
The Benghazi Tragedy Is An Unprecedented Tragedy Of The Lost Of U.S Credibility and Governmental Vigilance of the American People

This past week the United States House of Representatives held what can only be described as the most comprehensive and damaging view of not so much as to what was said as to what happen on September 11, 2012, but what didn’t.  Not so much as how on one side, the Republicans, were seriously attempting to bring to light why four Americans died while the U.S government stood by and then went for months producing and presenting a blatant lie of a “spontaneous” protest was all due to some unknown You Tube video by a lessor known American film maker. And on the other side, the Democrats, doing their best to divert focus totally on a supposed lack of budgetary funds.  But, what maybe the more damaging is the nearly deafening silence from most of the Establishment Media and that of the American people, at least until recently.

I can remember during the Water Gate Congressional Hearings there was nearly wall to wall coverage by all three national news broadcasters, ABC, NBC, and CBS.  During the Iran Contra Congressional Hearings there was big news coverage.  Even the O.J Simpson murder trial got extreme news coverage.  But during a hearing to clearly examine why Americans were left to die in the most gruesome manner, in a country that the U.S government supposedly just freed from the Devil reincarnated, and who gave the stand down order to the military to not come those American’s aide, and why was there such an extravagant cover up and act of deception and manipulation enacted by the  Administration for more that 2 months that included the passionate false proclamation by the President of the U.S standing before the world at the United Nations, even Fox News turned away their broadcasting of the hearing to broadcast a verdict of some lady in Colorado who was charged with killing her boyfriend.  Really?.

What these latest Hearing exposed is that the Administration deliberately put into effect a mass production to cover up the real story behind the tragedy as reported even by liberal news agencies such as, ABC News and the NY Times, there was a Stand Down ordered to prevent area U.S military resources to come to the aid of the besieged Consulate in Libya by someone at the very top of the military chain of command. There was no protest outside of the Consulate that led to the attack as fervently proposed by Mr. O and his Administration.  And even more concerning is that a recent poll shows that only 46% of American’s believe that there is a cover-up.   Maybe if this was a story on TMZ about some big entertainment mogul wanting to put all reality and talent contest shows on pay TV it might get more attention of the American people.  But, it being just a story of the President of the U.S treating the American people like hogs and feeding us slope its a non-story.

There used to be a time in America the morality and character was held as a litmus test for not just who one’s daughter would marry, but who should be elected to office, and even who should vote.  But, today leaders have shown a huge streak of contempt for moral integrity.  There has been a concerted effort and agenda to remove any degree of moral absolutes not only in the interaction of citizen to citizen, but more importantly citizen to government.  Too many of us have lost the willingness to boldly question the actions of the government.The actions of the government are no longer viewed with any high moral expectations or through the context of right and wrong, but whose team is the politician on, Democrat or Republican, conservative or liberal.  Coupled with the fact that more Americans are getting their view of the world via the Entertainment Establishment. So whatever the Establishment media tells them is virtually gospel.  According to a recent Pew Research Study that states 52 % of the respondents look for sports news and 47 % look for entertainment or celebrity news for information. And 78% of respondents stated that they watch local news and 73% saying that they get their new from one of the national network – ABC, CBS, OR NBC – or cable news channel – CNN, Fox News or MSNBC.   So as a result, to many of the American populace, if it is not said by an entertainer, athlete, or a member of the Establishment Media, it’s not happening or it’s not relevant.    Just let me get back to eating from the trough.

What may be the most overlooked aspect or consequence of a government that so blatantly works to deceive and manipulate its own people, is how it causes other nations to more pointy question the intentions and motives of it in their relationships and dealings. 

In the past examples with Water Gate, Nixon resigned, and as for the Iran Contra issue, Reagan apologized to the American people for his error.  But for this tragedy that caused the lives of four Americans the sacking of a U.S Consulate, and the nation’s credibility, Mr. Obama chooses to brazenly and arrogantly lie to the face of the American people and the world.  Today, as a nation, the U.S is more hated and mistrusted then respected by members of the world, even some countries who use to be friends for years.  Can you blame them?  As President of the U.S, Mr. O is the sole international representative of the American people. If this is the one obvious untruths and act of deception that has been exposed, how many others have not that may have not been so obvious?  Even after Mr. O is gone from the seat of the Presidency the stain of his vacant character and ethics will leave an imperishable scare on the this nation that may not so quickly go away.

But, at day’s end history will once again bear witness to how the people of
America abandoned the cherished covenant of liberty and freedom which comes from self-governance to embrace government dependency and let loose the government chains of which is the one true threat to our freedoms. Daniel Webster prophetically stated,
I apprehend no danger to our country from a foreign foe … Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. — From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence, I must confess that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants, and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men, and become the instruments of their own undoing…”

If the government of the United States has lost its way morally, than so to have the American people.   By being the creators of the government, it can only behave as we wish.  America’s vacantness of right and wrong must be retained if America is be the special and respected nation that generations before inherited.

What Are The Consequences When No One Trust the President’s Words

Confucius said, “If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion…”  A more familiar way of saying that may be, to mean what you say and say what you mean, because your words do carry weight; especially if you happen to be a leader or the president of the United States.

In 2009 the citizens of the United States elected Barack Obama to be their president.  Many voters took for granted that he would first live up to the traditional values of the American people as well the previous occupants of the most prestigious of political offices.  But what may have been most assumed is for the man who occupies the Office be honest and of high moral standing.  I know that Men being Men we are all flawed creatures, so forgiveness is often generously applied.  But the track record of Mr. Obama should raise eyes brows of even the most passive political spectator.  I dare believe that no words are spoken with as much weight as those spoken by the president of the United States. Since becoming president Mr. O has taken positions verbally on some of the most pressing to ever face this nation and the world representing not only the people of America, but the Office. Positions that this man have taken and the verbalization of them  must leave even the most forgiving amongst us wondering whether he doesn’t know of the words that are coming out his mouth, or he is consciously engaging in Orwellian double-speak or Bernaysian verbial deception.

Here is just a sample of Mr. O’s strikingly curious verbal statements that may make you say huuummmm.   Last year on September 11, for the first time since the Carter Administration, a U.S foreign consulate was invaded and a head U.S Ambassador killed, along with three U.S servicemen in Libya.  For over a month Mr. O and his administration fervently claimed that the attack on the Libyan Consulate, as well as subsequent attacks on other U.S embassies in the Middle East was all due an extremely obscure You Tube video showing the Muslim Prophet Mohammed in an unfavorable light.  Mr. O sought the United Nations as a stage to most publicly claim that it was a video and an American’s inappropriate use of his freedom of speech and expression that was the cause of the mass “spontaneous” uprisings that set the Middle East ablaze.  Very much like the “spontaneous” uprisings that sacked the leaders of Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya.  But, reports show definitively that the White House not only knew that the Libyan Consulate was vulnerable, but knew within 2-hrs that the Consulate was attacked by a well-armed radical Muslim group, Ansar al-Sharia.  A U.S drone was miraculously on the spot just in time to video tape the assault real-time.  So did Mr. O and his entire administration and the U.S government intelligence organization take stupid pills and to become totally dysfunctional, reminiscent of Sept 11, 2001?  Why did the president publicly present himself and the government to be total incompetent idiots?

Mr. O seems to have an perpetual hard-on when it comes to piling more taxes and regulations on the nation’s producers and means of production at the same time he speaks publicly of wanting to grow the economy.  First, let’s resolve this notion that the nation’s wealthy do not pay “their fair share”.  The most recent report from the C.B.O, the Congressional Budget Office, shows that though the wealthiest taxpayers earn approx. 50% of nation’s income, they pay more than 70% of the nation’s taxes. He has even stated in the past that his dogged want for the rich to pay more in taxes has NOTHING to do with growing the economy; it is all about “fairness.”  And even after stating in his 2011 State of the Union address promising “When we find rules that put an unnecessary burden on businesses, we will fix them,” he has gone on to pile more costly shackles on the nation’s means of wealth production and businesses at a cost of more than $10 Million annually in regulatory regulations, with more slated for his new term.

More so, when our nation is reported to have more natural energy resources than anyone in the world, particularly coal, Obama ties an even larger albatross around the industries necks at a cost of Millions and Billions in jobs, research and development, economic and energy independence for the nation as a whole.

And now he’s wanting to do in his second term what he dared not do directly during his first term facing re-election, an all out assault on law-biding citizen gun ownership by applying more regulations and restrictions, under the guise of protecting the children.  Never mind the fact that there is no proof that strict gun laws prevents gangs and criminals from obtaining guns or that jurisdictions with such strict policies have less gun violence than those who encourage guns in the hands of it’s lawful citizenry.  In fact studies show the exact opposite, three States with the strictest restrictions on guns in the nation are California, New York, Illinois, and the District of Columbia having the highest rates of gang and gun violence. He still presses on.  Maybe he understands that the 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with the citizen’s protection from his neighbor or his ability to hunt necessarily, but a tyrannical government.

Mr. O is the master of saying and doing what we want to hear and see, and then doing the exact opposite off stage and behind close doors. The extraordinary energy that he expends on issues that seem to lead the country in directions that are counter to his stated objectives and reasoning and are most dis-advantageous to the prosperity of this nation’s posterity is truly amazing, as he publically claims innocence of the results.  Are we to believe that this is all some grand oversight or a point of astonishing ignorance by a man and his advisers who have every resource that the newspapers that I have gotten my information?  This former Community Organizer is unlike any president the American people have ever encountered.  He is an extremely unabashed ideologue who is not swayed by typical political consciousness of a traditional politician.  He is on a stated mission to fundamentally change this country and facts of arguments, or the lack thereof, the Congress, the American people, or the Constitution be damned.

I may not have the answers, but what I am most certain of is that if Mr. O were a head of a sports team or entertainment conglomerate and have made so many blatantly false and absurdly contorted statements of facts and truths, and placed his team or organization in such an vulnerable and grave position financially and so negatively effected its functioning he would be drummed into the unemployment line, if not brought up on criminal charges, by mass public condemnation.  But, unfortunately he is of the political class, of which too many of the people of America and United States place comparably far less importance on.

Even though there are many of us that may not be paying attention to this man’s actions and mode of operation, the leaders of other nations are and they are using it to their greatest advantage.  And even for those who strive to be unaffected by politics and uninformed on such weighty issues, they are inevitably affected by the actions and moral constitution of the man who sits in the seat of the president.  If that man is one believed to be of high moral character and honest, or the opposite thereof, the nation will take on his persona.  Think of the times when men such as Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan were presidents even during the most trying times of the nation, the people looked towards them to get their key on how to act, behave, and proceed.  Their party affiliation didn’t matter.  There was still a high trust factor. There wasn’t much, if any, question that their intentions for this nation were good. The head of the Executive Branch, the Commander of the U.S Armed Forces, and the representative of the people of America, the president of the United States is more than just a face, but is meant to represent the best of us all.  Or reveal us at our worst.

If the words of the president ever were to become a running joke to the American people or white noise, to be treated with reluctance and suspicion than confusion, reluctance, and chaos is sure to follow.  For it will be then that we will become a people divided with no central figure who is seen as trust worthy and honorable that will work for our best interest and bring us together as a nation.  It is then that the Office of the Presidency will be relegated to third-world nation’s level.  And it will be simply because we, the people, did not demand more.

The Challenge of Explaining the Critical Economic Mess To An Economically Ignorant Populous

Imagine that you live in a household that is neck-deep in debt.  Your credit is maxed out and the loan sharks are cracking their knuckles.  Then a supposed savior comes with the solution.  It involves putting a charge/expense on the usage of things that everyone uses in the household in order to generate more revenue to settle the debt.   Everyone using anything and everything from the fridge, the bed, or the automobiles had added fees ranging from 15 to 55 cents per usage.  Even the act of putting money away for a rainy day, retirement, or investing had an added fee in the top ranges.

To many this story sounds absurd and crazy.  And some may ask how can charging fees [taxes] on one’s most basic of activities and the very means of their production of income or wealth possibly be a way to bring in more wealth to get out of debt?  The answer is that it simply doesn’t.  But this is what is being proposed by both the political party leaders in the D.C. and Mr. Obama.  Rather than deal with the root issue of the maxing out of the credit card and spending way beyond its means, the government seeks just to squeeze more coins out of the house [the nation] that could possibly go towards producing more revenue to at least pay down the house’s debt and put it on the path to economic freedom and prosperity. It instead purchases more credit; thereby going into more debt to the loan sharks and the debt holders.

Sir Winston Churchill may have said it best when he said, “We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle”.  According to the government of the United States government brings in approx. $2,448,596,456,780.  But, it spends approx. $3,538,167,445,264.  One doesn’t have to be a mathematician to see that that’s economical hole more than a trillion dollars.  The federal government’s total debt is over $16 trillion – $5 trillion of which Mr. Obama added just in his first term alone.  I know that these numbers makes some peoples eyes go cross-ways, but to bring it closer to home the total U.S governments debt breaks down to over astoundingly $140 thousand per U.S Taxpayer.  There is no honest talk, if any at all, of cutting up the credit cards of the federal government and reducing it’s spending on all but the truest essentials, paying on the debt and interest, and or incentivizing more economic growth for the benefit of the nation’s posterity.

The analogy maybe simple, but the economic crisis that currently faces the nation, via the federal government, is no more complicated than the government spending more than in brings in and the American people not properly holding it accountable. The solutions being presented by Mr. Obama and the Republican House Speaker, whose party is supposed to be for limited government and low taxes, is to make revenue generating actions and activities cost more, and thus disincentivized those actions and activities from being engaged in, such as research and development by businesses, starting a new business, investing and savings by both individuals and businesses, and small business expansion and job creation, the actual things that can make us economically solvent again.  These such activities, or the lack thereof, do not occur in a vacuum, but have ripple effects that vibrates throughout the national economy.

But as egregious as the actions or inactions of the federal government are, what maybe even more unforgivable is the inability or unwillingness of the American people to hold the government and politicians accountable.  Too many Americans are oblivious regarding the dire straights the nation is in financially, and many others couldn’t care less.  Too many Americans have been conditioned to view political matters as something that can be left as someone else’s responsibility.  Too many taxpayers have no real idea how much in taxes they’re actually paying and where their money is going.  Too many Americans know more about the actions and activities of entertainers and sports athletes, who have no true affects on our lives, and have no idea who their congressional representative is or how their taxes will be effected through either the sequestration, the Bush Tax Cuts, Obamacare, or any of the  hundreds of laws that are annually passed in the Congress.  It truly doesn’t matter what the politicians do in D.C in the next couple of days if the majority of the populous have no real idea what they should be doing. The citizens of the United States and the American people have the representative government that we deserve and demand.  Jefferson warned us to be eternally vigilant to ensure that the government acts in our best interest.  If it doesn’t, and does so with impunity, we have only ourselves to blame.  And if the house’s finances are not put in order or at least be put on a path towards that end very soon led by a politically informed and engaged populous the nation will have no credit standings and the loan sharks will be doing more than cracking their knuckles.

The American People Are Being Served As Dinner By Both Parties Of The United States Government, Again!

Tell me if you have heard this one before. Two hunters invite a duck over for dinner.  The duck puts on his Sunday’s best for the occasion, for he feels honored that so much fuss is being made for his benefit.  Upon entering the home he notices that the stove has boiling pots of water on it and the oven is on when the two hunters comes to him with napkins around their necks and each with a knife and fork in hand. They ask the duck, guess what’s for dinner?

Today it is the American people who are playing the part of the duck, and the two main political parties are playing the part of the hunters in this so-call “Fiscal Cliff” production that is being preformed in the nation’s federal seat.  Both parties are doing an orchestrated rhino dance with no real intention to do what really needs to be done to strengthen America’s financial position and thus not cause each other any real injuries to their ultimate goal.

First let’s not be so distracted that we lose site of how we got to this “cliff” in the first place.  Two years ago the two parties supposedly at the very last minute saved the nation from imminent financial doom by coming to an agreement to increase the federal government’s borrowing limits; so it could go into more debt, just slower.  The main stipulation for the agreement was that both parties had to find a way to cut spending. But, if the two parties could not reach agreement on cuts then they agreed that cuts would be imposed automatically at end of 2012 on both party’s sacred calves, for the Republicans it was defense, and for the Democrats it was domestic spending.  The division came to $109.3 billion per year.  Basically, the “national defense” and all non-defense program cuts would come to just $54.7 billion per year for only 9 years, to total just a little over $1 trillion in debt reduction. That was the agreed upon deal by the best minds and negotiators from both parties. Right?

Now most interestingly, in order to work out a compromise neither party picked any moderates nor anyone who could pass as a fiscal hawk; someone who had a reputation of wanting to reduce government spending.  And they met primarily in secret, behind close doors.  So, surprise!  No compromise.

So here we again.  We have the same players doing a strangely similar dance only to a different track beat.  The nation faces another imminent financial catastrophe that only Democrat and Republican leaders coming together in Washington can save the nation from.   But yet again there’s no real talk of getting America truly financially solvent.  There is no talk about truly cutting spending or even getting close to a balance budget.  Here are some interesting points to keep in mind:  Just in Mr. Obama’s first term he has piled over $5 Trillion to the government’s debt, more than all of the previous Presidents COMBINED!  Yet, he has only talked about reducing the debt by $4 trillion of 10 years; Mr. O seems to be fixated on taxing the “rich”.  But, according to a recent Forbes article, the federal gov’t would have to collect at least $8 trillion in taxes per year just to not go further in the hole – which is more than the average yearly accrued liabilities of just the two largest entitlement programs-Social Security and Medicare.  But if you take the total adjusted gross income of every taxpayer earning even more than $66,000 a year it would only come to just $5.1 trillion. And the income from those “evil” corporations is only $1.6 trillion.  If the government was to take all of this, it still wouldn’t be enough to even pay the annual increases. And keep in mind that the gov’t can only take this money once.  Once it’s gone, it’s gone. And as for the Republicans, the party who’s supposed to champion smaller government and limited spending, their leaders seem to be unable, or unwilling, to vociferously make the case that the government is financially insolvent and the monstrous debt that it is piling up will be bared by future generations by dramatically lower standard of living and diminished world economic standing.

What hasn’t been explained to the American people is what exactly the so-called Fiscal Cliff is.  It is made up of three main components, the agreed upon resolution in the Budget Control Act of 2011 of across-the-board spending cuts –sequestration; the expiration of the Bush tax cuts, which would bring taxes back to pre-tax cut rates, thus causing the highest tax increase in U.S history; and also the New taxes to be imposed by the Affordable Care Act, i.e., Obamacare, that brings $500 billion to $1 trillion-plus in tax hikes over the next 10 years starting in January.  Interestingly, very little, if anything is being mentioned of the taxes of Obamacare that are to negatively affect every U.S taxpayer and American, thus further stymie an already depressed economy. Every thing is being focused by the Establishment Media on the totally reneging on the 2011 agreement, which was to cut cost and reduce the government’s crushing debt, and the extension of the Bush tax cuts for all but the high producers and tax-brackets – none of which would lower the government’s debt, reduce government spending, or spurs the nation’s economic growth.  In fact these issues aren’t even mention honestly in the debate from either side.  And Mr. O even admitted during an interview with ABC News reporter Charles Gibson that raising taxes on the rich has nothing to do with better economics or the betterment of the nation fiscal position, but “fairness”.  Fact is that the federal government does not have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem.  It is spending more than $1 trillion more than what it brings in annually.

What the government is engaged in is a masterful production of double-speak and verbal word contortion to deliberately disguise, distort, or reverse the meaning of words and its true intent and motives.  Lumping all of the three main issues into one presentation to the people of American in a highly-charged emotional crisis is to further govern by fear and crisis.  Jefferson prophetically said that “Fear can only prevail when victims are ignorant of the facts.” And John Adams said of government, “fear is the foundation of most governments.”  Since September 11, 2001 a very good argument can be made that the government of the United States has governed the American people not with optimistic aspirations to lead towards America’s freedom and prosperity, but it has chosen to lead with perpetual states of crisis and fear to lead the nation towards governmental dependency and economic impoverishment.   We get so caught up in what is being said by political leaders, and not enough on what is not being said.

The Party leaders are fighting not to free the people of America from its treacherous economic mis-management, but seemingly fighting to leave its taxpayers and America unknowingly liable and holding the bag and saddling America’s posterity with unsustainable financial debt and second-class world citizenship.  It is evident by their actions.  They should be fighting for the common ground of what will make the nation prosperous.  They should be discussing ways to make the Bush tax cuts permanent, putting more money in the people’s pockets, while reducing it’s spending till it is more in line to it’s revenues, and reducing any and all economically repugnant portions of any legislation, including Obamacare.  Why aren’t the parties discussing anything along these lines?  Why is Mr. Obama stubbornly pushing an ideology and policy that he himself has stated will not lead the nation to economic prosperity nor lower the debt of the government? And why is the Establishment Media not seeking to educate or truly inform the American people of the intent and motivations of the government and its policies and possible effects they may have on us and the nation?  Let the truth be known, though troubling to believe, they are performing their roles purposely to perfection.  The question we should be asking is why?

There is no truth more self-evident that giving free-minded people truth and knowledge they will not have anything to fear and they will chose what is best.  The crime is that we the people are not giving that opportunity.  But, at the end of the day it is up to each free-minded person to take the responsibility to be educated on the motives and actions of those we place in governance, to hold them accountable for what they do and do not do.  Or alas it will be the carcass of the American people that future historians will discover on the doused embers of this great nation.

Loss of Moral Compass Is The Root of America’s Decline

I had a discussion with a friend the other day about the Presidential Election and how so many of her friends who are devout Democrats, but are not into the apparent growing entitlement mindset.  When I attempted to explain that people such as her friends who unabashedly embrace this new extreme political liberalism, and progressivism, would be shouted down as bleeding Communist and or un-American just 30 or 40 years ago and would have not dared to let such expressions be uttered publically.  This ever growing notion that everything bad that happens to someone is the fault of someone else, that if someone goes through life making bad decisions they can then look to take the wealth and benefits of those who have made good life decisions, and that the government, in particularly the federal government,  should do for someone which they chose to not do for themselves, i.e. provide them healthcare, retirement, or education, is relatively a new state of mind that has taken nearly 60 years. Since the “New Deal” and the “Great Society” enactments, governmental-paternalism and the relinquishment of all personal accountability and responsibility has now become generally accepted by a great number of Americans.

Today Americans actually view Socialism and Communism favorably; some preferably, to American Capitalism.  We have more Americans on Welfare and receiving some form of government assistance to meet basic living needs.  This would have been intellectually repugnant to Americans in my grandparent’s day.  But when one lives in a time when the notion of absolutes-that there are limits on one’s behavior and conduct- and traditional Americanism, such as a belief in God, love of this country, devotion to the family and union between a man and a woman, you have the right to what you earn, and respect for elders, is viewed as radical and cruel, what is there to stop the slide into the social moral abyss where everything and anything is acceptable?

As recently as last year a NY Times article by David Brooks stated  of an eminent Notre Dame sociologist’s  research of some  230 young adults from across America, “The default position, which most of them came back to again and again, is that moral choices are just a matter of individual taste. “It’s personal,” the respondents typically said. ‘It’s up to the individual. Who am I to say?’ I think that this type of attitude expressed sums up what a critical situation our nation is in morally.  This notion that one’s actions and behavior is strictly a matter of individual taste or choice is the genesis of this anti-judgment culture – where no one is allowed to judge someone else based on their actions.  Particularly if those actions result in negative consequences.  But, when those actions go astray, it is someone else who is the blame and who has to bear the cost of it.

What this mentality does is stifle and repress all critical discussions, constructive criticism, and any attempt for correction. The negative effects that may come from someone’s actions and the consequences thereof matters little when it comes to how it makes the individual feel.  If a woman wants to have 10 children, with no man in the home, no one else can judge because it’s a matter of her personal choice.  If an ethnic group chooses to wear their pants down below their rear ends and act in a perpetually angry and self-destructive manner, no one else can judge because it’s a matter of their personal choice.  If someone choses to only read romance novels and the sports pages, and only watch entertainment type productions on TV, therefore leaving them totally ignorant about issues that truly can affect  his or her life positively, no one else can judge because it’s a matter of their personal choice.   And if people chose not to prepare financially, spend more than they can themselves afford, and simply seeks to exist off of the labor, property, or benefit of others, no one else can judge because it’s a matter of their personal choice.  If our culture begins to simply be about the “Me” and now, not taking into account what the effects may be on the surrounding social environment today and in the future, no one else can judge because it’s a matter of their personal choice.  It’s all good.  Right?

Morality is defined as “the rightness or wrongness of something as judged by accepted moral standards.”  This great nation’s Christian foundation isn’t written in stone, no more than English being our official language.  It was presumed to be eternally self-evident through our actions and societal standards.  The very principle of taking from one American based on their wealth to give to another simply based on their lack thereof, by force via the government, used to be totally unacceptable in this nation.  Right and wrong behavior used to be more clearly identifiable as measured by our Biblical foundation.  And as a community of individuals we use to feel that it was our right to speak out on behaviors and actions that we thought to be out of line or inappropriate based on our foundation.

But those days seem to be going the way of the 8-Track Tape Player and the 18 year old virgin.  The people of the United States today have become a nation of no apparent standards, no absolutes. Where nearly anything and everything goes or can be excused.  Christianity is under constant assault in the nation and marginalized as to not offend other religions.  Ethics are on the decline amongst the young.  And Socialism is no long a four letter work culturally, as evident by the re-election of a man whom espouses nothing but a Marxist ideology of wealth redistribution and the dismantling of America’s fundamental base of individual responsibility and self-governance.  So with such a man as the face of America, his America appears to be the new norm.  One that is in decay and decline.

But, at the end of the day it comes down to what we as a nation of free-minded individuals are willing to accept morally.  What are we to accept as right and wrong, good and bad?  Does the question any longer matter?  Alexis de Tocqueville said once about America greatness, “America is great because America is good. If America ever ceases to be good it will cease to be great.”  It is up to us to choose.