The Events Of Ferguson & New York Is Evidence Of Greater Issues Of Concern For Black America

lowenstein-ferguson2With all of the days and weeks of chaos and well-orchestrated disturbances blowing up across the nation, all supposedly to protest the acquittal of a Caucasian police officer over the tragic death of a Black-American young man in an obscure city in Missouri, and another acquittal of a Caucasian New York City policeman for the unfortunate tragic death of a Black-American man, even the most passive bystander has to question, though these deaths were tragic, is the extreme level of protest on behalf of the two deaths, who were both suspected in engaging in unlawful acts, truly warranted? And most importantly, aren’t there more substantive issues that is as worthy of such wall to wall Media coverage, attention, and protest from high level Congressmen, the President, black athletes, and black clergy, regarding the plight of blacks in America? In particularly issues regarding black youths, such as the record underemployment, unemployment, and labor participation rate, the epidemic of black on black homicide, the high out-of-wedlock pregnant rate, that is a direct result of 1960’s federal law baring the father from living in the same home of the mother receiving welfare, the anti-achievement mentality, and the negative effects of Mr. Obama’s economic policies, regarding the unprecedented spike in the federal spending and debt and the enabling of a mass flood of millions of low to mid skilled foreigners into a employment environment that is already depressed.
In a perverted sense of cruel irony, in the same week in which the Ferguson Grand Jury released its verdict and gave cover for the start of the violence, Mr. Obama circumvented the law-making body of the Congress and made like he actually did not swear an oath to uphold the laws of the United States and the Constitution and ordered virtually all enforcement of laws regarding illegal immigrants null and void. There has not been barely peep of protest from the very citizenry that will be most effected, the youths and low to middle-income level Black-Americans. There has been no press conferences from any member of the Congressional Black Caucus. No rhyming statements of discuss or injustice from Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton. No wall to wall news reports on the crippling ramifications that the defacto legalization of millions of low skilled and middle skilled foreigners will have on the nation’s wages and the availability of jobs for blacks with their unemployment and labor participation levels that are already at critical levels long since seen. The certain horrific consequences of Mr. Obama’s dictatorial act on the black community is so trivial to Mr. O that he boasted during a public stump that the only people who has a right to gripe regarding his actions on immigration are the “Native Americans.” Really? What about the rest of Americans? In particularly those Black-Americans who sheepishly supported both of your elections to be president?
The train of goodies that was to be bestowed on the American blacks due to the much hyped carination of the first true African-American seems to have been placed on the track for [OTBA] other than Black-American; especially if you are from south of the Rio Grande and can quickly increase the nation’s negative birthrate and degrade the nation’s living standards.
Mr. O’s election will be viewed historically as the dream that turned into the never-ending nightmare for the Black-American community. The events of Ferguson, New York, and many less reported needless and senseless deaths of young black youth, has more to do with the depressed economic situation in the minority community. The fact that these two men found themselves on the unfortunate end of an encounter with law officers is the result and consequences of bad political policies and bad economic situation.
Though we should not ignore the gross level of bad judgement, bad choices, and lack of personal responsibility exhibited by these particular individuals, but nor should the effects of generations of disadvantageous political actions at the federal level and the  government’s move toward a secularize society that have crippled economic growth and family unity, not just in the Black-American community, but nation as a whole. But, we as a nation need to demand accountability not just from ourselves, but from those elected to serve us and who sworn to work towards our general welfare as a whole. And not allow ourselves to get distracted by the theatre that is being program to incite self-destruction and instill in us the notion that we can not get along, can not succeed, or can not prosper without the mighty hand of the government. In most cases, the very origin of what ills this nation is too much government social engineering.
History will look back at the election of Mr. Obama and ask, how the nation may have benefited if he was more American than African, believed more in building America than transforming it, was more of Martin Luther King or Ronald Reagan and less of Mao Zedong and Saul Alinsky, and was more driven by ways to bring the nation together rather than tear it apart?
The tragic events of Ferguson and New York were indeed tragic. But the tenders for this tragedy were laid long before, unrealized by most.  As we witness our nation being set ablaze by hands unseen, it is up to each of us to be still for moment , to ask not only what is happen, but really and truly why is it happening, and how did we get to this point? Until we clearly identify those with dirty hands and the origin, and again stand firmly on moral ground, the smoldering embers will only sit until another arsonist lays a match to it once again. The choice is ours.


The Conservativatism Blitz Of The 2014 Mid-Terms, But Will The Progressives Ignore Reality?

Thomas Jefferson once stated of the two political parties, “Both of our political parties, at least the honest portion of them, agree conscientiously in the same object: the public good; but they differ essentially in what they deem the means of promoting that good. One side believes it best done by one composition of the governing powers, the other by a different one. One fears most the ignorance of the people; the other the selfishness of rulers independent of them. Which is right, time and experience will prove. We think that one side of this experiment has been long enough tried and proved not to promote the good of the many, and that the other has not been fairly and sufficiently tried.”  There is no other way of honestly describing last Tuesday’s election other than a political blitz by the Republican Party, more specifically economic conservatism. Not only did it pick up a majority in the U.S Senate, but created a super majority in the House, and also picked up a majority in State Governorships. Even once Democrat strongholds Illinois, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, and Indiana turned red. But, it was not just a choice between whether or not the candidate had an R or a D in front of their name, but whether the ideology of the candidate espoused more individual freedom or less, and greater economic prosperity or more failed Keynesian economics.  And the voters clearly chose the Republican ideology.

obama smugDespite how Mr. Obama and the liberal pundits may strenuously attempt to describe this mass rejection of Mr. O’s reign by the people as one of hoping for less “gridlock” in D.C, it was clearly a bazooka blast aimed at Mr. Obama and his policies and his Progressive-Alinsky ideology.   After nearly 6 years of Obamalogy the exit polling of the election shows:  Nearly two out of three voters believe the nation is going in the wrong direction, 7 out of 10 believe that the economy is bad, nearly 8 out of 10 voters are worried about the nation’s economic future, and most importantly over half disapproved of President Obama’s performance and still less than half of the voters like Obamacare.  According to the Both political parties are seen most unfavorably by the people: Six out of ten voters say they are dissatisfied or angry with the Republican leadership in Congress and greater that half say they view both the Republican and the Democrat Parties equally unfavorably.  It is time clearly for a change of course.

What the results of the election of 2014 should tell the creatures in D.C is that economic issues are still, and have always, ruled the day for the folks. Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Ohio, traditional Democrat States, all are, or soon will be, ran by Republicans because it is Republicans who have shown that their conservative economic ideology makes not only cents, but dollars.  And it is that ideology that we the people hope to transfuse into the halls of the Capital and the White House. Removing the ideology of big government and Progressivism.

Though Obama has arguably made great strides in achieving his goal of fundamentally transforming the nation, as reported by, the one thing that has been certainly laid to waste in his wake is the economy:

  • The national debt has nearly doubled since President Obama’s election. Today it stands at 74 percent of the economy.
  • CBO projects that mandatory spending and interest on the debt is projected to consume 94% of all federal revenues 10 years from now.
  • Since 2009, the percentage of working-age Americans who are not in the labor force has reached near-record levels.  During that time, the number of adults outside the labor force has increased by 12 million. There are fewer full-time jobs in America than when the recession started. Nearly 29 million of the 124.5 million Americans in prime working years – ages 25-54 – are currently without a job.
  • Most American workers have not seen their incomes increase.
  • CBO projects that Social Security will go bankrupt in 2032, a year earlier than the Social Security Trustees predicted last year. The Disability Insurance Trust Fund is in the direst condition, as CBO expects it to be bankrupt as early as October 2016.

What is wrong with America today is just not due to Obama, the Democrats, or just the Republicans, but the Progressive ideology – that big government is good and that we the people are incapable of running our lives productively, independent of government. The Progressive political ideology permeates both sides of the aisle in D.C.  Lets not forget that the first Progressive was Theodore Roosevelt, a” Republican”.  Obama is just a naked Progressive with a twist of extreme, anti-American radical spunk, and narcissism, with a mesmerized and politically intellectually uninitiated populous, chained by untethered political correctness, to enable him.

But, if the political creatures in D.C chose to not heed the expressed wishes of the voters of last Tuesday, they might best heed the prophetic words of Jefferson, “You might be able to fool the people for a while, and they may go astray, but sooner or later the American people are going to wake up and they will correct the course’”.

The Sports World Is Being Shaken By Naked Accusations & Social Reformation Agenda.

Over the past couple of weeks the sports world has been rocked by a secession of socially unpopular actions by some of its highest profile football athletes and Atlanta NBA co-owner and executive. Ray Rice, now former Baltimore Ravens running back, was caught on video punching and knocking out his then fiancée, now wife. He has since been released from his team and suspended indefinitely by the NFL. Current running back for the Minnesota Vikings Adrian Peterson has been indicted for child abuse for disciplining his son with a tree branch/switch.  A co-owner of the NBA Atlanta Hawks Bruce Levenson is surrendering his half of team ownership due to the discovery of a 2-year-old memo regarding the demographics of the audience of the team at home games being largely Black-American and wanting to increase white attendance. He has apologized for his supposed “racist” comments. Also, a conversation by Hawks President Danny Ferry has come to light of him recanting a scouting report on prospective player Loul Deng. It referred to Deng as an African. Which he is by the way. He has since placed himself on “indefinite” leave and offered himself to those who benefit from racial strife and division.

None of these men have been convicted of a crime. Only Mr. Peterson has been indicted. But has yet had a jury seated for his day in court to actually determine if there has actually been a crime committed. But simply by a small, but loud, course of accusers they are being treated as though the have committed a felony.

First let me say that in the case of Ray Rice knocking out his then fiancée, or the physically injuring a woman by a man is truly repugnant to the highest degree. But, nor should women have a free rein to attack men without provocation with impunity.  We don’t want to get to point where for a woman to ruin a man’s life is to simply accuse him of threatening or hitting her. What I believe to be the most repugnant issue in all of these instances is the severe lack of the allowance of a dissenting or opposite voice to be heard and the absence of a true aim for resolution.

Not that there hasn’t been voices dissenting from the popular course, but those aren’t the ones that are being reported and spoken of over, over, and over again. They do not fit the narrative that defames masculinity and manhood or further divides us on race and gender. I can remember when ESPN NFL Sunday Pregame had controversial conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh to do a segment. But, his comments regarding then Philadelphia Eagles QB Donovan McNabb prove too much.  They wanted to stick football and sports.  My, how things have changed.  ESPN’s Pardon The Interruption Co-host Mike Wilbon comment on his radio show regarding the Adrian Peterson issue saying, “I think the decline in the behavior of America is directly traceable to the lack of whippings with switches,” During the times of the “Greatest Generation”, though they may not have been perfect, a good argument can be made that kids by them were more discipline do to the fact that the rod was not spared. I don’t remember reading about kids killing their parents, going off on mass killing sprees at schools, or such back in their time. Discipline and morality were better set in the home, by the parents.

Another ESPN popular commentator Steven A. Smith was suspended for his comments regarding Ray Rice then 2-game suspension when he said,“In Ray Rice’s case, he probably deserves more than a two- game suspension, which we both acknowledged,” Smith said on the show. “But at the same time, we also have to make sure that we learn as much as we can about elements of provocation.” You don’t think a jury would? Or someone truly interested in the facts, the truth, or coming up with a real solution?. Of course they would.  If that was the objective. But then another ESPN commentator Michelle Beadle responded most vehemently stating, “Violence isn’t the victim’s issue,” she wrote. “It’s the abuser’s. To insinuate otherwise is irresponsible and disgusting.” Irresponsible? Disgusting? Really? One can not even question the context or circumstances of an event that can cost someone their livelihood and reputation? Would she feel the same if she were in Mr. Rice’s shoes? But regardless, Mr. Smith was the one who had to publicly recant his words of common sense to say, “I made what can only amount to the most egregious error of my career,” he said. “My words came across that it is somehow a woman’s fault. This was not my intent. It was not what I was trying to say. Yet the failure to clearly articulate something different lies squarely on my shoulders.” Dissension of thought squashed in the public square. We dare not look at the effect of the explosion of single-parent child births or the growth of gratuitous violence, or the socially destructive effects of the feminization of the male and the masculinization of the female, right? Nothing happens in a vacuum, without cause and effect. To think so would be irresponsible.

In the case of the Atlanta Hawks’ president and co-owner, Hall of Fame LA Lakers Kareem Abdul-Jabbar spoke in defence of Hawks president’s comments in saying, “Sure, there are assumptions he makes that are cringe-worthy — but the questions about how to attract more white fans were entirely reasonable. Well, the pitchforks are already sharpened and the torches lit anyway, so rather than let them go to waste why not drag another so-called racist before the Court of Public Opinion and see how much ratings-grabbing, head-shaking, race-shaming we can squeeze out of it. After all, the media got so much gleeful, hand-wringing mileage out of Don Sterling and Michael Brown. The only problem is that Atlanta Hawks controlling owner Bruce Levenson is no Donald Sterling. Nor is his email racist. In fact, his worst crime is misguided white guilt.” As for Mr. Ferry, he didn’t stick to the main fact as he said, “these were not my words…”. He was only reading from someone else’s report on Loul Deng. And even and investigation of some 24,000 prior Ferry emails by Atlanta law firm Alston and Bird uncovered no other similar remarks. Has anyone went to punish the author of the report? Put him on front street and call him a racist? Of course not. Why go after a guppy, when you have a whale on your hook. If the conversation was over how to increase black participation at a sporting event, or how a European player may fit for a team would this be an issue?  What if a woman basketball star was the attacker against her male lover in a domestic violence issue, would that story be front page news?

There is a destructive agenda of political correctness and social reformation at work not just in the sports world today, but in the nation as a whole.  It no longer matters what is actually the truth or legal, but what those shouting the loudest and has the largest media machine behind it say is truth.  And the rest of us will be made to accept their truths.  The legal and law process is not allowed to run its course, no true solution is sought, nor common sense allowed to be given air to breathe. Where a well orchestrated placement of liberally slanted point of views are thrust to the forefront to silence, marginalized, and or demonize any and all counter opinion or point of view in the court of public opinion. We are being divided into protected classes – the woman class, the black or ethnic class, the sexual orientation class, the age class, religious class, and so on. We are not allowed to view things as simply right or wrong. We have to first ask what class of citizen is involved. And in a climate where too many care about the failings and imperfections of a sports figure or institution than we do about that of a politician, makes this period in our nation more anxious. If we continue on this road we will fear to say anything or do anything that maybe seen by someone as unpopular, insensitive, or harsh. Dissension will be smothered in its incubator.  And the mere accusation against a member of a protected class renders public defense of the accused mute and throws the life and liberties of the accused into jeopardy.

Edward R. Murrow prophetically said, “We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law. We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason, if we dig deep in our history and our doctrine, and remember that we are not descended from fearful men – not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate, and to defend causes that were, for the moment, unpopular.”  

I don’t know the guilt or innocence of Mr. Rice, Mr. Peterson, Mr. Ferry, or Mr. Levenson. No one does.  But, what I do believe is if counseling or professional therapy , or even incarceration, is needed, than that should be offered. But only after a thorough and truthful investigation is executed, irregardless of the air of public opinion. To hear only one side of any dispute or argument can only end with an unjust and undeserving verdict. If we, due to a severe lack of factual information and thorough use of objectivity, clear thought, and reasoning, via manipulation of the presentation of the evidence, and only energized by hyped up, propagandized, and emotionally targeted stimuli inducement, prior to the true application of the law, then we are no better than a lynch mob. And a nation that is far less unified and free.

A President Gone Rouge: Where’s The Outcry?

obama smug

The late U.S President Richard Nixon famously stated, “When the President does it, that means that it’s not illegal.” He was later removed from office by the people.

But my, my, my, my, my, how times have changed. And not for the better. Today the American people are faced with Nixon reincarnated on steroids and a complicit Congress that is seemingly more interested in being politically correct than constitutionally correct.

The nation is faced with an invasion of immigrants unlike in any other time deliberately instigated and enabled by the Chief Executive of the United States. Unwilling, or unable, to make his case to the American people why the nation needs to allow more immigrants, particularly those low skilled from south of the border, how the nation can financially afford the influx of such numbers, or explain how the nation could best assimilate such an influx of immigrants into our society at a time of unprecedented economic and employment troubles; Mr. Obama instead creates law at his desk, via Executive Orders.

From the moment Mr. Obama was placed into the Office he has  sought to move heaven and earth to impose his vision of America on America, by any means necessary.  Many of his actions have not just been on the line of legality, but totally over it.  His most blatant acts of lawful defiance and indifference has been his championing of Latin immigrants who seek to come and stay in the country “undocumented”; even at the expense of the nations domestic laws and social tranquility. Though there has been Presidents such as Teddy Roosevelt who have used their power of the pen to impose their interpretation of a law passed by the Congress, never has the one charged to enforce the laws of the land so blatantly chosen to ignore written laws, and write executive law and regulations unilaterally without care or consideration of the Branch that’s actually empowered to make law, i.e., the Congress.  Coupled with the curious fact there doesn’t seem to any true opposition to his power grab is even more problematic. Mr. O seems to be totally unconcerned about the negative effects that his actions will have on the nation. Or is this his intent?.

What makes Obama’s actions even more bizarre, is that to hear him speak of his having to ignore the Congress to get his policies enacted to the American people, the fact that the Congress will not blindly go along with his wants, he believes that we should be greatfull that he is working outside of the laws of the country.  Lets remember that Mr. O views the Constitution as “a Charter of Negative Liberties“.  It’s too restrictive on the powers of government.  If the head the Executive Branch believes that the laws of the nation are to be adhered to only when it’s convenient, how is the average citizen or the youngest amongst us to view laws or those in authority? And should we rest comfortably thinking that this precedent won’t be followed by future presidents to a even more greater degree?

The fundamental question we the people of America should be asking is, Whether we are to be ruled by a king or governed by a duly elected Legislature in concert with the Executive and Judicial Branches in accordance with the Constitution? Founder Alexander Hamilton discussed the king vs president comparison and how laws are to be properly enacted in the Federalist Papers #69 by saying, “The President of the United States is to have power to return a bill, which shall have passed the two branches of the legislature, for reconsideration; and the bill so returned is to become a law, if, upon that reconsideration, it be approved by two thirds of both houses. The king of Great Britain, on his part, has an absolute negative upon the acts of the two houses of Parliament. The disuse of that power for a considerable time past does not affect the reality of its existence; and is to be ascribed wholly to the crown’s having found the means of substituting influence to authority, or the art of gaining a majority in one or the other of the two houses, to the necessity of exerting a prerogative which could seldom be exerted without hazarding some degree of national agitation.” I would say that we are pretty agitated. Wouldn’t you? If we want a president who totally ignores the voices of the people via their representatives because they wont act as his wants, than it is a king that we truly want.  The powers of the Executive, as well as the government as a whole, were to be finite, defined, and limited, to ensure the liberties of the people and the tranquility and prosperity of the nation.

The desire of big business and government to import cheap labor in mass to the detriment of abled-bodied domestic labor is not new, as reported by Roy Beck in We have today a government working against the betterment of the nation seemingly with impunity.  We today have one of the lowest labor participation rates in our nations history and a federal debt that is so negative it is going to be born by our posterity for generations.  We have a gross deficiency in moral governance and a evolving cancerous societal culture that denigrates the value of having a high ethical code.  That of hard work in particular.  We do not have a domestic labor shortage, despite the constantly repeated political mantra.  If that were the case wages would not be stagnant or declining as they are. How is flooding the nation with more low-skilled immigrants who many seeks to take even more from our coffers that we do not actually have going make us as a nation more prosperous?  How does imposing laws in one way for the benefit of one group of people and in a different way, or not at all,  for another make us more just? More united?

What is vastly different today is the grotesque level of Saul Alinsky-like techniques of word manipulation, deception, and dishonesty presented by Mr. Obama and the lack of resolute moral governance by the people’s representatives. A unrestrained government, one that sees no bounds to its authority, that deliberately tramples on the line between legal and illegal at the expense of the will of the governed, is by definition a tyrannical government.  But, we the people have to posses a definitive moral constitution for those who represent us to.  We have to be knowledgable of the of the proper role, authority, and function of government.  We have to be informed and engaged on political matters and the actions of the government. If we have a president who acts illegally, a government that chooses not to govern, but rule, or have laws made that are unlawful, it is up to each of us to check him or them.  At the end of the day our silence is our quiescence.

Why Is Americanism On Life-Supports?

As Americans from coast to coast, border to border turn the page on the 238th celebration of the nation’s birth, and at the same time bear witness to the sheer chaos and division that is flowing throughout the countryside like Sherman through Atlanta, one has to ask, WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOIN’ ON OUT HERE?!

From the halls of the federal Capital, the government education system, to Main Street, one would be strenuously pressed to find any reflection or resemblance of the basic fundamental intent of this nations founding principles. In fact, a very good argument can be made that it is those very principles that are under the most vigorous assault here at home today than they have ever been from foreigners since the Revolution.

We have a literal tidal wave of immigrants running over our southern borders; induced, enabled, and emboldened by the man who sits as the president of the United States to remain.  In effect nullifying our nation’s southern borders and any notion of this being a nation of laws that are to be adhered to, particularly by those who are entrusted to enforce the laws. Federal Immigration and Nationality Act Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii), which is federal law, clearly states, “Any person who . . . encourages or induces an alien to . . . reside . . . knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such . . . residence is . . . in violation of law, shall be punished as provided . . . for each alien in respect to whom such a violation occurs . . . fined under title 18 . . . imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.” Now unless this law has been amended, changed, rescinded, or there is some other authority or law that is being acted covertly on, what is happening regarding immigrants coming into this country and staying “undocumented” is unlawful. Period! But should anyone stand in opposition to this unlawful act is to be branded a racist or anti-immigrant and silenced or censored.

The federal government is drowning in debt and is threatening to drag America down into the economic abyss along with it. This coupled with the fact that a majority of the U.S populace are politically ignorant, politically disengaged, and unwilling to hold their Congressmen accountable has finally unleashed the governmental beast to grow and consume the rights and liberties of the American people to its heart’s content. The government has created the Department of Homeland Security, expanded Medicare for senior citizens with a host of unfunded liabilities and expenses. It has spent Trillions in the TARP – Troubled Asset Relief Program, – on the so-called Stimulus Plan and the financial and medical system takeovers, via Dodd-Franks and Obamacare, respectively; which will take generations to repay and drag the nations quality and standard of life down to levels not seen since prior to the industrial revolution. None of the programs nor laws have expanded freedom or independence for the American people. But what they did do was to greatly expand the powers of the U.S government over the American people. Should anyone or group, such as the TEA Party rise in opposition and attempt to reattach the chains of responsible, accountable, and Constitutional restraints on those who took an oath to abide by the Constitution, they a called anarchist, racist, anti-government, and are silenced and censored.

The the Entitlement Class is the fastest growing sector of the American population today. More Americans today believe truthfully that they are owed something, either from the government, their kin, or from society as a whole. Much unlike in our past when masculine rugged individualism was an engrained cultural concept, we are now being transformed into a feminine nanny/dependent state of mind. From a time of the 1940’s when to receive charity was something worst than death, to today where the receipt of welfare is literally celebrated and sought, that we have nearly half of the population receiving some sort of government assistance.

The Silent Recession of today is only silent due to the massive amount of people receiving their life’s assistance from the government, i.e, housing, food, healthcare, TV, iPhones, etc, and the virtual blackout by the Establishment News Media. People just are not feeling the pain or inconvenience of having to go without as our forefathers did during past economic depressions and recessions. And when there’s a great story of tragedy caused by the failed governmental economic policies, such as what has happened to Detroit, the national Media is most  curiously uninterested.

We have more able-bodied citizens sitting idle, under-employed, and unemployable than at anytime in our nations history. The transfer of our nations manufacturing industry to foreign lands, the decline of the Dollar’s buying power, as a result of the ever-expanding federal government’s debt, and the massive influx of not just low-skilled immigrants, legal and illegal, but high-skilled.  Thereby reducing even more the pool of jobs for unemployed Americans at suitable wages, has only been immeasurably exacerbated by governmental policies such as Obamacare that is already forecasted to push millions of Americans and U.S citizens to the unemployment and under-employment roles. And what is the response of the federal government? The expansion of more assistance, via Food Stamps, Unemployment Insurance, and Disability Insurance, and establishing the notion the hard work and self-reliance is unnecessary. People are made more and more dependent and beholding to the federal government for their very existence. But if anyone should attempt to raise the alarm of this devaluation of our culture and standard of living by way of grossly counter-productive governmental policies they are called alarmist and anti-government, and are silenced and censored.

Today nearly everything about traditional Americanism, American idealism, and American principles are being driving out of our culture and society due to the deliberate mis-education system that the very question of what we stand for as a nation and people is no longer clear. The extreme Progressive Liberal’s view of Americanism that permeates today’s government education system is that of being racist, colonialist, war-mongering, the cause of the worlds ills, and religious bigots, due to the fact that we hold Christendom supreme to all other religions. We are being turned into a secularist nations. We have no longer any true identity or philosophy that which we can clearly stand for – it changes with the political wind. The barometer of what is right and wrong, true and false, legal and illegal, and good and bad is measured by how one may be feeling at the time. There is no longer a concept of absolutism.  Even the very manner by which many of us obtain news is less about being informed than it is being entertained. The very foundations of having a strong a work ethic, high moral integrity and character, individualist spirit, having respect for law and order, and freedom to express unpopular views, are under assault in the country as in no time since our inception.

It is at times like these that I like to look what our fore-fathers and other great Americans have said or wrote on manners such as these. I believe that Abe Lincoln said it best regarding whether this nation’s downfall when he said,if it ever reaches us, it must spring up amongst us. It can not come for abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.”

The basic ideal of Americanism is individual independence and freedom.  But that comes with responsibility and accountability.  At the end of the day, we have the nation the we want. We have the government that we want. And we will determined whether we as a nation and a people will bear the uncomfortable weight of freedom and independence, as our founders intended, or succumb to the ease of servitude and dependency.