
A New World Is Coming America. Are We Ready? We Had Better Be.

We are existing and living in a time in which stupid and ignorant is the new cool. Up is down and down is up.  Truth is on the moon and everyone seemingly acquiesces to this “new normal” and or is mute. 

US debt

America, The U.S Has A Serious Bill Coming Due.

Though many Americans may not be caring about the financial ledger of the U.S government, you best believe that foreign governments and central banks do.  The inclusion of China’s Yuan to the prestigious SDR [Special Drawing Rights] basket of there before largely European democracies[the U.K, Germany, the European Union, the U.S, & Japan], which itself is an offshoot of the Brentwood Accords, in 2015 made it clear they will not be taken by surprise again being reliant on the U.S being fiscally responsible.