Why Are We Not Looking At What The True Cause Of The Measles Outbreak?

obama-closeup-300x250Okay, here they go again with the ‘ol create a crisis and then offer the solution that ignores the fact that it was it [the government] that create the crisis in the first place. It is like watching an old detectives movie where the true criminal tries to throw the detectives off him by a distraction, planting incriminating evidence in his neighbor’s house. If only this was fiction. But this is the orchestration that is actually playing out in the latest health scare.

In 2000 measles were officially eradicated in America, according to the Oxford Journals. Gone! Toast! A none issue! Much like diseases such as, tuberculosis, malaria, and leprosy. But, all of the sudden these diseases are making a “mysterious” come back. Measles are the front page headline distraction today. Last year it was “mysterious” respiratory and polio-like viruses critically effecting hundreds of children – particularly in the southern border states and states with a large number of new immigrant children arrivals. Coincidence?   Maybe.
Handout shows unaccompanied migrant children at a Department of Health and Human Services facility in south Texas

Concerns over the health screening, or the lack thereof, of the hundreds of new young arrivals, and the risks they posed to the general American population have been voiced and reported on before: June 2014, ABC15-Arizona reported how U.S Border Agents were deeply concerned that many of the illegal immigrants crossing the southern borders were carrying diseases and were not being treated before being allowed to fan out across the nation, parts unknown; August 2012, Libertynewsonline.com reported on how third-world diseases were being carried into America via unscreened immigrants, particularly via the southern border; A July 2014 report from Ischoolguide.com stated, “Unaccompanied immigrant children crossing the United States may carry disease into the country. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the U.S Department of Health and Human Services require all legal immigrants to undergo a medical exam and immunization documents, but never for illegal ones…These diseases may include active tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, leprosy, new strains of influenza, cholera…are dengue fever and drug-resistant tuberculosis, chicken pox, and measles.”; USillegalaliens.com reported on the health risk posed by unscreened immigrates quoted Dr. Terry Williams, a Houston-based clinic owner serving leprosy patients in Texas, “said that the bulk of the cases treated by his clinic were immigrants. “A lot of our cases are imported.”; the National Institutes of Health concluded, “In Latin America as in other regions, HRVs [Human rhino viruses] and HEVs [human entero viruses] account for a substantial proportion of respiratory viruses identified in young people with ILI [influenza-like illness]” And there are many, many more such reports warning of the possible health crisis due to the severe lack of health screening of thousands of immigrant children and youths who are being allowed to flood into the nation by the very people, or person, who have sworn to protect this nation and it’s citizens.

In spite of all of the evidence to at least began a debate on the true cause, and therefore remedy, of the most recent health scare, there is a false cause for the measles outbreak being pushed by the federal Administration, politicians and wannabe politicians, such as, Mr. Obama, NJ Governor Christy, Jeb Bush, and Hillary Clinton, and echoed by the Establishment Media. And whats their solution? More government control over the U.S citizenry, via forced immunization. Why?  Why are the citizens of America and the United States allowing the government to enact polices in a purely defacto manner, exploiting fear that it creates?  With only the pretence of truth governing it’s actions.

This is not about seeking to blame the illegals immigrants, they are not letting themselves into the country by the hundreds and thousands, unscreened for diseases, and without accountability. They are being used as pawns in a high-stakes game to degrade and discombobulate this nation. It is about being able to truly trust government.  This destructive governmental policy comes from the very top of this Administration, as well as those prior. There seems to be a grossly immoral and intellectually manipulative attempt to direct blame to Americans and U.S citizens who lawfully chose to not get their children immunized, largely due to religious objection, and yet have proven to be a health risk. To blame unimmunized people for causing the disease out break is like blaming the so-called Indians for getting sicking and dying due to Small Pox, after generations of no such issue. Never-mind the presence of a group of newcomers, i.e. immigrants, to the environment, the Europeans. Again, measles and other such diseases were basically wiped from the nation. Something or someone has brought them back. Why are the powers that be so wanting to lie and mis-lead the populous as to what may be the true cause of the health crisis? Whats to be gained? We can not come to a true solution to a problem if we are targeting, are being led to target, the wrong cause of the problem. If the government is so willing to blatantly lie to the nation’s citizenry on such a issue of health, what else have they, or are they, lied to us about?

Lets remember the main purpose for Ellis Island was to screen those immigrating to America for infectious diseases. But, that was during a time when those leading the nation did not have a political reason to cause a national health crisis unnecessarily and the citizenry was not so paralyzed from asking bold questions of the actions of the government due to political correctness.

Isn’t It Time For Black Americans To Choose “Life” Over “The Dream”?

Martin-Luther-King-Jr_-Before-a-SpeechAnother year has come where hundreds and thousands of citizens of all ethnicities, particularly Black-American, rush to the crowds and Media camps to profess their love, devotion, and appreciation for the late 1960’s era Civil Rights icon, Martin Luther King, Jr. I just find it interesting that if one didn’t know any better, you would think that the only speech that Mr. King ever gave was the ‘I Have A Dream Speech” in 1963. Though that was the most witnessed of his speeches, in the shadows of the Lincoln Memorial, as he spoke, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character”. Is this the one that is the best transferable or relevant today – particularly as it has to do with the plight of blacks in America?

To strive for a nation of people who judge one another based on character content is a worthy aspiration to have. A good argument can be made that since Mr. King’s passing, some 40 plus years ago, America has made Herculean progress. But, according to a recent poll, over the past 6 years we have become more Balkinized over the differences of our skin color. But to me the discourse is the effect, rather than the cause. Which brings me to the speech of Mr. King’s that is more needed to be regurgitated at ad nauseam. It is the sermon that he gave some 10 years earlier to the one that is most celebrated in Montgomery, Alabama, called the “The Three Dimensions of a Complete Life.” It was in the sermon that I believe is most meaningful and pertinent today in which he said, “After one has discovered what he is called for, he should set out to do it with all of the power that he has in his system. He should seek to do it so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better. Do it as if God almighty ordained you at this particular moment in history to do it. Whatever your life’s work is, never consider it insignificant. If it is for the uplifting of humanity, it has cosmic significant, however small it is. If you are called to a little job, seek to do it in a big way. If your life’s work is confined to the ordinary, seek to do it in an extraordinary way. If you discover that you are called to be a street sweeper, sweep streets like Michael Angelo painted pictures, like Beethoven composed music and like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets so well that all the host of heaven and earth will have to pause and say, there lived a great street sweeper who swept his job well. This is what Douglas Mallock meant when he said: if you can’t be a pine on the top of the hill, be a scrub in the valley – but be the best little scrub by the side of the hill, be a bush if you can’t be a tree. If you can’t be a highway just be a trail. If you can’t be the sun be a star. It isn’t by size that you win or fail. Be the best of whatever you are. Set yourself earnestly to discover what you were made to do, and then set yourself earnestly to do it.”

It is in that sermon in which he was not referring to a “dream”, but rather life. He was not talking about “if” some external entity does “x”, then “y” would happen ,wishfully. In the Montgomery speech he spoke of LIFE. He spoke of the blessings of the Creator. He spoke of if each of us did, “x”, then “y” would likely happen. He spoke of what no one in public or in front of the Media cameras will say regarding today’s plight of American blacks – self-responsibility and tying one’s actions, whether they be positive or negative, to results that those actions may bring.  he spoke of one’s relationship to the Creator, not to government.

Just imagine if this was the speech, or quotes thereof, that were played, played, and played again during this celebration, as well throughout the year. The “Dream” speech can be arguably misconstrued as blacks in America waiting for some external entity, i.e., government, giving blacks something. Where as the “Life” speech talks about one doing the best at what they set out to do for themselves, by themselves, using the Creator endowed talent and skills that each of us have, no matter the measure. Where as the former may encourage dependency and an entitlement mindset, the latter encourages independence and self-responsibility.

The picture of the Ferguson’s of today’s America, and that of contagion of crippling under and non-employment of the blacks, in particular the youths, the picture of the gross disproportionate number of blacks in the penal system, and the picture of the epidemic of out-of-wedlock and single-parent households in the black-American community is the cause of too many of blacks staking too much in the “Dream”.  The “dream” that someone, or something, would do more for ourselves than we are willing to do for ourselves. If we one is not willing to hold him self up morally to seek to do the best job that he can do, how can he expect to gain employment or create a business? If one chooses to not to govern himself accordingly, how can he not expect to be governed by someone or something else?  How can one behave immorally and dishonorably, and yet expect just and honorable blessings?

To focus on a “dream” is to induce one to sleep. While to live “life” encourages one to be awake to take charge of his and her life choices, both good and bad. Imagine what a different picture of black America would be today. And imagine how truly great a celebration of this great man’s life we could have.

2014: The Year The Truth Became Collateral Damage In The Degradation of America

10. The connection between the White House and the I.R.S in the I.R.S targeting of conservative political groups and individuals. Evidence of what some argue is the greatest act of collusion between the I.R.S and the White House in recent time against the American people.

9. Obama’s plans to shrink the U.S military to pre-World War size. Despite the unprecedented military expansion of Communist China and Russia, and the admission by the Administrations Intelligence Director of the direct threat they pose, Obama still proceeds in the drastic reduction of America’s military.

8. Labor Force Participation Rate for 25-29 Year Olds Hits Record Low. America’s “Millennials” have become M.I.A in today’s American work force. At the same time, it has been an employment bonanza if you are foreign-born.

7. U.S. Regulatory Costs Are World’s No. 10 Economy. Irregardless of the constant cheering of the supposed growth in the monthly national economic reports, even if they are to be taken as true, how greater would the news be if the economy was free from the burden of government?

6. The Administration’s extreme neutering of the nation’s immigration policies is the cause of the illegal immigrant crisis on the southern borders. As the invasion continues, and the Media attempts to place a simple humanitarian face on it, the cost burden to the public education system and cities alone are debilating.

5. Obama knew people would not be able to keep their doctors under Obamacare. What may go down in history as the biggest and most economically crippling act of blatant deception by a president of the United States, Mr. Obama repeatedly told the American and U.S citizens that they would be able to keep their doctors if Obamacare was enacted. He knew it was a lie.

4. Obamacare will increase unemployment ranks and incentivise laziness. OK, if I don’t work or work as little as possible, I can get more money and more health benefits from the government? Who didn’t know how this would end? Really?

3. Obama’s border policies caused EV-D68 enterovirus epidemic. The same year in which thousands of women and children flood into the nation from 3rd world Latin nations, with the minimalist of health screening, and are allowed to scatter throughout the country and into the government schools. And then there is this “mysterious” virus that strikes the schools where many of the immigrants attend. No correlation? Why was there a gag placed on the Border Agents?

2. The architect of Obamacare admits that Obama purposefully lied and deceived the American people to pass Obamacare. The major media outlets, TV and print, did everything to keep this bombshell from the American people. So much for the “gate keepers”.

1. Michael Brown did not have his hands up and attacked police officer Wilson. This has to be the largest production of mass truth distortion in recent history, second to St. Nick living at the North Pole. The facts of this story, via the Grand Jury verdict, did not get in the way of those seeking to transform this nation into chaos and anarchy.

1. America’s oil boom makes U.S less dependent on foreign oil and is the reason for the plummeting gas prices. With America finally becoming oil independent, and reports of Texas alone becoming world’s #2 oil producer, you would think that this would be front page news and be receiving wall to wall coverage by the Media…instead…CRICKETS!

As secularism, the notion of no definitive right or wrong, becomes more accepted and god, the Christian God, is pushed out of public view, there are two quotes that I will leave for you to ponder, Edward Bernays, whom many consider to be the father of propaganda, “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the [public] is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.” and Alfred Adler, founder of the school of Individual Psychology, said “A lie would have no sense unless the truth were felt dangerous.” Those who seek to drive this nation into anarchy and division are working very hard to distort and manipulate the truth. It is up to us to chose if they are successful.

Thanks To You All: 2014 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 710 times in 2014. If it were a cable car, it would take about 12 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

The Product of Decades of America-Dashing and the Marginalization and Degradation of the Superiority of Christendom Is Evident In the Spread of Extreme Islamic Radicalism

 “Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow.  No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.”  Winston Churchillintv-reza-aslan-the-appeal-of-isis-00032202-video-tease


Sir Churchill must be turning in his grave to witness the literal surrendering of the principles and culture of Christianity by the same countries that where once fierce stewards of the faith and whose very foundation and existence was once proclaimed, that of Europe and America, to the most extreme and radical tenets of Islam.
Radical foreign religious terrorism have reached the shores of America and Canada unimaginable some 10 or 20 yrs ago. But if one were to only listen to the American Establishment News Media you would not know of any reason to be alarmed. We have home-grown Americans so disenchanted, disillusioned, and who have out-right hatred for their own country, and all that it stands for, that they personally seek the destruction of it, as it was founded. Many even go to the point of traveling thousands of miles to join groups who are in open war with America, and Western culture, such as ISIS – the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
This fall the Canadian Parliament building was attacked and had 2 of it soldiers mowed down by a radical Islamist. In September an Islamist convert beheaded and stabbed former co-workers in Oklahoma. Courts around the nation are being pressured to accept Sharia Law. Just last week Australia got a wake-up call when a radical Islamist held hostage a coffee shop and 13 customers. And what may be even more disturbing is that American youths and youths from the West are rushing to join the fight with ISIS against the American and Western forces in the Middle East.

Jesus21Just as radical Islam is on the rise in America, and in West as a whole, Christendom is under assault, from within our borders. During the traditional time of the year that Christianity is traditionally celebrated, signs of its celebration is being muffled and removed from public sight. The marginalization and minimization of Christendom has become common place in today’s America as the acceptance of religious secularism becomes en vogue.

But you can not have the degradation of Christendom without Americanism becoming under siege as well. Internationally and domestically the fundamental ideals of America is being turned on its head and inside out. From the outset of the reign of Barack Obama where he went around the world apologizing for Americas dominance he set the tune for aggressive America-Bashing and Anti-Americanism. And this has been like red meat for anyone has hence before kept their hatred for Americanism and Christendom in silence. They now feel emboldened and that they have the blessings of the President and are part of the “new norm”.pic_giant_021413_A
If you are a citizen of the West and you hear more and more that it is your religion, Christianity, that is the cause of all that is wrong with the world, with no genuine rebuttal because to do so would offend those who are making the claims, you may want to reject everything about that religion. If you were an American and you were being constantly bombarded with the messages it is America that is the source of all that is wrong with the world, from the President, your teachers, celebrities, to the Media, with no genuine rebuttal because to do so may be viewed as offensive to those making the accusations, you may want to make your mark on the world and do what you could to be on the side of the “good guys”.
The battle against radical Islam is a battle over ideology and theology – just as it has been since the days of the Crusades or when President Jefferson dispatch the Marines to squash radical Islam. The difference today is that the leaders of once Christian-dominated nations have become morally bankrupt and have lost their integrity to rightfully defend traditional Christian principles for which their nation has been grounded for centuries. These leaders have institutionalized and become the enablers and promoters of the ailment that may destroy their nations and Western civilization. The growth of radical Islam and lure that it presents those young Westerners in search for a purpose in life or to atone for the wrongs of the world, is the public degrading and execution of Christendom. But none of this would be possible without the complete moral extermination of the one nation that used the Ten Commandments and Biblical principles as the blue print for its founding documents and development of their nation to become the most dominant and prosperous nation on the planet– the united states of America.
For radical Islam to win, we in America and Europe have to reject and unilaterally surrender who and what we truly are and what has given us our prosperity and our miraculous high quality of life. And it is up to each of to once again become fierce stewards and defend with boldness our principles of Christendom and Americanism in the open arena of ideals for all to see and honestly and unapologetically compare the fruits of Christianity and American and Western culture to any other religion, and culture, particularly Islam. And then be willing to defend what you know to be true. Not all Muslims are radical terrorist, but it is self-evident these days that the majority radical terrorist espouse the Muslim faith. The more that you love and appreciate the good of your country, the less likely you are to seek or aid in its demise.  Truth will always triumph.