
The Great Stealth Depression Continues: Is It Time For A Return To Normalcy…Again?

After the economically devastating policies of Democrat Progressive President Woodrow Wilson the American people welcomely ushered in Republican Conservative Warren Harding, and then Calvin Coolidge, that brought about “the Roaring Twenties”.  Harding and Coolidge both saw that it was not the government that was the engine of America’s prosperity, but a motivated and inspired American people and private industry.  They greatly reduced taxes across the board and government regulations on businesses.

The one thing that can be said of history is that though we may not like what it tells us, but it’s always going to tell the truth.obama smug

Fast forward to today when we bear witness to a president of the United States stating that his focus for his second term will be on income inequality, i.e., more taking from those based on their ability to give to those based on their need.  He also has boastfully stated that if the elected representatives of the people of the United States don’t go along with his vision of transforming legislatively the nation, he’ll just create laws by pen-Executive Orders.  Really?!

What has been totally absent from any of Mr. Obama’s economic policies since his ascension into the seat of the presidency is a focus on true policies that would actually create a roaring economy that awakens the dormant energies of the American private sector and ignite the people’s innate drive to succeed independent of government handouts.

As he makes announcements to further depress the nation economically and increase government dependency, reports come out that the nation only created approximately 74,000 jobs…for the whole year of 2013!.  This is the lowest in 3 yrs. In November The reported the labor participation rate was at the lowest since 1978, at less than 63%.  It reported that, “The U-6 unemployment rate, considered a broader measure of actual unemployment in the U.S., increased to 13.8 percent, up from 13.6 percent.”  Yet, Mr. O continues on with his crusade of fundamentally transforming this nation into his utopian vision unabashed, and publicly unchallenged either by the Elite Media or the National Republican Party Elites.

Not only is Mr. O seemingly unphased regarding the serious crisis that the nation is in economically, but the Media is eerily quiet on the motivations of Obama and the tragic consequences that lie ahead for the nation due to his policies. So Obama continues his purposeful obfuscation of the true economic crisis that currently befalls the nation, for today and the foreseeable future.  More importantly, the Establishment Media refuses to report on the connection between the crippled state of the economy and Mr. Obama’s regurgitated economic policies that have not ever produced a robust or dominant economy in the history of not just our country, but the world.  After some 50 years and over 20 Trillion of U.S Taxpayer Dollars in the so-called War on Poverty it has shown to have been an utter, though very predictable, failure, as reported by the Heritage Foundation

Even though poll after poll since before his anointment shows that the economy and jobs are the most important issues for Americans, Mr. O persists in diverting energy and attention to issues that can only add to the nation’s suffering, such as giving preferential treatment and status to illegal immigrants, increasing regulations on businesses, increasing taxes on citizens, and generally expanding the government into areas for which it was not created to enter.  But for him to do otherwise would be too much like right for the nation.

The evidence of the tragic effects of his stealth depression is apparent, yet goes mostly unspoken:

·         Youth unemployment is at 16.3 percent — one of the highest levels since World War II

·          U.S. enduring the longest period of high unemployment since the Great Depression

·         The number of able-bodied adults on food stamps nearly doubled under Obama’s policies.

·         13 million more Americans receive Food Stamps than prior to Obama.

·         Under the reign on the U.S’s first true African-American President the labor participation for Black Americans has sunk 0.3 percentage points to 60.2 percent -the lowest rate since December of 1977. How’s that for gratitude, eh?.

·         The United States has dropped to #12 in the 2014 Worlds Ranking of Economic Freedom, Hong Kong and Singapore tops the list.  Let that marinate on your minds for a second.  So much for the land of the FREE.

And the biggest tax increase in the history of the nation,Obamacare, hasn’t been fully implemented. This isn’t gonna be good folks!.

So, the next time you hear a politician or anyone talk about our “economic recovery” , ask where is the foundation for this recovery?  How can you have an economic recovery when we have a record number of citizens unemployed, under-employed,  and unemployable?  How can there be an economic recovery when the family unit and morality is in disarray?  And how can you have an economic recovery when the government is taking so much of the economy’s wealth and resources, and restricts so much its citizens freedoms?  As my mom used to say, “there’s something in the milk that just ain’t clean.”

History has shown us that America’s exceptionalism is best exhibited when the people are less burdened by the weight of government. Evidence the economic booms under Lincoln, Harding/Coolidge, Kennedy, & Reagan.  So too the history of the world tells us that a government-dominated economy never spawns  prosperity for its people.  Evidence the fact the though America is younger and smaller than Europe and Asia, we have out produced them economically, have created and inspired more millionaires, and have grown to be the destination of more citizens of the world then all of them combined.  Not to mention we have defeated them on the battle field .  And as for the issue of the government making people “equal”, U.S Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas may have said it best when he said, “Government cannot make us equal; it can only recognize, respect, and protect us as equal before the law.” The proper role of government has always been known as stated by President Lincoln, “[the government] is to do for the community of people [you and I], whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves-in their separate, and individual capacities.  In all that the people can individually do as well for themselves, government ought not to interfere.  

Free-minded individuals who are able to exercise their Creator-endowed rights, without infringing on that of another, is the greatest blue print for economic prosperity.  We have 200 plus years of evidence.  It’s sad to think that if this economic devastation was done under a Conservative Republican the Media would be broadcasting daily reports of Americans suffering and the erection of a shabby towns in his name.  But, instead under this Administration we get deafening silence and complicitness regarding his actions.  The question isn’t so much if it is time to return to normalcy, but with so  many of us not knowing the truth of the nation’s critical situation and confused, disillusioned, and have become comfortable with the chains of government promised security, if the people have wearily grown to accept this as our new norm?