
American Social Crisis

When America Is No Longer America…

If the Left succeeds in severing our nation’s connection to the Bible and or reduce our nation’s fundamental traditional principles and customs that not only connect us to what made us a remarkable nation to remember-whens, history will mark it as the greatest human tragedy EVER where free men and women chose to be slave and chose to follow man rather than God!

The “Choice” Of Trump Or Hillary Exemplifies America’s Moral Decay.

One of my favorite quotes regarding America is by Alexis de Tocqueville, America is great because America is good. If America ever ceases to be good it will cease to be great.  I have to keep in mind that he did not say that America was perfect. Cause it was, and is not. But I do believe in his reference to America being good he meant morally. Though we are not perfect people, we have always sought to be a moral people. Every American and U.S President sought to exhibit strong moral character. From Washington to at least G.W Bush a strong moral code was a dominant part of their character, posture, and persona. And so too as Tocqueville prophetically stated, In the end, the state of the Union comes down to the character of the people”.  The government is a direct reflection of the governed in America.

The last two U.S presidential elections the American people and Citizens of the U.S chose a virtual unknown persona who promised “hope and change” and to “fundamentally transform” America. And true to his word, America has undergone the most dramatic social and moral transformation that anyone could have possibly imagined could have been achieved in such a short span of time.  The open expression of Christendom has been blatantly and virtually made vulgar and repulsive by the current U.S Administration from the military, through the religious-based businesses, to the government schools’ bathrooms.  All of the while there has been deliberate silence from the majority of American people. The measures that have been imposed upon the American people by the U.S government such as, redefining “marriage” to include same sex people, the forced inclusion of contraception pills in medical benefits of private businesses, and the liberation of transgender individuals into gender specific bathrooms would have been strongly and demonstratively rebuffed by the American people of some 40 years ago.  Today, too many Americans praise the Lord on Sunday and consciously deny and or ignore His tenets during the rest of the week.  For a nation that was purposefully established on Judeo-Christian principles one would not know that looking at was happening on its streets today.

So the U.S voters find themselves today faced with choosing one of the two presumptive winners of the dominant political Parties, Democrat and Republican, who are both amoralist, whose principles are on the moon, and have exhibited little or no bounds of conscious in order to get what they wanted.  And who would be better suited for a drama TV show than the Presidency of the United States. Neither holds the Constitution as anything more than a minor nuisance.

In the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump, we have someone who openly stated that he has NEVER saw a need to ask for forgiveness, i.e., to repent.  Even though just a passive view of his past shows instances when he has attempted to have an old lady evicted from her home, in order to build a car garage.  He has gone to Ireland to attempt to have people removed from their homes by force, so that he could build a golf course. So long as there can be a dollar made, he sees nothing wrong in his actions, even if it’s via the police powers of the government.  It has been exhibited during his run for the Office his propensity to stretch the truth would make Pinocchio blush.  And his grotesque narcissistic personality leaves little room for humility nor grace– as though this nation hasn’t had enough of this type of person these past 7 years.

And as for the presumptive Democrat nominee, Hillary Clinton, from the start of her political existence she has left a trail of torched Commandments, in particular the one referring to baring false witness.  Truth can be no greater stranger to this lady if it were never created such a word.  Mrs. Clinton blatantly lied to the U.S Senate regarding the whereabouts of the Rose Law Firm’s documents during the 1996 Whitewater investigation  She lied to the parents and family members of those slain during an attack on the U.S Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, as well as to the American people, when she perpetrated the fraudulent tale of the assault and unrest throughout the Mid-East during that time was all due to an obscure video on You-Tube – as though people in the Mid-East set around watching You-Tube all day. And let’s not forget that she is currently under investigation for lying about having a private email server while she was the nation’s Secretary of State.  If she were to become the president, she would be the first to be under federal investigation as she takes to the oath to faithfully enforce the laws of the nation.  But hey, what truly matters is that my guy or gal wins.  Right?

Back in 2011, the New York Times had an opinion article, If It Feels Right. It referred to a ’08 study of some 240 youths, between 18-24 y/o, 2 out of 3 could not describe a moral dilemma. And outside of extreme cases of murder and rape, the youths had no concept of morality.  These are the people who are driving the political and social movement today.  And with scant push back by those 40 y/o and up along with those grounded in social and moral absolutism that is more identifiable to the founding principles of this great nation the future for us remaining free and prosperous is very bleak.

Lets not blame the politicians for being who and what they are.  The magnifying glass needs to be aimed at those who put them into office and allow them to behave without bounds.  When one sees a child utterly misbehaving and ill-mannered you don’t necessarily solely condemn the child without also looking at the parents.  Thomas Jefferson’s prophetic plea for us to be eternally vigilant over the government has been long dispatched to the waste can.  Too many Americans can better recite the members of the Championship Chicago Bulls Basketball Team than can name 6 Founding Fathers.  So today we have politicians and those seeking the highest public office in the nation openingly demonstrating severe absence of moral integrity and ethical restraints with impunity.  This can only be the result of a voting populous, and the society as a whole, whose moral integrity have been greatly compromised.

I do not mean to imply the nation’s moral decay started in 2008.  But the moral decay certainly produced it’s outcome. History tell us that there is a life cycle for empires. America’s age of moral decline can be measured by the decline in religious affiliation, particularly amongst the nation’s youth and those under 40 y/o.  According to a Pew Research Study, since 2007 those who describe themselves as not belonging to any religious philosophy[the unaffiliated] has jumped to nearly 20%.  Over 80% of them are not seeking religious guidance. Nearly 50% of the “unaffiliated” are under the age of 40.  What maybe most interesting, more of the “unaffiliated” lean heavily democrat.  The disconnection from religion has been growing since the 1970’s, but has accelerated in recent years.  If the people of America become amoral, how can we be expected to care if those who are elected seek Devine guidance? And if the people rejects the tenets of the Judeo-Christian principles that have made the nation the shinning light on the hill for the world, how can we be expected to remain such? We cannot. As Tocqueville realized, “I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors, her ample rivers, and it was not there. I sought for it in the fertile fields, and boundless prairies, and it was not there. I sought it in her rich mines, and vast world commerce, and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power.”

At the end, it is we the people who choses if America shall be good.

Has America Lost It’s Moral Clarity?

Could I be accused of over exaggeration if I was to say that America is morally a dumpster fire? And no one seems to care.

We have NBC’s head news anchor, Brian Williams, grotesquely embellishes, i.e., lies, while reporting news. People want to create a new disorder, “mis-remembering”, to excuse his actions. We have a U.S President strenuously attempting to apply moral equivalency of radical Islamist and their actions of today to the Crusades of over a thousands years ago, Christendom, and Jim Crowe and slavery…at the National Prayer Breakfast. Really? Due to the government redefining marriage, we have acts such as women who marry themselves. Approximately 300 hundred youths storm a theater and goes on stealing spree. More Americans and U.S citizens are existing solely on the grace of the federal government than at any time before. And the architect of Obamacare admits that gross lies, deception, and manipulation, with Mr. Obama as a main accomplice, paved the way for its passage into law. And the story is buried deeper than the City of Atlantis by the Established Media.

The other day I heard a phrase that clearly defines this area that we as a nation have entered, “the age of acceptance”. This movement has been revealed in a Gallop Poll. We have entered a time where there is no concept of absolutes regarding one’s actions and moral behavior. One’s concept of right and wrong is solely defined by their personal boundaries, or that of popular identification. The notion of being guided by religious moral principles have been driven from the public square to be only exercised in one’s home or place of worship.

The abolition of moral clarity governed by traditional Judeo-Christian principles appears to be targeted at the young. Lets face it, those of us who where raise up in the 1960’s and prior had a strong sense of moral bounds instilled in us, mainly by our parents, then the church, and then by society and the government. Today, that order has been completely flipped. A Pew Survey revealed just how little significance religion has amongst the young of today in America. David Brooks of the New York Times, wrote an article Why Young Americans Can’t Think Morally. In Mr. Brook’s article it astonishingly stated that of those aged 18-23, “Moral thinking didn’t enter the picture, even when considering things like drunken driving, cheating in school or cheating on a partner.”…The default position, which most of them came back to again and again, is that moral choices are just a matter of individual taste.”… and that “Morality was once revealed, inherited and shared, but now it’s thought of as something that emerges in the privacy of your own heart.

The separation of the historical foundation of Christian principles and moral guidance and the success of this nation, particularly by the young, is of critical importance to the survival of this nation as a free and prosperous nation.

The notion that there is no connection or correlation between traditional Judeo-Christian principles and the phenomenal success of a nation of less than 300 years old is a truly new concept. Alexis de Tocqueville, 1800’s political thinker and historian, said of the secret of America, “I sought for the key to the greatness of America in her harbors; in her fertile fields and boundless forests; in her rich mines and vast world commerce; in her public school system and institutions of learning. I sought for it in her democratic Congress and in her matchless Constitution. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America ceases to be great.” Former Democrat U.S President Harry Truman, who would arguably be considered a social conservative today, and thus be shunned from the Party, said, “The fundamental basis of this nation’s laws was given to Moses on the Mount. The fundamental basis of our Bill of Rights comes from the teachings we get from Exodus and Saint Matthew, from Isaiah and Saint Paul. I don’t think we emphasize that enough these days. If we don’t have a proper fundamental moral background, we will finally end up with a totalitarian government which does not believe in rights for anybody except the State. And Founder James Madison said, “We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future…upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to sustain ourselves, according to the Ten Commandments of God.”

There is a firestorm that is slowly siphoning the life out of this nation. If secularism, the notion that morality is to be governed loosely via what tastes good, what looks good, sounds good, or what feels good, I do not think that its too far a stretch to believe that any belief in the survival of this nation’s prosperity and light for those seeking to be free, without a clear and unrelenting stance on the tried and true moral principles of Judeo-Christendom, shall be extinguished.

It is up to us to choose.

Conformity Of Thought Continues To Erode America’s Fundamental Freedoms Unabated

Pope Benedict XVI said during an Italian Bishop’s Conference in 2010, “that we need to be more critical of the information we get from the Web … that Net surfers ought to be wary of the “dangers of conformity, of control, of moral and intellectual relativism, which can already be recognized in the decline of critical spirit.” Was he ever speaking the truth on that.

After the most recent dust-up over the recorded conversation of the Owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, Donald Sterling, that may cost him not only banishment from the league, over $2 million in fines, but being forced to sale his team, that he has owned since 1981. All because he made some extremely insensitive and bigoted remarks regarding Black-Americans and their relationship with his “girlfriend”, that were made very public. Though I am certainly not condoning or defending Mr. Sterling, what I am questioning seriously is the circumstances surrounding all the commotion. I too question the extreme rush of public persecution, via the 24 hr Media complex, of someone who made statements that were meant to be private, that did not directly hurt anyone, threaten their lives, liberties, nor property, that which he is being accused. But yet, it is an emotionally charge public, whipped-up by the Establishment Media, that seeks to threaten his property-the L.A Clippers. As indefensible as what he was recorded to have said, was this the first time that he has uttered such remarks, displayed such actions or mannerism? Public records say no. Is he the only owner of an American sports team who may harbor such views or opinions? I bet you not. So even the most passive observer should question, why him? Why now? And why in such a public manner? And why is there no effort to comprehensively educate not only him and people like him with similar views, but the public at large, of the real underline issues that causes such mistrust and fear of people who may be of a different ethnic, political, gender, or philosophical persuasion. There seems to be a rush to public crucify anyone of a particular sect in our society who simply have a different point of view and or opinion.

Just as in other recent emotionally charged public executions of individuals for simply what they say or have said or expressions such as, Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson, Ex Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich, and in even less publicized suppression of seemingly intolerable expression such as, American students not being allowed to wear the Stars and Strips during Cinco De Mayo…in California, a bakery was forced to close for refusing to bake a cake for a same-sex couple, and most of all any expression of displeasure or indifference with Mr. Obama or his policies its racist. There are just some actions, speech, and expressions that just will not be tolerated. But interestingly, it only seems to favor the politically liberal progressive ideology. It’s similar to Pavlov’s Dog Experiment, where we as a nation are being conditioned to react to certain stimuli strictly based on emotional triggers.

Van Jones has admitted to being an out-right communist, he gets appointed as a “Czar” for Mr. Obama and then gets a job on CNN and Al Sharpton has called Caucasians “Crackers”, he gets several jobs on MSNBC. No one in the Media says anything. Mr. Obama hangs an ornament of former Communist China leader Mao on the nation’s Christmas Tree his first year in. Barely a peep is heard. A lesbian JUDGE refuses to officiate a heterosexual marriage. No 24 hr uproar by the Establishment Media. Senator Reid in 2008 said, that Mr. Obama was electable because he was “light-skinned” and has “no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.” The Media was on snooze. And lets not forget Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the longtime pastor and mentor of Mr. Obama for many years, has said some very insensitive and some would say bigoted things towards America and Caucasians. Yet the Media shows no interest in learning more about his rational, and even more important his relationship with the man who is now in the seat of the Presidency of the United States?. Huumm… Really? Do we as a nation now only view morality and right and wrong through the prism of political correctness or color of skin, sexual persuasion, and political persuasion, rather than conscious?

Why is it that in today’s America those who have a conservative political and social point of view fear having their views known and expressed?  Why is it that just the mention of Fox News draw laughter and groans from audiences on late nite TV shows?  and why is it that conservative points of view being suppressed from college campuses?

The very disturbing path that this nation now finds itself is now even being voiced by members of the entertainment complex such as comedian Rob Schneider when he said during a recent CBS Chris Stigall interview,“Democracies don’t end well. We are sliding very fast towards fascism. It’s an ugly kind of thing. There’s this kind of mob mentality that we have to be careful of … There’s a polarization that’s happening…I do think you look can look at government and go, ‘Wow, it is out of control now,’ and if you do criticize or tend to be not directly along a liberal stand, you can get murdered.” Wow! If a comedian is boldly voicing such view points imagine what others in the entertainment industry are thinking and saying in private.  Lets keep in mind that we are talking about the actions of the man who sits in the seat of the Presidency of the United States and the future of a nation that was created for free people to never fear expressing opposing points of view regarding the government.

We now live in a nation guided by a man who has since being placed in the Oval Office has truly worked to fundamentally change our country by aggravating our differences and suppressing and demonizing anyone who may oppose his agenda or policies. Under his reign, to have an opposing view of his extreme liberal progressive policies or point of view can no longer be simply graded on the basis of difference of opinion or beliefs, but race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual persuasion. Free expression and speech is being suppressed if it is in any way indifferent to that of the government. This is most disturbing to those who care in the slightest not just for the America of those of us over the ages of 45, but for those that are coming after us.

Just look at what is happening in Great Briton Paul Weston, chairman of Liberty GB, was making a speech that included remarks made by Winston Churchill that was not flattering of Islam.  Someone construed his speech as insensitive and complained causing up to 7 policemen to come and arrest Mr. Weston there on the spot to silence him. The political liberal progressive agenda has made conservative groups in our nation such as the TEA Party, the philosophy of the nation’s Founders, and anyone who dares to share such views, marked for extinction from public view.

It’s not a matter of whether I agree with what someone like Mr. Sterling, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Eich, Rev. Wright, Mr. Jones, or anyone else may say or expressed opinions. But that I am, as an American, is free to disagree with them without fear of being punished due to governmental polices or conformation of the nation’s spirit.  Alexis de Tocqueville said prophetically of the dangers of conformity of thought, After having thus successively taken each member of the community in its powerful grasp and fashioned him at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community. It covers the surface of society with a network of small, complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.” and 1930’s Supreme Court Chief Justice Evan Hughes said truthfully, “Our institutions were not devised to bring about uniformity of opinion; if they had we might well abandon hope. It is important to remember, as has well been said, ‘the essential characteristic of true liberty is that under its shelter many different types of life and character and opinion and belief can develop unmolested and unobstructed.”

The choice is ours.

The Sexual-Orientation & Illegal-Immigration Movement Are the Greatest Moral Issues in America in Generations: They will forever define this nation’s moral identity.

Here we go again. We are purposely being distracted from real issues that can actually bring this nation out of the worst economic downturn since the ’29 Depression to expend energies on an issue that wasn’t on anyone’s map before the Media and the Administration put it there. Kinda like the healthcare “crisis” that made it crucial for the government to ram Obama-care down our throats; or the financial “crisis” that made it crucial that the government pass the Dodd-Frank financial over haul with scant public exposure.

Now Mexico being located to the south of us and like-gender individual’s relationships have now been thrust up the sleeping American people for yet another “crisis” that the United States government has to solve. But unlike Obama-care and Dodd-Frank that will have negative economic reverberations for generations to come, the issues regarding the illegal-immigration, of Mexicans in particularly, and same-sex marriage is a seismic social earthquake of mega-tone proportions that will forever change the nation’s moral landscape.

The government directly creating a crisis and or creating the environment for a crisis for it to inevitably offer the solution to move the American people into a direction that benefits its longing for power and control is nothing new. A very good argument can be made that the move of many Black Americans from free man to slave was for the political benefit of the government, specifically the Democrat Party, in concert with big business and the Church. The solution of the government was then to prescribe a new political status and classification, Civil Rights and the U.S Citizen. And we all know how unified we are due to that. Don’t we?

Maybe its only fitting that we as a nation find ourselves again struggling with the government attempting to provide another solution dealing with governmental status and classification, whether someone is to be identified as being legally illegible to receive government privileges and how much the government can benefit from such illegibility. Don’t fool yourself folks the government increasing its tax base and expanding its power and control over its Citizens is what this is really all about. .

Several liberal Media pundits have already spilled the beans about how the government would financially benefit by reclassifying marriage to include same-sex persons. What many of us may not be aware of is the fact that gays and lesbians generally earn more money than Hetero-Sexuals. Also, it has been reported that reforming the immigration system would actually cost the Social Security Administration Billions due to the fact as things stand now though millions of illegal-immigrants pay into Social Security, the Administration doesn’t have to pay out to them. Wonder why we don’t see millions of illegal-immigrants demanding to be U.S Citizens or millions of gays and lesbians demanding to be regulated by the government like their hetero-sexual counterparts marching across the nation? Its simply because this is a government initiated cause. And when the people most of the several states have voted they have fervently voted against illegal-immigration and the redefining of marriage to include same-sex persons.

There are two facts that are indisputable regarding these two issues legally according to the government’s own law, and they are in Black’s Law Dictionary 2ndEd. marriage is defined, as distinguished from the agreement to marry and from the act of becoming married, Is the civil status of one man and one woman united in law for life, for the discharge to each other and the community of the duties legally incumbent on those whose associationis founded on the distinction of sex.” And according to theFederal Immigration and Nationality Act Section 8 USC 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii), “Any person who . . . encourages or induces an alien to . . . reside . . . knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such . . . residence is . . . in violation of law, shall be punished as provided . . . for each alien in respect to whom such a violation occurs . .. fined under title 18 . . . imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.” If these are laws and precedents that have lasted for as long as this nation has been in existence, and now all of the sudden the government itself is seeking to subjugate them, rather than have an open and honest discussion about them with us the people to possibly have the laws changed or amended, one has to ask, what is really going on? The government chooses to engage in dishonest, divisive, and manipulative propaganda.The government chooses to not reduce the red tape, onerous regulations, and massive bureaucracy that causes the horrific backlog that keeps so many wanting and qualified immigrants from LEGALLY coming to and staying in America, and not to rightly enforce its current immigration laws. And it chooses to not simply leave marriage defined as what it has always been in this country and dating as far back as Ancient Rome – a union between a man and a woman to promote procreation and a stable society – and create another political status, Civil Union, with its own governance and qualifications. It chooses to seek to have intellectually vacant arguments and attempts to redefine terms and words such as, what is is. What is a man? What is legal? And what is marriage? Despite the government’s propaganda, this issue is not about “equality”, but political status and classification for both the financial and political benefit of the government. As Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas truthfully stated, “Government cannot make us equal; it can only recognize, respect, and protect us as equal before the law.”

It is interesting that the one political party that has been the instigator in America’s most divisive social movements has been the Democratic Party. And like in the past, a combination of politics, big business, and the church, are instigative parties in these movements.  I’m not saying. I’m just saying.

The great hazard of frivolously and loosely choosing to redefining words and customs that have stood for generations and centuries with little regard of the consequences to the society as a whole is to question is anything sacred? Are there any longer any absolutes? Can we any longer definitively claim what is acceptable and not acceptable? How do we stand up and say no if no is no longer clearly definable? How can we then say this is right and this is wrong or that this is good and this bad? And is is is?

Alexis de Tocqueville once prophetically stated, “America is great because America is good. If America ever ceases to be good it will cease to be great.” This is what this battle is about. America’s moral soul. And how our next generations will view issues of morality. In truth, there is little light between what effects social issues and what effects economic issues. They are both of the same stick. It is only our fundamentally sound moral compass that keeps us from one day awakening to a nation engulfed in flames. It is ultimately up to us to chose.