
New Year 2022

2021, What Did We Miss?

When I look back at the 12 months in the review mirror, I again see another year that the news that many of us use to navigate the choppy and challenging waters of life, to make the best informed choices for our lives and that of our loved ones, that typically comes from the U.S News Media Complex was left purposefully unrevealed to the American people or not brightly illuminated.

American Lockdown reset

How The Covid-19 Scare Is Masking The Great American Societal Reset

This virus scare has been used to drastically negatively alter the way of life for the American society as a whole, adversely altered the election of the U.S President, saddled the U.S government with unsustainable debt, and reset the wealth and power from the American people to the government. This will forever make America weaker and the American people more destitute in every way moving forward. And our posterity will forever curse us for the evil that we have done.