
American Lockdown reset

How The Covid-19 Scare Is Masking The Great American Societal Reset

This virus scare has been used to drastically negatively alter the way of life for the American society as a whole, adversely altered the election of the U.S President, saddled the U.S government with unsustainable debt, and reset the wealth and power from the American people to the government. This will forever make America weaker and the American people more destitute in every way moving forward. And our posterity will forever curse us for the evil that we have done.

America in decline due to COVID-19 Scam

The U.S COVID-19 Response, Worse Than the Disease

As the American people enter the 7th month of what was initially supposed to be a 3-week measure to “flatten the curb” of the impact of the COVID-19 virus Pandemic in order to not overburden the nation’s medical industry has led ironically to putting the industry on life supports with the lost of 40-45% in revenue, equating to an approx. $500 BILLION hit in the first quarter alone.  And it has pushed a nation that was in January experiencing record economic success to a nation to where, that according to the Congressional Budget Office [CBO], the federal government’s debt to nearly an astonishing $5 TRILLION in the 2020 budget alone.

Republicanism still lives

COVID-19 Crisis Is Bringing In A New America

Today, I believe that we are witnessing the sun setting on the America as many of us once knew it from our founding and the too often regurgitated phrase and belief of this being the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.  Under the cloud of the COVID-19 Pandemic governments all over the world have grabbed huge fistfuls of power simply by edict, an official order or proclamation issued by a person in authority.