
Media disinformation

When Big Media Denies Truth

The unchained power of the National Media Complex [television, internet, radio, and print] has been revealed as an extraordinary force that has the ability to dispatch propaganda to mold the behavior and the opinion of the masses. 

Truth Silenced

How The Effective Use Of Propaganda Has Silenced Truth In America

In America truth is no longer self-evident. The question that needs to be asked is how long can America stand as a nation that was established on the principles and tenets of Judaeo-Christianism and Divine Providence when the basic truth that there are just two genders – a boy and a girl – and that it is their union alone that is key to the growth of the human species and stable society; and that it can be replaced by a notion that there are over 200 genders and that any combination can procreate in a family with little to no resistance even from those who know the truth?