
Isn’t It Time For Black Americans To Choose “Life” Over “The Dream”?

Martin-Luther-King-Jr_-Before-a-SpeechAnother year has come where hundreds and thousands of citizens of all ethnicities, particularly Black-American, rush to the crowds and Media camps to profess their love, devotion, and appreciation for the late 1960’s era Civil Rights icon, Martin Luther King, Jr. I just find it interesting that if one didn’t know any better, you would think that the only speech that Mr. King ever gave was the ‘I Have A Dream Speech” in 1963. Though that was the most witnessed of his speeches, in the shadows of the Lincoln Memorial, as he spoke, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character”. Is this the one that is the best transferable or relevant today – particularly as it has to do with the plight of blacks in America?

To strive for a nation of people who judge one another based on character content is a worthy aspiration to have. A good argument can be made that since Mr. King’s passing, some 40 plus years ago, America has made Herculean progress. But, according to a recent poll, over the past 6 years we have become more Balkinized over the differences of our skin color. But to me the discourse is the effect, rather than the cause. Which brings me to the speech of Mr. King’s that is more needed to be regurgitated at ad nauseam. It is the sermon that he gave some 10 years earlier to the one that is most celebrated in Montgomery, Alabama, called the “The Three Dimensions of a Complete Life.” It was in the sermon that I believe is most meaningful and pertinent today in which he said, “After one has discovered what he is called for, he should set out to do it with all of the power that he has in his system. He should seek to do it so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better. Do it as if God almighty ordained you at this particular moment in history to do it. Whatever your life’s work is, never consider it insignificant. If it is for the uplifting of humanity, it has cosmic significant, however small it is. If you are called to a little job, seek to do it in a big way. If your life’s work is confined to the ordinary, seek to do it in an extraordinary way. If you discover that you are called to be a street sweeper, sweep streets like Michael Angelo painted pictures, like Beethoven composed music and like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets so well that all the host of heaven and earth will have to pause and say, there lived a great street sweeper who swept his job well. This is what Douglas Mallock meant when he said: if you can’t be a pine on the top of the hill, be a scrub in the valley – but be the best little scrub by the side of the hill, be a bush if you can’t be a tree. If you can’t be a highway just be a trail. If you can’t be the sun be a star. It isn’t by size that you win or fail. Be the best of whatever you are. Set yourself earnestly to discover what you were made to do, and then set yourself earnestly to do it.”

It is in that sermon in which he was not referring to a “dream”, but rather life. He was not talking about “if” some external entity does “x”, then “y” would happen ,wishfully. In the Montgomery speech he spoke of LIFE. He spoke of the blessings of the Creator. He spoke of if each of us did, “x”, then “y” would likely happen. He spoke of what no one in public or in front of the Media cameras will say regarding today’s plight of American blacks – self-responsibility and tying one’s actions, whether they be positive or negative, to results that those actions may bring.  he spoke of one’s relationship to the Creator, not to government.

Just imagine if this was the speech, or quotes thereof, that were played, played, and played again during this celebration, as well throughout the year. The “Dream” speech can be arguably misconstrued as blacks in America waiting for some external entity, i.e., government, giving blacks something. Where as the “Life” speech talks about one doing the best at what they set out to do for themselves, by themselves, using the Creator endowed talent and skills that each of us have, no matter the measure. Where as the former may encourage dependency and an entitlement mindset, the latter encourages independence and self-responsibility.

The picture of the Ferguson’s of today’s America, and that of contagion of crippling under and non-employment of the blacks, in particular the youths, the picture of the gross disproportionate number of blacks in the penal system, and the picture of the epidemic of out-of-wedlock and single-parent households in the black-American community is the cause of too many of blacks staking too much in the “Dream”.  The “dream” that someone, or something, would do more for ourselves than we are willing to do for ourselves. If we one is not willing to hold him self up morally to seek to do the best job that he can do, how can he expect to gain employment or create a business? If one chooses to not to govern himself accordingly, how can he not expect to be governed by someone or something else?  How can one behave immorally and dishonorably, and yet expect just and honorable blessings?

To focus on a “dream” is to induce one to sleep. While to live “life” encourages one to be awake to take charge of his and her life choices, both good and bad. Imagine what a different picture of black America would be today. And imagine how truly great a celebration of this great man’s life we could have.

America, Where Is Your Outrage?!

On February 26 I read a disturbing report in the Washington Free Beacon, titled The Imperial Presidency. It was on the Congressional Hearing, “Enforcing the President’s Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws,” regarding the extremely troublesome overreach of Mr. Obama and his Executive Branch’s use of power with little regard or respect to the other branches of the constitutional federal government. I read of the testimony by Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University Jonathan Turley saying, “that the expansion of executive power is happening so fast that America is at a “constitutional tipping point.” WOW!

Three things struck me regarding the article. One, was the title. I don’t know about you, but imperialism shouldn’t ever be a term so boldly used in reference to the President of the United States. Two, that such a renowned and learned professor at one of the nations best educational institutions, who himself is a self-omitted Democrat Party and Obama supporter, is, and has been, sounding the alarms regarding this man’s policy’s harmful effects on the nation. He voiced what many of us have been silently struggling with when he said – “What also alarms me, however, is that the two other branches appear not just simply passive, but inert in the face of this concentration of authority.” This nation has survived for some 200 plus years with the people able to enjoy our purported cherished freedoms and liberties due to the Constitutional Checks and Balances between the 3 Branches of government. But if a Branch(es) decide to not fight to check the others over-reach, there is no longer any balance. The submissive Branch(es) run the risk of becoming “superfluous.” And it is at the citizen’s freedoms peril. What’s most concerning for me, is the deafening silence from the Established Media on this testimony and the lack of any visible robust protest or outrage by the people of America.

But as I look over the nations landscape, even the most intellectually uninitiated person would agree that this nation is not heading in the right direction on so many fronts. And though an argument can be made that the tide has been turning against this nation for some time, little argument can be made that since Mr. O’s historic ascension to the Presidency the knots have been turned up extraordinarily. But yet, public apathy and silent acquiescence seems to reign over the consciousness of a majority of the American people.

Here are just a sample of other issues that seem to not be getting the serious attention and interest of the American people regarding the actions of the government of the United States under Mr. Obama:

Hey, but this all could just be a big coincidence or misunderstanding. Besides, Mr. Obama is the country’s first true African-American U.S President. So, all is good. Right? Don’t worry. What time is American Idol? When is the next NFL of sports event? Matters of politics are too burdensome for me to care.

There seems to be a great silent majority of Americans who instinctively are aware that there is something terribly wrong with the direction of the nation. My question is why are we silent? The minority amongst us seem to find energies to muster their agenda. Why not the majority? Is it fear of being mischaracterized or called names, via the Media’s propaganda? Martin Luther King, Jr. prophetically stated, Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

The great illusion that is perpetrated by the Progressives and enemies to all that America is and stands for, is that their kind of “change” is inevitable. That it is us [the majority] who must conform. It is only our [the majority’s] acceptance of their vision or version of change that makes it become reality. Silent government acquiescence, no matter what the reason or intent, only means agreement to the actions of the government, no matter how insignificant or grand, or benevolent or cold-hearted. As James Madison said, The citizens of the United States are responsible for the greatest trust ever confided to a political society. If justice, good faith, honor, gratitude and all the other qualities which ennoble the character of a nation and fulfill the ends of government be the fruits of our establishments, the cause of liberty will acquire a dignity and lustre, which it has never yet enjoyed, and an example will be set, which cannot but have the most favourable influence on the rights of Mankind. If on the other side, our governments should be unfortunately blotted with the reverse of these cardinal virtues, the great cause which we have engaged to vindicate, will be dishonored and betrayed; the last and fairest experiment in favor of the rights of human nature will be turned against them; and their patrons and friends exposed to be insulted and silenced by the votaries of tyranny and usurpation.”

Only you can decide.

Progressive Social Black Leaders Shameless Displays Their Unwillingness To Address REAL Critical Issues Facing The Black-American Nation Even On the Biggest Stage of 50 Year Celebration To Promote Self-Reliance


Last week the world witnessed the most vulgar display of public defecation on the legacy and memory of the late great Martin Luther King, Jr. on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to celebrate 50 years of M.L.K’s famous “I Have A Dream” Speech.

Black speaker after Black speaker, from Al Sharpton to M.L.K III to Attorney General Eric Holder, all had one main theme – that American Blacks are eternal victims of American culture and society and helpless without the big hand of the government. Even though American-Blacks have a buying power of approximately $800 Billion annually, and are well represented in every political position throughout the nation, even to the seat of president of the United States. Helpless not! Leaderless and lacking REAL knowledge and information YES!

There were double and triple servings of emotionally laden stimulation referring to the supposed injustice of the Trayvon Martin Case, the absurd equating of the Gay Rights Movement with that of Black-American fight for Civil Rights and human dignity, and the recent Supreme Court ruling against the federal government bullying a select number of States in the south to atone for treacherous discrimination laws – that were imposed by the Democratic Party during the Civil Rights Era in the first place.  But…Shhh!…lets not speak of that. They spoke of Black-American’s supposed lack of freedom and discrimination due to being Black. But, none of the Black speakers looked too shabby in their suits, under fed, nor restrained in their motions. And by the way… didn’t the Citizens of the United States, the majority of whom are Caucasian, vote for the election of an actual African-American to be president…TWICE? I’m just asking.

The glaring absence and omission of any real substantive discussion of issues that really plague Black-Americans, and the nation, and bar us from achieving our true potential such as: the explosion of over 70% out of wedlock childbirth and unmarried mothers, the massive number of Blacks, over 60%, particularly men, in the Correctional System, the dramatic expanding Black poverty and unemployment lines due to illegal immigration, and the psychologically crippling notion of Black entitlement speaks to evidence that there is another agenda in play. Maybe the reason for the absence of such mention of these topics is that to seriously address these issues would eventually lead to the great reduction in the need to have these speaker’s presence on such a grand stage, and their importance in so many lives. The light would instead be rightly placed on Blacks mandating that each of us do as our forefathers and foremothers did and take ownership and pride over ourselves and our lives and not reside on the plantation of mental governmental paternalism and servitude.

There was no semblance of M.L.K’s reverence of the traditional family as he once stated, “The group consisting of mother, father and child is the main educational agency of mankind.”; His acknowledgment of the correlation to real education and prosperity and high character as he stated, It is precisely because education is the road to equality and citizenship, that it has been made more elusive for Negroes than many other rights. The walling off of Negroes from equal education is part of the historical design to submerge him in second class status. Therefore, as Negroes have struggled to be free they have had to fight for the opportunity for a decent education.”;The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically… Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.”; nor about having a good work ethic as he has said once, Whatever your life’s work is, do it well. A man should do his job so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better.”

No, no there was no such utterance of such positive motivation at this most momentous occasion. This and other high profile events, such as the NAACP and Urban League Conventions, clearly reveal an agenda to exclude any voice of conservatism, republicanism, or any other voice to counter the view of Black victimization and liberal dependency. There is a cosmic family feud over the soul of the Black-American within the Black-American nation. One can just look back at the most public display of the venomous contempt for any prominent Black-American who dares speak of self-sustenance or self-responsibility by the Black social progressive power structure when they unmercifully attacked Republican Presidential Candidate Herman Cain.  But this dramatic conflict over the social and political path of Blacks within the Black-American nation is not new. Booker T. Washington, one of the Fathers of Civil Rights Movement, once stated,There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”

Blacks suffer due to a severe lack of truth, honesty, and knowledge from the people who we chose to look upon as leaders. Instead we get dogmatic presentations and productions from people who offer us a cruel game of deception and manipulation with the hidden hand of servitude and mental indigence for the American Black rather than freedom and prosperity for their material and political gains.

The only question is when are more of us going to wake up to the reality of another prophetic M.L.K, Jr. statement, “We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.”

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The Progressive’s Amnesty Bill Will Forever Shackle America To Serfdom As The World Witnesses In Stunned Astonishment

It seems inevitable that the U.S government will pass a reformation of the immigration laws of the nation that will open that nation’s gates to some of the poorest and most illiterate people in our hemisphere for two unstated reasons: 1) to increase the nation’s birthrate, and 2) to get cheap labor. This will drastically diminish the value of the once most cherished Citizenship – that of being an United States of American citizen – and saddling America’s posterity with second and third class citizenship.

In an era of “diversity”, “political correctness”, and “fairness” where everyone is to be equal and wealth and property is to be spread equally, and never a negative or bad word or thought is to ever be shown the light of day, what could be more fitting than the one nation that has set itself apart from its creation, as exceptional and the one place on earth where nation citizens could come to be free to inspire and reach their dreams, to have it degenerated to be just another nation at the table it is met with deafening silence.

In the last four-plus years we have been witness to a man coming literally out of nowhere with seemingly no recorded past of importance to the U.S voter to be placed in the seat of the presidency of the United States not once, but twice. The best medical system in the world, just by the very fact of the inherent freedom to innovate, have no ceiling on professional growth, and limited governmental interference with the relationship between patient and doctor with Obama-care has been total socialized. We have observed the explosion of homosexuality, and other alternative lifestyles, and religious secularism thrust to the forefront of U.S governmental domestic policy. The expansion of regulation and governmental burdens placed on America’s energy industry, particularly coal, and small business industry is unprecedented, especially at a time of such depressed economic growth. And now we stand on the possible verge of what may be the coup de gras, the U.S government’s granting approximately 40 plus Million illegal immigrant’s legal status and forgiveness for breaking our laws.

The reason that this presumed outcome of millions of illegal immigrants, particularly from Mexico, is so important is that it will lay naked for the whole world that the U.S government is willing and able to blatantly circumvent and obfuscate it’s own laws, manipulate and deceive the American people at all costs and no matter how severe the injury to the nation’s posterity or prosperity. But, it does too reveal that there is another supreme motivation and influence that is steering the Congress of the United States other than the wishes of the American people.

Here are some cases in point to try to wrap your heads around. In 2010 then Fla. Senate Candidate Marco Rubio in a CNN debate stated, “that illegal aliens inside the United States would need to go home and that giving illegal aliens ‘an earned path to citizenship,’... was nothing more than a “code for amnesty.” And he went on to say, “and the reality of it is this: This has to do with the bottom line that America cannot be the only country in the world that does not enforce its immigration laws. It is unfair to the people that have legally entered this country to create an alternative pathway for individuals who entered illegally and knowingly did so.”“If you do that, you will never have a legal immigration system that works,”… “No one is going to follow the law if there is an easier way to do it.” Ironically now Fla. Senator Rubio is one of the eight members drafting legislation to do the very thing that he so rightly objected to. Did someone have a “one on one” with him after getting to D.C to sway his point of view?

Regardless of the much touted C.B.O [Congressional Budget Office] reporting the supposed economic benefits of those in the country illegally, it must be remembered that the report forecast is static – for simplified analysis wherein the effect of an immediate change to a system is calculated without respect to the longer term response of the system to that change. Such analysis typically produces poor correlation to empirical results.– and not dynamic – an attempt to take into account how the system is likely to respond to the change[Wikipedia].   So, any governmental report, such s the C.B.O report, will typically go on the unrealistic notion that everything will stay basically as it are today or planned to be as it is planned today without taking into account possible changes of facts such as the illegals, now legal, bringing over their family members like themselves, having babies, forever being wards of the state and existing off the local, State, and federal taxpayers due to their low education and or lack of ambition, and other likely issues and negative consequential expenses of blanketly legalizing the illegals as reported in the Washington Times.

Since Mr. O’s ascendency to the U.S presidency the Washington Times 10/2012 article reported that nearly 2 out of 3 jobs have gone to immigrants. The American worker is at an egregious disadvantage when competing with illegal Mexican immigrant according to Securities Mexico. The typical Mexican earnings in Mexico are less than $700 a month – less than $2300 for a corporate/ business mgr, and less $75 for the lowest skilled Mexican working in a field such as agriculture. Coupled with the fact that the people from Latin America do not have an issue with living together 10 plus people deep in a one room apartment to share expenses and stay in the country And with the low moral and ethical education being taught to today’s generation of Americans, dire times ahead are certain.

The real economic cost to America is going to be brutally staggering for generations to come. The Washington Times 6/10/13 article states that the cost of blanket amnesty will be around $5 Trillion for the lifetime of a legalized immigrant. In that same article it refers to the Heritage Foundation estimating the cost to be near $9 Trillion – including local, State, and federal government- over his lifetime. But these stated estimates are sand bagged at best. They are based on a severely ridiculous and illogical number of around 11 million illegals.  That was the same number given when G.W Bush was in office and the issue first hit the front pages nearly 10 years ago. Illegal Immigration states illegal immigrants currently are costing local, State, and federal taxpayers approximately $118 Billion annually based on 13 million illegals and their children – how many children per household? It doesn’t say. I lean more towards the approx. 25 million estimated illegals of immigration And even that may be on the low side because being that they are illegally in the country, they are not exactly looking to be counted and they certainly haven’t stopped coming with all of the talk of giving them all a get out of jail free card with this over appeasing administration.

And to add the proverbial cherry on Mr. O’s America’s Decline Sundae, if the proposed amnesty bill should pass with it’s prohibition on the new legalized citizens not being illegible for federal benefits for 13 years, and with Obama-care already giving businesses a pass on the $3,000 penalty if the employee is an provisionally legal immigrant ”, as reported by Newsmax, it will give employers even more incentive to not hire an American citizen. And thereby also quicken the American citizen descent to 2ndor even 4thclass status in his own land. Unemployment will go off the chain for American youths,Americans  just entering the workforce, and those with low skills and low education.

It’s not just you and I who are screaming W.T.F! But observers all around the world are stunned and asking, “Why is this happening?” More importantly, how is this happening in America? Where is the opposition party, i.e., the Republican Party? The picture would appear less distorted if we all began to look at the picture in Washington less of Republican versus the Democrats, and more of the Conservatives versus the Progressives. This way we can start to see the picture as those being pro-sovereign America, pro-individualist, pro-traditional family, and pro-Constitutionalists, versus everything counter to those ideological positions. How else can one explain the vastly counter intuitive Republican positions of such so-called Republicans as Ariz. Sen. John McCain, S.C Sen. Lindsey Graham, Hse. Speaker John Boehner, and Fla. Sen. Mark Rubio? It is not about party affiliation, but ideology. Progressive ideology and that of the Democrats are nearly identical, but some members of the Republican party can be of the same yoke. That’s why Mr. O can get along with Republicans like Boehner and McCain and can get most of his legislation though the House, while Republican led legislation dies in the Democratically controlled Senate.

Just as one of the greatest Progressives, Teddy Roosevelt, said of the ruining of America,The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities.” We are systematically being divided into camps or squabbling interests – the camp of the elderly, the young, the Blacks, the Whites, those who want to be self-responsible and self-governed, those that want to be irresponsible for self and dependent on the government, the rich and poor, and those who love this nation’s traditional values, history, customs, and want America to prosper as the shining city on the hill, and those who care nothing about traditional American values, customs, history, and want to see America brought back into the darkness with every other nation.

The Progressives would have us believe that there is only the choice of whether we should cut our left foot off or to take the whole leg. But there are other options that could save both, but they won’t benefit their goal to forever cripple the patient. But, we as Americans can no long dwell in, what Martin Luther King, Jr. referred to as the most dangerous thing in the world, sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. It is up to each of us individually to be informed enough to know what is going on politically around us so we can make the most knowledgeable choices for ourselves and our nation. Not just for today, but for tomorrow…or else the shackles of servitude and dependency that today may fit comfortably about your wrist and ankles, will become painfully tighter tomorrow. Hola!