When is The Right Time To Stand For Right & Truth

Too many of us view these such events as a singular occurrence.  This prevents us from seeing how these events are not occurring in a vacuum at all, but are synchronized and coordinated events leading to a goal – the abolishment of both Christendom and America as the Christian shining star and example of God’s blessings and favor.

Karl Marx’s Disciples Are Winning

In the wake of the U.S Supreme Court fundamentally repealing the 1973 Roe v Wade, that in essence legalized the killing of children in the womb of the mother federally, will go a long way for national repentance. This issue has been returned to the States, as should have always been, where the matter will be examined more directly.  God saw David in the womb as a person in Psalm 139:16 and in Jeremiah 1:5.  But we just want to ignore that, right?  The followers of Marx has no relationship with the followers of God or the Christ other than as eternal enemies. 

Republicanism still lives

ESG Will Test America’s Heart

If you were to look at what appears to be victories in battles over government schools wanting to literally take the position of the parent in the lives of the child and teach them that everything is based on “race”, through Critical Race Theory, and that there are more than two genders, that being a boy and a girl, and that you can choose what gender you want to be via transgenderism.  But the blows may have been a setup for the coup de gra by combining political correctness and cancel culture with a mega can of Red Bull with ESG – Environmental, Social, and Governance.

When The Bugles Are Silent, The Gatekeepers Have Defected, & Free Speech Is Muted In America.

There are no loud horns blaring.  The National News Media no longer works for the benefit of informing the American people on the detrimental moves and actions of the government.  And in the wake of such socialist/Marxist political policies such as Political Correctness, that has morphed into “Cancel Culture”, we find ourselves too often self-monitoring our speech and even our thoughts before they even become words.  The extremely sad part of this is that many of us are content, or at worst apathetic, with this situation.

America, How Did This Happen?

To me, we as a nation have long crossed the preverbal Rubicon to answer the question of whether Americans want to be truly free.  The answer is, for the most part, a definitive no.  The American Experiment has born out what I’m sure many of the Founders intuitively knew, but were praying that they were wrong.