
2020: The Year That America Went Dark.

If the government can get so many of us to voluntarily surrender cherished liberties in mass at such great personal pain so easily, without much mental reservation or questioning or rebuttal, due to a virus that kills less than 5% of those who come down with it, what else could they get us to do?

young blacks with MAGA

Why Black-Americans Should Return To The Republican Tent.

One thing that has never sat well with me nor made any sense as I was growing up was regarding the relationship between the Democrat Party and the black-American Community. How can it be that the political party that is said to have freed Blacks in America from bondage and slavery, and protected it from segregationist policies, the Republican Party, to now be the Party that is hated and denounced by the black-American community today?

trump make america great again

Donald J. Trump, May Be The Last Great United States’ People’s President.

Don’t look now, but the latest version of “the People’s President”, Donald J. Trump, maybe the last great United States’ president.  Not since Ronald Reagan has a president with no Ivy League education, who was loved by the voters and intensely loathed by the Elites, both in the Democrat and in his own Republican Party, and the National News Media Complex

Baltimore's impoverished community

The Dilapidated Conditions Of Baltimore Are Repeated In Democrat-Run Cities Around the Nation

These impoverished and rat-infested communities did not become impoverished and rat-infested on their own. Drugs did not just start flooding the streets on their own. Parents, particularly the fathers, did not just abandon their families on their own. And investments just do not come to a community where a financial return can be gained. Conditions have to be purposely created. Once you kill the family, as did the changing of Title 5, and flood the streets with government “assistance”, you kill the community and the souls of those who dwell there. The handprints of the Democrat Party can be found on the necks of every black-American, or minority, community’s decaying corpse from the east coast to the west and from lake Michigan to the Mississippi River.

Trump v Obama

The Media Unabashedly Disrobes To Show It’s Left Bias In Treatment Of Trump Coverage v Obama

The American Establishment Media is more than shameful and heinously derelict in its duty to provide the people of America true, honest, and unbiased reporting, particularly when it comes to its political leaders. Jefferson is given credit for challenging the American people that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.