campaign against same-sex marriage, some four years prior. Ask business owners such as Crystal O’Connor co-owner of Memories Pizzeria in Indiana, some 20 miles from South Bend, who has been forced to close because she simply told a news reporter, who was desperately seeking a story, that she would not cater a gay wedding. When was the last wedding that you went to that served pizza? Ask Aaron Klein former owner of Sweet Cakes By Melissa, a family-owned Christian bakery in Oregon, who was forced to close down because they could not bake cake for a lesbian couple – who were regular clients – because of their religious convictions. Or even today’s display of rabid intolerance by the extreme sect of the homosexual community, or those causing chaos in their name, of anyone simply expressing disagreement with their choice of life-style – the fight over States passing Religious Freedom & Restoration Act [RFRA]. States are simply applying what is already a federal law to their States in order to specifically limit the governments ability to infringe on the religious interest of the it’s citizens – ALL OF IT’S CITIZENS. I thought that the Constitution of the united States already did that. It may be just my confusion.

What is most interesting with this issue is that RFRA was sponsored by Democrat Senator Chuck Schemer, past overwhelmingly by Congress, and signed with much fanfare by Democrat President Bill Clinton in 1993 in order to protect the religious rights of Native American Indians to practice their religious ceremonies from government intrusion. It had nothing, and has nothing, to do with the homosexual nor gay life-style. The words referring to homosexual, gay, lesbian, transgender, or any coded language specifically referring to any group of citizen’s sexual orientation, or any orientation for that matter, can not be found in the law. And it has never been used to infringe on the rights of gays or lesbians. But, it was in the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision of June of last year that RFRA saved Hobby Lobby from having to sacrifice it’s moral code and be forced by the federal government’s Obamacare mandate to provide birth control pills. Huumm!

If one were dropped into America from out of space and watched the news over the past 6 or so years he would think that gays and homosexuals were being rounded up and slaughtered, publicly lynched and flogged, stoned by citizens at their very sight, and economically being depressed. But the truth and facts are much less dramatic. The gay and lesbian community are statistically more educated and earn more than their heterosexual counterparts, according to 2013 U.S News report. And according to the 2012 F.B.I Hate Crimes Statistics, less than 20% of crimes were due to one’s sexual orientation, while nearly 50% was due to one’s race. Also if one did not know any better, due to the gross propaganda by the Media and Entertainment Complex, one would think that the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, & Transgender [LGBT] community was a dominant persuasion in the nation. In fact the LGBT community makes up just less than 4% of the nation’s population. But due to the mass saturation of liberal progressive Media’s false stories and orchestrated discourse, one would think that it is Christians who are out seeking homosexuals and terrorizing them.

Due to the increased secularization of the culture, not just in America, but in Europe, the Gay Movement has been growing, with muted opposition. But since the appointment of Mr. Obama as Chief Executive and President of the U.S, their agenda has gone into warped speed. And with the literal abandonment of the defense of traditional social values by the National Republican party, the radial Progressive Left has been successful in dividing the nation and causing chaos. Some could successfully argue that the recent favor of the LGBT community by the National Democrat party has more to do with politics than principles, or a coming to Jesus moment. The coffers of the federal and States, and even Big Business, stand to benefit greatly due to the legalization of same-sex unions, according to a 2012 CNN Money report.

The seemingly exclusive targeting of those of the Christian persuasion can not be overlooked. Particularly under this Administration, anything Christian has been treated like the red-headed stepchild who was birthed by accident. Under this Administration Christians have been placed on the same list as Hamas and Al-Qaida as enemies of the State by the Military and terrorist by Homeland Security. Coupled with the further feminization of the nation’s culture and personality, fewer of American youths have truly positive masculine role models or ideals to emulate. The Clint Eastwoods and Sidney Poitiers of generations past have been replaced with Rue Pauls. The days of speaking stern grounded in principle, has given way to speaking softly charged with emotional impulses, so as not to possibly offend someone. And the strong hard nose father figures have been largely castrated by submitting to the illogical popular notion that the traditional role of the woman equates to servitude. Moralism, defining right and wrong, has become an issue of feelings and comfort, rather than beliefs and principles to too many Americans, particularly the youths. It is past time for the “silent majority” to stop being so silent.

The radial gay agenda is being propagated via fear, intimation, and false truths, not principle or strength of position.  The LGBT people could have put all of this energy behind a movement to pass Civil Unions. But, they chose, and were guided, to the path of most resistance, confrontation, and that would cause the most division. The institution of marriage is more than a governmental franchise, it has roots in the Bible, and many other books of religion. It has one main purpose that has been long recognized that defines it – procreation. The assault on the institution of marriage and Christendom are intertwined. It is about their destruction.  And with it, goes the foundation on which this great nation surpassed all others.  Just as gay activist Masha Gessen frankly admitted, “The push for gay marriage has less to do with the right to marry – it is about diminishing and eventually destroying the institution of marriage and redefining the ‘traditional family.‘” And more importantly, as Mr. O promised to fundamentally transform this nation, he’s not doing it as much economically, but by social re-engineering. Real fundamental change comes from changing how we see each other, how we relate to one another, and changing the common values we hold true. Our foundation, our strength, has always originated in the church – particularly the Judeo-Christian Church. Whether you attend church or not, those principles are woven throughout our the society. The abolishment of moral values or absolutes and making the issue of truth irrelevant in our society negatively effects us all.  As Alexis de Tocqueville, 1800’s French political thinker and historian, prophetically stated, “I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers – and it was not there.. . in her fertile fields and boundless forests and it was not there . . . in her rich mines and her vast world commerce – and it was not there . . . in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution – and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.”

At the end of the day, it is up to you to chose the future of this nation.