
If There Was Ever A Coupe Of The U.S Government Would The American People Know?

A couple of years ago I wrote an article asking the question if the U.S government had been taken over due to its apparent extreme aversion to acting upon the will of the people? In it I refereed to an August ’07 issue of the Financial Times report on David Walker’s, the comptroller general of the US General Accounting Office, warning us that the US government is on a “burning platform” of unsustainable policies and practices with fiscal deficits, chronic healthcare underfunding, and immigration… threatening a crisis if action is not taken soon. Well after nearly 7 years past and being witness to yet another orchestrated performance by the U.S government to confuse, distract, and disorient the American people to further expand its power while still doing absolutely nothing about the burning platform that more threatens to engulf our nation.

obama smugBut just as with the magician on stage, it matters less what is being focused on under the lights, but what is going on just out of focus and in the shadows. After about two weeks of a government supposed shutdown over the Administration’s unwillingness to delay the mandate for every U.S citizen to get sign up for Obamacare, just as it has done for businesses, and creating some way to reduce the government’s debt before agreeing to increase its debt ceiling. But after all was said done the issue on Obamacare became a non-issue and the debt limits got increased without any restraints. In fact, the government spent more money on more pork projects and back paying federal employees the money that they didn’t receive during the shut down that actually only effected less than a quarter of the federal government. So even the most passive observer must ask the question what was it truly all for?

As the main political players-the Progressives in the Republican and Democratic parties, particularly Mr. Obama, and the Establishment Media-attempted to focus us on just the volleys of how to not to do what is truly right for the American people, Mr. O quietly moved forward to fundamentally transforming this nation, while in the light he tells us that he’s working his hardest to do the exact opposite.

Recent Pew Research and Rasmussen Poll tells us aloud what many of us feel instinctively, that we do not trust the government and the future of our once great republic is going down a dark rabbit hole. Yet at the same time we like the individuals in government, i.e. Mr. O is still liked on a personality basis, we just don’t like where he’s taking the nation. It’s like we are all on a boat heading over Niagara Falls that’s being driven and managed by people who we don’t trust nor believe to be competent. While the majority of us appear to be grossly distracted by the hypnotic tunes of the band and the visual imagery, leaving the minority who are alert and conscious wondering why is this all happening when we all see the cliff quickly coming before us?

We all know that this is not the America that we imagined it would become. Intuitively we know that there is something very wrong with this picture. Yet, here we are. And curiously, none of the political creatures of the federal government seem to truly want to do anything to correct the dire situation that faces the America. But while the circus seemed to have everyone’s attention who were fixated to the printed and TV Media programing during the “debt crisis”, somethings where interestingly not focused on, but maybe more interesting particularly to those of us who are more intellectually politically initiated such as:

And what may be more telling of Mr. O’s focus, his first stated goal following the “crisis” is not rebuilding the nation’s economic standing, not to increase the nation’s standard of living, nor reestablishing the lost of faith in the federal government by the American people by establishing a more stern code of ethics, but to get more illegal-immigrants into the country.

But hey, we are in football season and soon it will be the holidays. As the U.S government further enacts it’s modern day version of Ancient Rome’s “Bread and Circus” the America that we all hoped for ourselves and our children of freedom and prosperity becomes more at peril. Don’t mind the smoke! Pass the popcorn.


Former Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel prophetically stated, “You don’t ever want a crisis to go to waste”. Well his good ol’ buddy Mr. O has certainly taken that belief to heart as he once again uses a U.S government crisis to inflict as much pain and discomfort on the American people as possible to further deform this nation into something that it was never meant to be, subservient and dependent to the central government in D.C.130809_obama_side_ap_605

For someone who was swept into office on a magic carpet sprinkling pixy dust of supposed unity to not only the federal government but the nation, he sure has not missed an opportunity to build a wall for both, particularly regarding the people of America. Everything from the Occupy Wall-street episode, where disenchanted, overly indulged, and highly manipulable youths were allowed to wreck havoc throughout the nation during his first term, to demonizing the pursuit of achievement and success, to his Administration blatantly pushing illegal immigration and voter id laws against the wishes of the States and the American people, to backing pro-homosexuality and anti-American religious agendas, he has orchestrated a persistent act of divide and deform. The astonishing thing is that he has brazenly done most of this in plain sight with the Establishment Media distorting and refocusing what we are actually witnessing with propaganda that would make Edward Bernays blush.

Last year it was the sequester that was suppose to end life in America as we knew it if the government wasn’t forced to cut $1.5 trillion over a period of a decade as it promised, while the government spends over a trillion annually. So instead of working to keep the battle confined to the government and saving the American people as much discomfort’ as possible, as other previous presidents have done, he reportedly dispatches an email to governmental agencies saying, you need to make sure you are not contradicting what we said the impact would be”, i.e., devastating to the public. And now its the government “shut down” that the American people aren’t suppose to be able to live without. Even if it means that Obamacare, a law that most citizens hate, isn’t delayed for another year.

parks-shut-down-APBut just as with the sequester Mr. O’s Administration seeks to exaggerate the importance of government in the lives of the average citizen, even in matters where the federal government has no direct involvement or jurisdiction. Much like a spoiled kid who loses a quarrel or disagreement with someone and attempts to retaliate by getting everyone that he knows, and some who he doesn’t, to treat the other person disrespectfully and or with malice. Except in this case we are not talking about a kid, but a grown man who happens to hold the seat of the president and the head the Executive Branch of the United States government. As reported by Mr. O purposefully has gone out of his way to inflict discomfort on the American people and U.S troops by closing, or attempting to close things such as, the World War 2, Vietnam, and D Day Memorials, prohibiting military chaplins and priest from working, even for free, blacking out sports and entertainment programing to U.S troops overseas, even attempting to close privately owned parks, hotels, museums, and memorials.

The two most interesting points about this so-called government shutdown are that only 17% of the government is effected and when Mr. O argues that he doesn’t want to delay the implementation of the Obamacare for individuals even for a year…has he already delayed or amended the law unilaterally over 19 times.

Yet, with all of this evidence of deliberate gross manipulation of the truth and vindictive actions against the American people during this event, he still gets up and tells the us, via a complicit Media, with a straight face, it’s not me.  How?  Simply go to rule #2 of Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals, “Never go outside the expertise of your people”. Mr. O knows his audience. so he fell comfortable talking to us like we’re all ignorant and stupid.  He knows that the Media has not and is not going to publicly vet or challenge him or anything that he says. And he also realizes that 90% percent of Black-Americans, die-heart democrats, and most liberals are still hypnotized by his velvet voice, skin color, and charming persona and will accept him at his word, regardless of the negative consequences to the nation. He can say that today is Easter, the Media will tell us to go outside to look for eggs. And many of us will at least go to the door.

Mr. O is a true Alinsky disciple who graduated top of the class. See if these tactics sound familiar: “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy. Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty.”; “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.”; “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.; and Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

The “shutdown” crisis is all about Mr. O, his love for big government, his detest for Americanism and the American people, and the fulfillment of his promise to fundamentally transform deform this nation from our traditional foundations. It is only to the supreme resilience and stubborn independent nature that we as Americans still posses that we have yet crumbled. But just imagine if Mr. O were to have put all this dogged determination into actually building this nation? Imagine if we had a populace that  was as engaged in matters of politics as we are in sports? May the Creator continue to bless us.

Again Obama Stands Above The Heads of the American People And Tells Us That It’s Raining: U.S Again Wants To Send America’s Sons and Daughters To Die For A Cause That Is Not Ours & Lies

With all of the dust that is being kicked up in the nation’s capital over whether or not the government of the United States should get the children of America involved militarily again in another Arab nation, Syria, supposedly to save the lives of the children and the innocent there, someone should be asking WHY we should do so with our innocent ones. And to actually hear the truth from the Commander-in-Chief would be refreshing too.

If there was ever a call to arms that stinks to high heaven and begs the question W.T.F?! this is it. Mr. O and many in Congress seem to have an extreme hard-on for picking another fight with a sovereign nation in the Middle East that was not done anything threatening to us. At the same time wanting us, and the world, to believe that it is all about the warm and fuzzy, humanitarianism, or because they supposedly said or did something that the whole world should want to fight and kill them for. Shouldn’t we at least act like this isn’t a video game where no one dies and situations can turn VERY badly?

130809_obama_side_ap_605No matter how much Mr. O and his Administration stomps their feet screaming that Syria used gas on the armed rebels in its war, within its country, and that this compels the U.S government to risk it’s credibility, moral integrity, and the lives of thousands of Americans, not to mention the cost to the nation’s already unprecedented insolvency, there are just some glaring issues that should make even the most passive viewer to say, wait just one minute! There is something in this milk that ain’t clean, like:

  • The Administration seems to be extremely convinced that: 1) that it was only the Syrian government who could have used gas in the conflict against the al-Qaida-led rebels, and 2) that a al-Qaida-led rebel-led Syria would be better for our nation’s interest and security in the region than what we have now. If that is true, then why aren’t our stanchest European or Arab allies willing to stand strong and openly with us, as they did to invade Iraq…TWICE? And if the Administration was speaking the truth how can Russian leader Putin get away with calling U.S Secretary a blatant liar over his claims to validate striking Syria without any strong rebuttal or evidence to the contrary from anyone in the Administration? And never mind the fact that there is more evidence that the al-Quadia-led rebels used the gas than that which says that the Syrian government forces did.
  • Why is the Administration so eager to leave another power vacuum in Syria as it did in Egypt and Libya that may very well leave space again for Islamic extremist such as al-Quadia and the Muslim Brotherhood?

  • Why is the Administration not mentioning the atrocities of the al-Quadia-led Syrian rebels as they kill not only Syrian soldiers but slaughter Christians mercilessly? Reminiscent of what the Brotherhood has done in Egypt since coming to power as Mr. O stays deafly silent.

  • Isn’t this government supposed to be at war with al-Quadia?

  • As the Administration starts barking a new excuse to justify it’s very shaky position by claiming that the Syrian government has violated the Geneva Convention Treaty in it’s supposed us of gas, but the Treaty mainly prohibits the use of gas against another nation. Also, if he’s referring to the ’93 Chemical Weapons Convention, Syria is not a party to that Treaty. Are we to believe that Mr. O doesn’t know this? Interestingly, Israel has never ratified the C.W.C Treaty neither. Hmm!

  • And I have always have said that every war has an over-riding component involving money or economics – whether it is land, gold or wealth, or natural resources. Sure enough The Centre for Research on Globalization reports that Syria not only is prime real estate for a gas pipeline route for either Russia and or Europe/America, but that it has a massive gas field. Why is this not being spoken aloud by anyone or the Media?

  • Not to mention the basic question, why cant the Administration honestly tell us what is the Constitutionally supported Syrian offense?

From the start of Mr. O’s reign he has had a seriously strained relationship with the truth when it comes to speaking the American people and exhibiting high ethical character. But, it has been up until now quiet and running below the surface to all but the intellectually uninitiated. But now it is on full display for all to see. It is the credibility of the United States and the American people that is threatened to be gravely stained long after Mr. O is no longer occupying the seat of the Presidency. As what maybe the true motive. The only question is whether or not history will tell the story of America’s fall as the unquestioned leader of the free world come due to being manipulated into a civil war in a desert country that few Americans can pick out on a map, for no real interest or purpose, lied to by those intrusted with our nation’s son’s and daughter’s and to represent the American people with the highest of integrity, that led to a world war, while the majority of Americans slept silently?[polldaddy poll=7377966]

Another Black-American Youth Is Dead: Why Is Obama and the Democrats Getting A Pass On The Critical State Of American Blacks And The Economy By The Establishment Media?

With all of the dust that is being kicked up over the death of a young male by a neighborhood watchman in Stanford, Fla. by the Establishment Media, Congressmen, entertainment and sport celebrities, and even the president of the United States, one would think this youth’s death was the most egregious mis-carrage of justice, as well as an event so singularity tragic to warrant such extreme focus and attention. Is it mainly because the dead male youth was Black? One would think that the plight of the Black American youths was the primary focus of the federal government led by the first truly African-American. One would think that the economic environment of the nation was a primary focus of the Administration to help create fertile grounds to grow the youths of the nation, particularly Blacks, to be economically vibrant and healthy via the expansion of the private business industry and the replacement of a tried and failed government educational system with one that produces students who are actually equipped to be producers, not just consumers. And one would think that it has forever been the Democratic Party who has been on point with all of these issues to empower and the betterment of Black-Americans, and therefore the betterment of the nation as a whole. But, one would be so wrong.

Martin Luther King, Jr. said once, “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” As I look around the country, listen to what is said by the politicians, particularly the Democrats, and I see what is being fed to us by the Establishment Media and the Entertainment Industry, I can only fear for the psyche of my nation. Because as my mom used to say, “There’s something in the milk that ain’t clean.”

Is Trayvon Martin the only youth killed by another man in America? No! Is Trayvon the only Black-American youth killed by someone of another ethnicity? No! Is the senseless and tragic death of Trayvon the most important issue facing America today? NO! But, to the intellectually initiated the fact that Trayvon’s death is being blown up to be front page news from the president to the school janitor is the bigger and more relevant question.

While the nation is spiraling down the economic rabbit hole with over approximately $31 Trillion in true federal government debt, members of the middle-class are nearly $4,000 lighter in the wallet, over 8 Million jobs have literally vanished, and nearly a million fewer Americans have permanent jobs through just Mr. O’s first term, there’s been barely a peep heard throughout the nation. Under the much herald anointment of the United States’ first actual African-American president a very good argument can be made that the plight of the Black-American community hasn’t become any brighter, if not in fact it has become even darker. According to Bloomberg 9/12 Article, Black-American unemployment has jumped to over 14%[officially], from 12.7% in ’09; and Black-American median annual households’ income has dropped to 11.1%, and that’s on top of the fact of the 30% total net worth lost between 2004 to 2010. Also lets not dare talk about the six thousand ton gorilla in the crystal room, that nearly 75% of Black-American children are born to single moms. Couple this with reports that just 47% of Americans have a full-time job and with the impending regulations of Obamacare, a whopping 74% of small businesses intend to either fire workers or cut full-timers to part-timers spells even more extreme challenges for young Blacks, and for America.

Ignorance is only bliss if one does not know of their alternatives. Recent reports state that the American government educational system is falling further and further behind the rest of the world. At the turn of the century American students in grades 1 thru 12 were the crème de la crème of education in the world. Today American students rank 25th in math, 17th in science and 14th in reading, according to a 7/12 Huffington Post Article. And as for young Blacks in America, particularly males, the news is even more troubling. A 9/12 Huffington Post Article reported that, “more than half the young black men who graduated high school in 2010 earned their diploma in four years”“At this rate it would take nearly 50 years for black males to graduate at the same rate as white males”. Coupled with the fact that a 2012 American Council on Education Fall Report stated that there was over 800,000 Black-American men are incarcerated indicates that there are factors that have created an environment of mistrust, fear, desperation, and anger amongst young Black men and all Americans. Not that I’m attempting to offer an excuse for what led up to what happens to someone like Trayvon, but nothing happens in a vacuum.  Negative input usually produces negative output.

And what’s Mr. O’s stated solution to prevent more Trayvon-like deaths…..more gun control. Surprise! Never mind that in his stated hometown of Chicago, there were more than 500 murders last year [of the 443 gun-related deaths, 65 were 18 y/o or under] in a state with one of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation.

Aristotle said once, “The least initial deviation from the truth is multiplied later a thousand fold”. The Democrat Party as a whole, with the complicity of the Establishment Media and public acquiescence of too many Republicans, have been able to repeatedly regurgitate a grossly perverted facade that it has been the white knight for the Black community that has scant relationship to truth, fact, or reality. Lets not forget that the signer of the 1964 Civil Rights Bill, President Lyndon Johnson, did so with much reluctance and not with a gracious heart when was quoted as saying, “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” He was also the signer of many laws under the so-called “Great Society” that prohibited the man from living under the same roof with his children and woman if the woman was receiving government assistance; The 1875 Civil Rights Act was passed with 92% Republican support and 100% Democrat opposition; In 1871 the Republican-led Congress enacted the Ku Klux Klan Act, outlawing Democratic Party-affiliated terrorist groups which oppressed African-Americans; and these are just a very small sample of the severe injustices that has been inflected on the American Blacks by the Democratic Party since it’s inception. It is even with great irony that with reports of the Mr. O’s Department of Justice aiding to “foment unrest” in the wake of Trayvon’s death, not to quill it, as reported by Judicial Watch, since the D.O.J was established in 1870 under a Republican Congress to ensure the civil rights of Black-Americans against Democrats in the south. And though Martin Luther King is celebrated as the poster child of Democrat and Black-American unionization, he was a staunch Republican, as most Blacks were pre-Kennedy, and backed Eisenhower’s presidency. But, lets not let historical references and facts get in the way of an opportunity to divide a nation, eh. Shhh!…History doesn’t mean anything. The Democrats are much different today. A leopard can truly change it’s spots. Right?.

Any killing of a young person is tragic regardless of their ethnicity. But there are instances of Black on Black killings, Black on White killings, Latino on Black killings, and other ethnic or demographic groups killing another nearly every second in this nation that if given half of the coverage and whipped up emotional fury that Trayvon’s death has and with a truly blind justice system, an ethical Executive Branch and government, with a moral and truthful Media, and a politically literate and engaged populace, we may start to get some true and honest resolution and healing. But it can not happen if the majority of this nation’s citizens chose to be entertained rather than educated, takes presentation over substance, sees truth as a burdensome inconvenience, or willfully accepts ignorance, no matter how innocent, and stupidity, simply due to the unwillingness to question with boldness the intent and motives of their government and hold it accountable for it’s actions.

Will Obama Be Remembered As The Man To Finally End America As We Have Known It?

I read two of the most bizarre and troubling stories that I actually found myself stopping, shutting my eyes tightly, and reopening them just to be sure of what I was reading and seeing was true and that it wasn’t in the satire part of the paper. But, unfortunately it was not. One story was from the EU Times reporting that the Obama Administration at the June 25th, 17th Joint U.S.-Russia Cooperation Committee on Emergency Situations entered into a pact giving Russian troops authorization to “aid” in securing “mass events”, such as the Super Bowl, even presidential inaugurations, and major disasters within the United States. The EU Times also reports that during the last month the Administration “requested at least 15,000 Russian troops trained in disaster relief and “crowd functions” [i.e. riot control] be pre-positioned to respond to FEMA Region III during an unspecified “upcoming” disaster.” Oh by the way, the FEMA Region 3 includes the District of Columbia. This is like something from the movie “Red Dawn”, except this is actually real.

But, doesn’t Obama’s reign as the President of the United States seem like a bad movie regarding America? I’m hard pressed to ever hear of someone being elected U.S President who has shown such egregious favor to principles, ideals, and beliefs that are so intellectually repugnant to that of America and the American people. The fact that such a man could be elected not once, but twice by the American people will go down in history as the biggest W.T.F moment ever. It too is the surest indication that the majority of the American people have been thoroughly conditioned to take style over substance even in the most serious of matters. No other president has made it his personal mission to “fundamentally change” our nation’s societal integrity as Mr. O has despite coming into office while the nation is hurting from the worst economic depression since ’29, is sharply declining in academic rankings amongst other industrialized nations, and with Communist China growing to be a serious threat not just economically, but militarily. The one gleaming, and equally unreported, news is that America is extremely rich in natural energy resources. According to Energy for America.Org, “The amount of oil that is technically recoverable in the United States is more than 1.4 trillion barrels, with the largest deposits located offshore, in portions of Alaska, and in shale in the Rocky Mountain West….Total supplies of natural gas in North America dwarf those of other countries…North American recoverable coal could provide enough electricity for the United States for about 500 years at current levels of consumption”. Don’t tell me, you are surprised to hear this if you listen to Mr. O’s verbal assault on oil and coal in this country.

This is just a sample of Mr. O’s Administration’s dubious reign- thus far:

  • Obama-care and the Dodd-Frank Act will saddle America and U. S citizens with Trillions of debt for DECADES. Obama-care is estimated to cost $26 Trillion in just the first decade alone.
  • He has added more debt in his first 4 years to the federal government than all of the previous presidents…combined. And he has put the federal government on a financial path that Fed Chairman Bernanke called, “unsustainable trajectories of deficits and debt…because creditors would never be willing to lend to a government with debt, relative to national income, that is rising without limit.” . As reported by, “While the official debt is sitting at $15.66 trillion, the additional amount of unfunded liabilities owed by the United States government is a mind-numbing $115.49 trillion, bringing the total debt level to $131 Trillion . But, let Mr. O tell it “the government doesn’t have a spending problem”. Right. Ever wonder why the government seems to be surrendering a lot of property and “gifts” to Red China?
  • Before the echoes of his first inauguration celebration could wane, he’s off apologizing for America’s past dominance to everyone and anyone he could get in front of – friend or foe. And he has made this a theme like no other president. He has most recently displayed his knack of apologizing and blaming America, for which he is supposed to represent and have sworn to protect, in Mexico this past May when he said, “that much of the root cause of violence that’s been happening here in Mexico, from which so many Mexicans have suffered, is the demand for illegal drugs in the United States” and that “we also recognize that most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States.”
  • With a combination of his Keynesian Economic philosophy and extreme belief in wealth-redistribution, under the guise of “fairness”, governmental regulations, particularly on the energy industry, has been unmerciful and the number of Americans dependent on the government and unemployment has sky-rocketed.
  • Despite his fervent hollow claims of being a Christian and impartiality towards the Muslim religion,his actions speaks otherwise. He bans all unfavorable references to Islam. But, aren’t we supposed to be at “war” with extremists of that religion? And weren’t extremist individuals of that religion supposedly responsible for the September 11, 2011 attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center? And are they not fostering havoc all over the world in the name of that religion and consider us, Americans, infidels – non-believers – and that Christians and Muslims have been at religious philosophical odds since the 11th Century Crusades? I’m just asking.

The attempt to transform America into a common state of the world or bringing America’s living standard down has been an eternal work in progress since our nation’s creation. Former 1953 Ford Foundation President Horace Gaither, Jr said once “[The task is to] covertly lower the standard of living, the whole social structure, of America so that we can be merged with all other nations.” And it’s not unknown that history has witnessed great empires such as Ancient Rome implode due to societal degradation. The father of propaganda, Edward Bernays said, “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the [public] is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.” And in no other time with our obsession with intellectual frugality, severe aversion to political matters and self-responsibility, and the abject absence of our nation’s founding principles evidenced in the nation’s populace has America been so vulnerable to blindly presume in the good intentions of a president or government without true character and moral examination.  Too many of us have been lulled asleep by governmental paternalism.

America has been defined by its guidance of “Divine Providence”, not by man. It matters less the name of the man given blind allegiance and trust to stay within his Constitutional bounds or adhere to his oath to secure our blessings of liberty. But it is up to each of us to instinctively ensure that he does and to hold him viciously accountable when he does not. History shall only record how we surrendered our birth rite of freedom. Benjamin Franklin may have said it prophetically, A nation of well informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins”.