
Media disinformation

When Big Media Denies Truth

The unchained power of the National Media Complex [television, internet, radio, and print] has been revealed as an extraordinary force that has the ability to dispatch propaganda to mold the behavior and the opinion of the masses. 

2020: The Year That America Went Dark.

If the government can get so many of us to voluntarily surrender cherished liberties in mass at such great personal pain so easily, without much mental reservation or questioning or rebuttal, due to a virus that kills less than 5% of those who come down with it, what else could they get us to do?

COVID-19 Death Rates

COVID-19 Panic Pushers Are Purposefully Pushing America To Commit Suicide.

Seemingly a majority of the nation’s political leaders, particularly at the federal level, and the national News Media are intent on convincing the American citizens that the COVID-19 virus is so deadly that we should totally abandon our normal way of life.